
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

Chapter 1- The Beginning

''Get the hell up, could've sworn you were wasted last night'' Gia shoves a pillow in my face.

Since when is she up before me?

I push her away and finally get up. Last night was tiring because Nathan and I hung out till almost midnight and I don't usually wake past 11, he wanted to spend the night but I said I would come over to his frat house tonight since today is the last day of school then we are on for spring break. I get off the bed and my phone beeps next to me before I can even look at it Gia already picks it up.

''So does he text you rise and shine you make the morning shine every morning?'' she asks reading Nathan's text for me.

''Yes he does, can I please have back my phone?'' I ask and she gives it to me and leaves the room.

I reply to Nathan's text this morning, the first thing he does every morning is text me and doesn't get out of bed unless I reply.

*Good morning, can't wait to see you today

I send and he replies in a minute

*Me too, I missed you with me last night

*Me too, I will sleepover tonight and every night after that since we will be on vacation

*I couldn't stop thinking about you wishing you were in the sheets with me

He sends and makes me blush a bit

*I will be tonight. See you at school

I send.

I get out of bed and head for the showers. I come out and brush my teeth then decide what to wear for the day. I'll just wear jeans and a t-shirt today since it's the last day. I make my bed and head out to see Gia still blow-drying her hair while texting on her phone.

''Gia! I'm heading out, don't forget to lock up properly when you're done!'' I yell.

''Yeah you can borrow my slippers!'' she shouts back and I know she didn't hear one thing I just said.

I walk outside and the smells and sounds of Arizona in the early morning embraces me and I'm glad the walk from our apartment to College isn't too far, it's about a 10-minute walk. I enjoy the relative quiet of the tree lined street that isn't busy or bustling yet.

The flat houses in the street are lined up neatly equal distances from each other and practically everyone knows each other around here. Mrs. Morrone waves to me as I past her house and she's geeting her kids in the car to carry them to school. I stop by the coffee shop that's on the way to college and buy a cream cheese bagel and a vanilla latte. While I'm eating my phone rings and it's my dad.

''Hey my little scarf, how are you?'' my dad asks. I told him only to call me Scarf when it's only around me, my mom and Gabe but whenever we're in public just call me Scarlet.

''Good, on my way to college soon, are you ready for work?'' I ask.

My dad is one of the cops for our area and my mom works in the front desk at Best Western Hotel.

''Almost but your mother is looking for her hairpin for the last 20 minutes'' he says and I laugh, my mom always loses things and it's so funny whenever she's looking for them, she once lost her keys and they were in her pocket.

It's been almost three years since I have moved away from home and started living here with Gia. My dad found the apartment and Gia and I have known each other since Elementary school and we wanted to go to the same college together and we are and we're roommates too.

''Gabriel come say hello to your sister'' I hear my father say.

''Don't forget to bring me a present when you come back from spring break'' he says and I roll my eyes, he reminds me about that all the time.

''Hi honey, don't forget to come over tomorrow before spring break vacation'' my mom reminds me.

''Yeah I'm coming before lunch and I gotta go now, it's almost 7:30'' I tell her.

''Okay love you. Have a great day!'' she cheerfully says.

''Love you too mom and tell dad I said the same'' I say and hang up.

I walk into College and I see everyone occupied in conversation with their friends and I see Nathan talking to a girl near the music room. He sees me and waves then walks up to me. He gives me a big hug then kisses me on the cheek. I'm glad we're the same height and almost the same size so I don't have to look up to talk to him or anything.

''Hey, you wanna get something to eat we got 20 minutes before class?'' he asks.

''No thanks I ate already but we can go if you want too'' I say and he slings his arm around my shoulder.

Three periods are over and we're in the cafeteria having lunch. Gia scares me from behind then sits down next to me with her tray of food.

''Guys we are the lamest friend group ever, we are the only ones who still don't know where we're going for spring break and spring break starts tomorrow'' Gia tells us.

''Hey I just got paid yesterday because my boss just came back from Ohio and I told you guys to find somewhere'' Joven says.

''I told Scarlet to start looking a few days ago but she just ignored me and started reading some stupid Chemistry textbook''

''It was Chemistry homework and I was doing yours because you didn't hand it up and it was due last week'' I clarify.

