
I Can Copy Skills with a System in Another World [LitRPG] [Isekai]

Zero, in an unfortunate turn of events, was accidentally murdered in an alleyway with a brick. Waking up in another world with a so-called System buzzing in his ear while being trapped within a dungeon filled with monsters. Armed with the capability to imitate any skill or magic he's been hit by, Zero begins his journey in another world.

UMSaga · แอคชั่น
22 Chs

Return to Town

[You have slain a Skin Snatcher. +20 EXP]

Zero pulled his dagger out of the last remaining Skin Snatcher, letting its body collapse to the floor before stomping on the wriggling flesh.

"Looks like we're done here," he remarked, wiping his bloodied dagger on a random Skin Snatcher's clothes.

Kai nodded.

"Let's head back and report this to the guild," he said. "They're going to have to search the forest to make sure that none of them can escape and endanger any others. Our job here is done."

"Wait," Zero suddenly called out, remembering something.

"When I was rescuing those people earlier, I found a dungeon portal."

Kai looked at Anun, surprised.

"Was there a reported mana collision around this area?"

Anun shook his head.

"It might be because of whatever was creating these monsters," Zero pointed at a Skin Snatcher. "Was absorbing the mana coming from the portal. That thing was massive."

"Creating these things? So it's creating m-"

"I've already killed it."

Kai looked impressed.

"If what you're saying is true, then you could probably receive a rank-up from the guild," Kai remarked. "Irons wouldn't have been able to survive what you've been through, much less kill so many of them."

Great. That's one step closer to becoming a silver-rank mercenary. It won't be too long before I'll be eligible to enter the Dragon's Horn.

"And what of the portal?" Zero asked.

"Since you were the first one to discover it," Kai replied. "You'll have exclusive rights for the first entry. You can sell the first entry to the dungeon to the Mercenary Guild for a hefty amount of money."


"Or you can enter the dungeon yourself and hopefully obtain the first-clear rewards."

"I'll take the second option," Zero said.

"Are you sure? Entering a dungeon first has equal risks and benefits. You don't know what you'll encounter inside."

Zero did not need the money. After what he had seen and experienced, it was apparent that power was paramount in this world.

"Yeah, I'll keep the first entry."

"Then you had better be prepared before you enter."

"Are you two done talking?" John called from the back. "I have to get back to town to care for my horses."

John had no more reason to stay, as Harry had told him on the way here that the Skin Snatchers had already cooked and possibly eaten his horses. He couldn't give them a burial so he could only return home after killing some Skin Snatchers to vent his anger.

"Let's go," Zero said. "I'm getting sick of this place, too."

Before they started walking, Zero turned to Kai and asked, "How long do I have the first entry to the dungeon?"

"About a year."

He did not plan on immediately entering the dungeon. He first had to travel to Dragon's Horn to complete his quest for the saintess. Time was still ticking.

The four began traveling back, the journey uneventful. There were no Skin Snatchers that tried to ambush them, supposedly unwilling to chase after the group anymore.

A couple of hours later, they arrived back at Sunshine Town. The town was peaceful and serene as always, undisturbed by the outside world. Kai and Anun stopped by the gate to chat with Gato while John returned to his stables.

Harry, who was waiting by the gates, saw Zero and walked up.

"I've taken all of them to the church," Harry said.

"The church?" questioned Zero. "The same one that refused to treat that kid's sister?"

"The priest dropped his pretentious attitude real quick when that man with the beard told him his name," Harry laughed. "It looks like the Vigursa family donates quite a bit of money to the church stationed in Sunset City."

It looks like Anton wasn't exaggerating about his influence in the city.

"Come with me," Zero told Harry. "We have to report to the guild."

Harry nodded, and Zero led them both to the building. When they walked in, nobody paid them any attention, focusing on their duties.

Anata wasn't at the counter, instead replaced by a stern-looking woman with white hair. She looked up from her stack of papers when she saw the two approaching.

"Yes?" she asked. "How can I help you?"

"I'm here to submit my assignment," Zero responded, placing the assignment sheet on the counter.

She glanced over it, then began thumbing through the massive pile of papers on the desk. The woman eventually found the one she was looking for, taking it out of the stack.

"You've completed the assignment, I assume?"

"Well, not quite."

