
I can't

A girl named Emma is living a really hard life. She gets a lot of hate, so she stopped going to school and she lives by herself. She is sixteen years old. To get rid of her problems, she mates with different boys her age. Would this still make her happy?

animesimp · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Boy 3

Emma went out to take out the trash. Her lips still sore from last night. They were puffy and red.

She saw a boy that looked one year older than her but still took him as an exception. He had brown hair with light brown eyes. He has a tattoo on his neck with a flower on it. His shirt was open so she saw where his tattoo stopped. It stopped at his stomach.

She saw that his stomach wasn't flat but that he had a six-pack. It would be sad for Emma if he was gay. But she could tell he wasn't because she saw a sexy-figured lady next to him. She was guessing she was his girlfriends because they kissed.

Emma went back inside her house as looked out of her window, as she watched the two make out, out in the open.

"They aren't embarrassed?" Emma asked herself.

Every time they kissed, Emma wanted him even more. She couldn't take it any more so she looked away. But his soft lips kissing the girl's lips were in her mind.

Emma went outside and snatched the boy from his girlfriend and put him on her bed.

"I evny her....you know." Emma said taking of her crop top showing her V-cut red bra.

"With you...kissing her like that....it makes me moan just looking at you. With your sexy tattoo. And your sexy six-pack. I love every part of you." she told him taking off her jean shorts.

She then began to suck his neck trying to give him a hickey when he shoved her off her bed that gave a loud thump.

"Owww." Emma said as she groaned in pain.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It's just that...your crazy." he told her.

"Crazy? I'm crazy?" she asked.

"How am I crazy when I have always gotten hated in school? Was I crazy for dropping out because they would always hurt me? Am I crazy for having sex with different kinds of men my age because of that?" Emma asked with her eyes wide scaring the boy.

"Oh. I didn't know." he told her.

"But it's wrong to seduce different kinds of boys your age." he told her.

"Seduce? I don't do anything put kiss them. They fall in love with me on their own. And so do I." she told him.

"You hypnotize us with your figure." the boy told her.

"No I don't. It's not my fault I have a sexy figure." Emma told him getting dressed.

"Don't do this anymore." the boy told her as he left.

" I can't not do this anymore." she said.