
I Can Turn Into A Dragon!

Devin Merridale was fishing in a river in the woods, when he suddenly pulled out a...

Lord_Vancheltz · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Onward To Emerald Palace Academy!

The week went by in a flash, and before I knew it the day has arrived. It's time for me to get ready to go to the academy. Putting on the green jacket, pants and shoes, I feel like a leprechaun not a mighty dragon. Standing in front of me, my grandpa finished drawing a transfer circle to transfer us to the academy. Now my grandpa, my grandma and I are all standing inside of the circle and grandpa poured his Qi into the center. With a flash of light, we were suddenly standing in the middle of a massive room full of jade pillars supporting the ceiling, and the floor made of pure white jade. Everything is made of jade! The amount of wealth to build this place is staggering! Clearing his throat grandpa tugged on my sleeve and told me to follow him. We exited the room we were in and exited into a gigantic hallway made of the same material as before but lined with paintings and other works of art.

Following along the hallway, we eventually stopped outside of a large set of pure emerald green jade doors and my grandpa knocked before saying, "Old man open up! I've brought my grandson to attend your school. Aren't you so lucky?" A mighty voice roared out saying, "Come in you senile old fool! You've kept me waiting." Upon entering, I found myself looking at a man that appeared to be in his 40s with long blood red hair and crimson eyes. Wearing a crimson cloak with an emerald badge on it, he walked up to me and sized me up. Gasping in shock, his head swiveled to my grandpa who had a smug look on his face, before looking back to me.

"Qi Refining at 14?! Are you sure he's not your son instead? Surely he can't truly be 14, because if he is then he's set for that class of monsters, S Class." After confirming this was so again, the headmaster of the academy finally introduced himself. "Forgive me for the late introduction hatchling, I am called Zyrus Fexis and I'm the headmaster of this fine academy. That old fool next to you is my childhood friend. Welcome to the academy, and as I have said you'll likely be entering S Class. But before that we're going to need to test your talent level, combat knowledge and purity of your bloodline. Now, are there any questions before we begin?"

We made it to the academy and it turns out that my grandpa is childhood friends with the headmaster. I'm about to undergo a series of tests that will determine my rank of nobility if I have any, as well as what class I'll be in within the academy. I'm excited and a little nervous, but I'm more than ready for what's coming! Let's begin the tests! Little did I know that the results of my tests would be spoken of in reverence for millennia to come. However, that is a story for another time.

Academy arc starts! This arc will last a while so enjoy!

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