
I betrayed my body

ZenaJones · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Chapter 3

…"I'm sorry for coming at you the way I did but, it did feel like the best thing I had at taking a chance. It felt like it was now or never." I explained while softly dislodging my palm from his grasp.

I won't deny the fact that time seemed to have come to a halt for a moment when our hands kissed. The feel of our palms sent shivers down my spine.

I had gotten close enough to have a better view and assessment of the demigod who stood before me…and damn! Was he a sight to behold.

His figure emitted an aura of confidence that could not be overlooked. From the crown of his head, a lustrous tuft of ebony hair flowed down, embodying a face carved with sharp defined features. His probing dark eyes held a mystifying depth, hinting at multifarious untold stories. A strong angular jaw line accentuated his masculine allure, while a faint stubble added a touch of rugged charm.

His physique was an evidence to willpower and competence. every muscle defined and sculpted. Broad shoulders tapered down to a trim waist, creating a congruous balance. With each step, his confident stride commanded attention, as if the ground beneath him trembled in awe. His attire, flawlessly tailored, illuminated his commanding presence, while a tint scent of cologne loitered in the air, leaving an exhilarating trail.

But it wasn't just his physical attributes that captivated those around him. Beneath his striking exterior lay a soul that exuded warmth and kindness. His words, carefully chosen and delivered with sincerity, had the power to comfort and inspire. There was an innate magnetism in his persona, drawing others towards him like moths to a flame.

Such was the essence of this tall, handsome dark man, a captivating enigma from the crown of his head to the very depths of his being.

"I'm Emma…Emma Thompson I introduced myself. I saw you walking from across the hall, and I couldn't help but say hi"

If he was taken aback by her confidence, he sure had a good way of hiding it. With an expressionless gaze he returned her pleasantries. "Well, nice to meet you too; I'm hoping there's a worthy explanation to the stunt you just pulled" was he amazed at her? Yes but he was a man and he wouldn't let this woman have her victory as to whatever she had planned. Also it seemed everyone in the lounge were drawn to the mini drama that was in motion and watched with enthusiasm and bewilderment; who was this mystery lady who dared accost the most sought after bachelor in the city of Newcastle?…And what would be the outcome of such expedition? They were curious!