
I Can Turn Into A Dragon!

Devin Merridale was fishing in a river in the woods, when he suddenly pulled out a...

Lord_Vancheltz · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

First Blood

After calming myself down and getting up to leave, wanna take a guess who came to play at the river? Well it's mama bear and her three cubs! Oh hell no I'm out numbered and out classed! Without hesitating, I turned into my dragon form and was about to flee when the angry bear in front of me launched towards me with a paw swipe. Dodging underneath its paw, I flew towards its jaw and unleashed an upper cut. My jaw dropped at the results. The bear was launched flying into a tree behind it and the two behind that before stopping. When I made it over to the bear, it was already dead! Instakill! Consume the bear at once!

Going closer to the bear, I opened my jaw and watched in disbelief as the entire bears corpse entered my body. Feeling a massive influx of energy, I knew that I was now 25 times stronger than a peak strength human male in my dragon form and in my human form I'm 12 times stronger. Holy crap that's insane! Suddenly, my size grew from the size of a sparrow to the size of a house cat. I'm only the size of a cat and yet I'm unmatched by any human in the world? Yeah right I'm no idiot. I know that if I can become a dragon, then there must be other supernatural forces in the world, like immortal cultivators for instance? I'm almost certain they exist, after all in my dragon memories they do. So, I can't get cocky with this little bit of strength. Anyway, what to do with the bear cubs? I won't get any strength from consuming them, so I guess I can just let them go. Taking off into the air, I fly to the edge of the woods before taking my human form. Walking out and carefully observing my surroundings, I hurry home. Ten minutes later I see my grandparents house and my grandpa outside meditating. Stopping about twenty feet from him I spoke.

"Grandpa I've returned and I've had a fortuitous encounter! I doubt even you recognize me now." Chuckling, my grandpa turns around and looks at me with pride in his eyes. "Tian Long, it would seem your name suits you after all eh?" After saying that my grandpa laughed mysteriously before growing serious and saying, "We must suppress your dragon energy, it's spilling out of you right now and will only invite trouble. Quickly sit down and cultivate according to my instructions." After sitting down my grandpa tapped certain acupoints on my body and traced my meridians. Following the pathways traced by my grandpa, I allowed my dragon energy to flow through these pathways until I felt my power contain itself in my body and harmonize. With a breath of relief, my grandpa hurried me inside the house and brought me down into the basement which has always been my room. Once down there he instructed me to keep cultivating until I grow tired and then rest, and when I wake up to repeat it. Little did I know that I'm now officially a cultivator on top of being a dragon.


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