
I Can Turn Into A Dragon!

Devin Merridale was fishing in a river in the woods, when he suddenly pulled out a...

Lord_Vancheltz · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Center of Attention

After spending the night in my mansion, I stretched as I got up and stared in disbelief. There was currently a maid team of about ten women waiting for me with my uniform. Trying to back away, they giggled as they began to run up to me and in no time, my light green long sleeved dress shirt, my boxers, dark green leather pants, my dark green vest and a regular green cape clipped on with my badge of nobility of... PRINCE?! How have I become a prince? What's going on here? Slipping on a pair of black dress boots, I was ready to attend classes for the day. When I tried to protest about my rank, the maids said that it's correct. That I'm now in fact a prince of dragons. This will certainly make me the center of attention; not a place that I want to be. However, it's the role that destiny seems to have given me. I just hope that the trappings of nobility won't be that, a trap. Last thing that I want is to be restricted in my actions going forward.

Finished giving myself the once over, it's now time that I get ready for my first class of the day: Dragon Script. Also known as the written language of dragons.

Walking down the spiral staircase, I headed out the front door of the mansion and followed the team of maids to Class S. Along the way many women were looking at me with googly eyes, and the guys were giving me barely contained death glares. Apparently I am standing out even more than I thought. After walking for 20 minutes we finally arrived outside of a door with a sign above it in glowing gold words that said, "Elite Class S". I've arrived after all. Knocking on the door, I waited for the teacher to come out and get me. 10 seconds later a gorgeous, woman with golden hair and cobalt blue eyes, a perfect S curve body, and at least a D cup bust stood in front of me. Wearing a blue robe with a jade necklace and purple cape, she was colorful to say the least. Smiling at me warmly she said, "Welcome Prince Tian Long to Class S. I'm your home room teacher Mrs. Jade Seafire. It's a pleasure to have you in my class. Now come in and introduce yourself."

Taking a deep breath, I followed behind Mrs. Jade and stood in front of the classroom with a straight and calm pose. Looking forward across the room, I saw about 10 people in the whole room, and 8 out of 10 of them are girls. Upon seeing my face and my badge of nobility all of the girls squealed in excitement and the two guys flinched at their reaction. Smiling at everyone warmly I introduced myself. "Hello everyone I am Prince Tian Long it's a pleasure to meet you all as your Class President. I look forward to the next 3 years that we'll be spending together. Here's to making great memories together!" Raising my fist and cheering, everyone in the room followed suit including the teacher. Chuckling lightly Mrs. Jade stood up and directed me to the window seat in the back left side of the classroom. Once taking my seat the lesson began.

My first day went by in a flash and before I knew it, it was 4 PM and the girls suggested that we all have a get together to get to know each other. I agreed and suggested that everyone meet me at my mansion in two hours. Once this was agreed upon, we all split up to go get ready for the party. Once I was outside the classroom I informed my maids that I'd be having 10 guests this evening and that it'd be a party. They said they'd take care of it, and half of the maids ran off while the others stuck with me back to the mansion. Going inside I quickly headed upstairs followed by a single maid who helped me strip out of my school uniform and then I put on the outfit that was given to me when I received my badge of nobility. A golden cloak with an eastern dragon on it, a white long sleeved dress shirt, black leather pants and a gold brocade jacket. Wearing my same leather boots and clipping on my badge with my cape, I'm dressed to impress. Meanwhile the maid team were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. An hour and a half later the dining hall was arranged perfectly and a live orchestra was playing melodious music in the background. Tables with finger food were set up as well as the main center tables with all of the actual main dishes. All in all a very elegant affair. And just in time too because the door bell was rung.

When I went to go answer the door, I was stopped by the maids who brought me over to my small throne which had been delivered last night with everything else. Sitting down in defeat, I waited in excitement as everyone walked in gasping in amazement. Smiling from ear to ear as they entered the dining hall I called out to everyone and told them to grab whatever they want and not to hold back. The two guys Eugeo Estis and Hiragi Kunachi both gave me thumbs up as they attacked the food like rabid wolves. Laughing, I got up from my throne and mingled with everyone. We spent about 3 hours getting to know each other, playing goofy party games and just having a good old time. However, as the saying goes, all good things must come to and end. And so it was with some regret that I watched my new classmates leave the mansion at just after 9 PM.

Going over today, I had some very unique classes to say the least but they were very fun and I was not bored in the slightest. I mean come on, I am learning about being a dragon! This is epic! I was surprised how effortlessly I mastered the spoken word and written word of the dragon tongue. The teacher and my classmates looked at me like I was some kind of monster. Dragon history, the war of demons and gods, things like this were learned. However, tomorrow will be ten times more exciting: we're going to learn how to breathe fire in our dragon forms, as well as learn some basic dragon spells! I'm so excited! Compared to today, tomorrow is going to be so epic because we'll be learning in the morning and then we'll be having a mini tournament against the other classes in the afternoon to test our knowledge and skill retention. Now this is what I'm looking forward to the most! Hurry up and arrive tomorrow!

Why am I craving breakfast pizza?

Lord_Vancheltzcreators' thoughts