
Battling A Level 10

Kenji's eyes widened as he stared at the system message before him, a level 10 zombie was definitely not something that should be taken lightly.

"RUN!!" Kenji screamed, he barely had a plan for the upcoming situation, and he wasn't stupid enough test his strength against a level 10.

"This should draw everyone from the camp here." Zack said, there was still a positive side to this whole situation, and he was sure Kenji would find a way out of this.

"Just stall the bastard." Kenji said, thanks to his preception, he could feel the influx of zombies headed their way and was more than ready to take them out.

He didn't know why the zombies were headed his way, but he was guessing that a nest was about to form, and he knew he had no chance of taken on a nest of this level.

Kenji teleported before the horde of zombies headed his way, they were at least 100, each of them ranging from level 1-5, but nothing to give him a mad boost in experience points.