''Ugh you guys are so lame, now all the great places are already booked and we're gonna go to the places where no one even goes too. Do you know how that's gonna look for me? My followers are gonna go down and I'm gonna be a loser just like everyone else and then Cole wouldn't like me'' Gia says.

She's been trying to hook up with Cole for months now, he recently started college here and she can't take her eyes off him in History class and thank god it's the only class we have with him. She went to a few parties he went too and she says the next party that she sees him at that's when she's gonna make her move.

''Okay guys relax there must be somewhere that isn't booked yet that we can still get into, we'll decide tonight'' Nathan says and we all agree.

School is over and everyone rushes out like they just escaped a massacre as they are excited for Spring break to begin. Gia and I walk back to our apartment and pack our things since we're spending the night at Nathan and Joven's place.

''Are you gonna bang him all night tonight?'' she laughs as we walk down the street.

''Gia!'' I scold.

''What! why are you always so embarrassed to talk about sex?'' She asks me.

I'm not embarrassed to talk about it, I just don't really like too that much.

''I'm not I just don't need to tell you about Nathan and I's sex life''

''Why not? I like to hear the details'' she raises her eyebrows making me laugh.

''Well you're not gonna hear any'' I tell her.

''Who rides more? you or him?'' she asks .

''I do and he likes when I ride him from the back'' I tell her and that's all she's gonna get and we both start laughing as we reach inside.

I pack up my things and we get ready to go over to Nathans.

I walk inside his room and put my bag on his bed. We all head into Joven's room and sit near his desk so we can all search some empty vacation spots for spring break. Joven types in empty vacation homes for Springbreak. We click on the first few links and they are all booked. The fifth link really catches Gia's eye and mine too it's called 'The Compelling Adventure.' Joven clicks on it and it's just a page, there is no extra advertisement or information just the basics, it's just one dull page with some information. It's $300 for four persons for a week. It's in Arizona and every day there are a list of activites for each day of things to do in Arizona. We have to call a number on the screen for further information.

''Gia we can't call now it's too late'' I tell her as she dials the number on the screen.

''Spring break is tomorrow when else are we gonna call?'' she says and the phone starts ringing.

A man answers the phone, he sounds old, kinda middle aged or older and his voice is cold and strange.

''Hey, we're interested in your vacation package for spring break'' Gia says.

''You need to sure that you want it'' the man says on the other end and his voice sounds suspicious.

''Yeah we're sure''

He gives directions for the place then says be there on Monday and wait at the gas station for further information then hangs up without another word.

''Great! so we've got a place for spring break'' Joven says.

''You guys I don't think it's a good idea to go there'' I speak the truth.

''Why? You should be grateful we even got somewhere this last minute'' Gia says.

''I know but something's just off I mean the site is really creepy looking and that man on the phone sounded strange''

''Babe relax, you need to stop overthinking everything and stop being so paranoid. Just have fun plus I'll be there to protect you'' Nathan assures me and kisses me on the cheek.

''Alright you two get outta here and start banging each other'' Gia says.

Nathan and I start kissing as he closes the door. He sits on the edge of the bed and I get on top of him, my hands roam all over his lean body and his hands touch my lower back. He raises his brows and smiles wickedly as he pulls out the condom from his drawer then takes my pants off.

''Are you sure you wanna go to that compelling adventure place?'' I ask him as I lie on his chest, I like how his body is almost the same size as mine and he isn't that much bigger than me because I would've felt so afraid of him. I'm really terrified of muscular men because they look like they have a violent nature but I'm so happy Nathan isn't like any of that, he's everything I would want him to be inside and out.

''Yeah, once I'm with you it's an adventure'' he says and I smile.

''I know but couldn't we have looked for somewhere closer more public? a place more people know about?'' I ask

''Babe it will be fun and I'm sure a lot of people know about it'' he says.

''Okay good night'' I tell him and he tells me the same and falls asleep.

I lie on his chest for a little while thinking about this place 'The Compelling Adventure' we barely know anything about this place and I don't have a good feeling about it but everyone else does so maybe I should just forget about my paranoia and focus on having fun since this is our last spring break all together.

But I can't help but wonder why do they call it 'The Compelling Adventure?' and with that I fall asleep.