
I Can Build Anything

In this story, we will journey with Shura Roosevelt as he brought about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization.Though Shura Roosevelt had the system to help him, other kingdoms in his world will not allow him to easily move forward and advance, Those leaders will try to take the invented tech for themselves and kill him.Join me and let's read together. - Vote for more chapters. -

undisputed_shame · อื่นๆ
60 Chs


"Where will I get this additional ten million gold coins?" Shura Roosevelt asked himself in a low voice. He had already beckoned Eugene Perrin to return to his work and now, Shura Roosevelt was moving around the room in circles while pondering about a way that would get his ten million gold coins.

"Your highness, is there something that is disturbing you?" Tanya Belinsky asked with concern. 

"It's nothing much." Shura Roosevelt answered before he returned back to his seat. He didn't want to make the warriors around the room jittery because of his awkward behavior, he could think of where to get the money from another way. Another time.

"Phew! Hope so. Those guys from Magyo are reaching on our shores tomorrow. They said that they are coming with fifty ships full of iron ingots. What's the preparation?" Tanya Belinsky asked while eating a potato.

"Eerm... That would save us about our limited supply of iron ingots.Those guys from Litkesh have humiliated us for a long time but their smirk faces will end one day." Shura Roosevelt said as he pondered about the mission of mining the iron ore that the system didn't select as he had anticipated.

He knew that he would have the chance of mining iron maybe after finishing the oil project or a mission after. That was when the Litkesh kingdom would no longer be useful to him.

But wait, Magyo kingdom. Shura Roosevelt pondered for a moment. The people from Magyo kingdom were quite nice as compared to those from Litkesh, even if Magyo kingdom liked to fight between each other. 

Actually, those guys from Magyo were transporting iron ingots to them mainly because the war between themselves had come to an end for some reason.

"The crops planted by the warriors have now completely matured. Maybe if I can sell some output to the people of Magyo kingdom. I will probably get the money that I am looking for, right?" Shura Roosevelt asked himself in a murmur. Those people from Magyo usually buy food from them even if it was not much, but now that they planted much they could sell enough food to them.

One should know that Shura Roosevelt's palace was not left out during the planting season, he made sure to have crops planted on all government's farms. The government farms were as expansive as an entire Whiddiff city. All of that land was planted, so food was more than enough for Azuhai, it was so much in that it could fix the fiscal deficit that Shura Roosevelt was looking for.

Shura Roosevelt decided that he would also gift those merchants from Magyo kingdom some ploughs and carriages so that they could enhance their alliance. He didn't want to lose those merchants especially when he had this developer system that always gave him missions that wanted him to spend more money, who knew maybe another time, it would give him a mission that wanted a hundred million gold coins to finance?

Gifting the farming tools such as the ploughs and carriages to the merchants that came from a place like Litkesh kingdom or Ugley kingdom was useless, stupid and it would not be as productive as gifting the tools to the merchants from Magyo. This was because the people from both Litkesh and Ugley already knew the tech behind the production of the ploughs and carriages but to the people of Magyo who lived far away, it was something new that they had never seen, they would surely be thankful and owe him something, right?

He better be prepared by starting to make friends with more big merchants especially the ones from Magyo who do transactions going for millions of gold coins. As for the copyright of his items made, Shura Roosevelt didn't place a copyright because the system wanted him to develop the entire Easten, that was why he would be gifting the plough and the carriages to the Magyo merchants without caring. He would also go ahead and ask the Magyo merchants to connect him with other big merchants who are much more reliable that those from Litkesh.

If the Magyo merchants decided to make their own ploughs, tools and carriages by coping from his original items , that was not for Shura Roosevelt to worry about. This was also the reason as to why Shura Roosevelt didn't stop the spies from Litkesh and other kingdoms from coping his designs in their kingdoms.