

In the year 20XX, a disaster struck the earth. It started from an unknown laboratory.A virus called the Z-Virus spread across the world. People infected by the virus become living corpses , undead.People called them zombies. In such world our MC Kevin was surviving alone.One week after the zombie apocalypse started Kevin was still holdup in his apartment ,when suddenly a zombie came and bit him. After that he fell unconscious.When he woke up he still had his consciousness.He thouoth that it was all a dream but when he saw the bit mark he was surprised. And with that his journey started.With his power to control the zombies he crush all who stood on his path.With his zombie girlfriends he started looking forward to what the unknown future has in store for him.

Dao_liker18 · แอคชั่น
20 Chs

Glowing crystal

Hello guys I'm back!!


After leaving the hospital Kelvin with Sara went to the place where the corpse of the mutant was.

He ordered the zombies guarding the corpse to make a way for him and he walked in front of the corpse.

"It really is dead."

Kelvin was relieved that the mutant is not going to wake up anymore.

After some time of checking he decided to leave.

"Let's go Sara."

He said to Sara.

But without listening to him Sara left his hand and crouched down besides the mutants head.


Kelvin called her.

Sara looked back towards Kelvin and pointed at the mutants head with her finger.

"What? Is there something inside its head?"

Then Sara pointed towards the knife that was hung on Kelvin's hip.

"The knife? You me to cut its head."

Sara nodded.

Then Kelvin took the knife and crouched. Then he stabbed in its head.

Then he pulled out the knife. Something was glowing inside the cut part.

Kelvin again used his knife to cut its head and took out what was glowing inside its head.

It was green in colour and it was shaped like a marble.

"Is it a crystal?"

Sara snatched the crystal from him and was about eat it but he was able to stop her in time.

Taking the crystal back he asked her.

"Why are suddenly wanting to eat it?"


in response Sara hnged with a frown.

"Do you wanna eat it?"

Sara nodded.

"Is it safe?"

She again nodded.

Then he decided to give it to her and she took it and ate it.

After swallowing the crystal she closed her eyes.

"Sara? Are you okay?"

But she didn't respond.

After about five minutes of staying like that she opened her eyes.

"Hey Sara."

She stood up and went towards a car that was parked a bit distance away.

Standing beside the car she pulled her right hand back and punched at the door of the car.

The door was smashed and her hand dug inside and made a hole.

"Wow!! Is it that the crystal increased your strength?!"

Sara nodded at Kelvin with smile on her face.

After that she came towards Kelvin skipping.

Kelvin patted her head.


'It seems that she is happy.'

"If it increased your strength doesn't that mean I can also increase my strength with a crystal. Maybe I should hunt for a mutant."

After that Kelvin and Sara went to their bike and left the hospital area.

Their next destination is the mall at the city center.

"We need new clothes since I only had this outfit and it got damaged from the fight."


At the mall in the city center.

The basement of the mall.

There were a few people gathered in the malls underground basement.

"Hey, John hasn't came back yet."

"Yeah It has been two hours since he went out."

"What do you think Iris? Could it be that he died out there?"

"Hey! Don't talk about death like that. What if you jinx it Andrew?"

"But I mean it has already been two hours. He usually doesn't take more then an hour to get supplies."

Among those few peoples two - a man and a woman - were talking among themselves.

The woman name was Iris having long black hair and brown eyes and the man was Andrew with blond hair and black eyes.

"Think he is already dead."


*Sound of door opening and closing*

"Hey! Don't just kill me of , you moron."


"Yes , I am John."

John replied jokingly.

John was a man with short black hair and eyes.

"What took you so long?"

"Well, the numbers of zombies have increased so I had to take detour. All the short path is crowded by them today."

"It hasn't been like that up untill now."

"I don't know. It became way hard now to bring back supplies."

What they didn't know was that the zombies started moving because of a certain person's orders.