The woman raised an eyebrow.

Zero then explained everything to her, ranging from when they first arrived at Woodland Village to how he discovered a dungeon and rescued the captives.

"That's certainly an interesting story," the woman said, pushing her glasses up on her face. "We'll have someone go over and check it out tomorrow."

"If what you're saying is true," she continued. "Then you may be eligible for a rank-up. Check back tomorrow and I'll let you know."

Zero nodded and left, Harry following close behind. It was still the middle of the night, with a few more hours until the sunrise. Zero wasn't tired, perhaps due to his new constitution acquired from his stats.

Harry, on the other hand, yawned and blinked sleepily.

Zero took out some silver and handed it to him, saying, "Go book rooms at the inn for us. You take a rest first. I'm going to take a walk to clear my mind."

Harry murmured words of acknowledgment, took the coins, and walked away tiredly.

Zero then began walking, unsure of his destination. Ever since he was dumped in this world, this was the first time he was able to truly have a moment to himself. No fighting for his life or traveling somewhere. Just him and his thoughts.

Since he'd been in this world, Zero had been going with the flow, barely having any time to think. He was suddenly fighting in a dungeon and then after he finally escaped; he almost had to murder a little girl. And to think a few days ago, he was still on Earth, living a mundane life.

Although Zero never asked to be taken here, he was grateful for it. If the system hadn't whisked him away from his old world to this one, he would've still been bleeding out on the ground of a dark alleyway, possibly dying for good. Life was truly fascinating.

Zero also wasn't bothered by the loneliness of this new world. In his old one, he didn't have any family to speak of due to his status as an orphan. He had few friends, but they weren't particularly close. Zero was accustomed to solitude.

He wasn't homesick either, although he did miss a few conveniences on Earth that weren't available here. Aurim was a strange, new, and interesting world for Zero, full of excitement. Despite constantly having to fight for his life, deep inside, he felt a bit of joy in it. He relished the feeling of growing stronger. Zero didn't know if he was insane or if he truly didn't care for his previous uninteresting life.

Whatever the case may be, he was now stuck here.

Zero walked around silently, enjoying the feeling of a relaxing stroll. After all, he would probably be busy tomorrow, so he had to make the most of his time.

Zero continued exploring the town, not realizing that he had walked into the area in which Hiro lived. He was only woken up from his musings when he felt a soft hand caress his neck from behind.

Zero instantly pulled out his dagger, grabbing at his unknown assailant's hand. He gripped the hand and flung it aside, backing up.

"Ow," she said seductively. "That hurt~"

It was the woman from last time. She was the one who had given Zero his {Charm} spell.

Zero frowned.

"What are you doing?"

The woman walked closer, her eyes glinting a dangerous pink.

"How about," she breathed out softly. "You?"

"Screw off, I'm not interested."

"Wow," she said with a voice of artificial sadness. "No man has ever rejected me twice."

Zero had almost fallen for her tricks the first time. If not for the system, he wouldn't have known that it was an illusion created by her magic.

"How about it?" she asked again, winking. "The first time's free."

Zero ignored her, activating {Inspect}, curious what it would say about the woman in front of him.

[Succubus (Disguised)

Additional Information: A demon that preys on men, absorbing their energy as they sleep with them. Succubi thrive in areas with a heavy population.]

Zero sneered.

"A demon living among humans. How fascinating. I bet the villagers wouldn't be too pleased to find out that they're harboring a demon in their midst."

The succubus' face paled, dropping her seductive smile and backing away from Zero.

Zero hadn't heard anyone talk about demons during the time he spent in this world, but he assumed that humans and demons did not take kindly to each other. After all, the succubus wouldn't have disguised herself if they did.

"Who are you?" the succubus asked, face full of fear. "Are you one of those Hunters?"

Zero didn't know what she was talking about, so he said nothing. He pushed past her and walked away, with the succubus still staring at his back.

It did not matter to Zero what her intentions were; he did not care. He knew that she would be gone by the morning. She wouldn't take the chance of Zero exposing her to the rest of the villagers.

If that happened, even if she wanted to escape, she wouldn't be able to. Since she hadn't killed anyone or harmed Zero, he wouldn't bother with her.

Zero returned to the inn, bored with walking around. He had a feeling tomorrow would be eventful.