
Chapter 60 Alice is eyeing Kohei

From that night, Alice knew that her sister was dating Xinghei.

Moreover, it has developed to such a degree.

This made Alice angry and curious in her heart.

She was angry because she felt that her silly sister must have been cheated by Xingping, the smoothest guy.

Curious because she wanted to know what method Xingping used to conquer her sister. After all, no one knows better than her, the younger sister, how high Erina's vision is.

It's just that I've been busy with assessments these days, and Alice didn't have time to negotiate with Xingping. It just so happened that the time was relatively free last night, and all the freshmen were busy in the kitchen, so Alice went to find Xingping after developing new dishes.

Fortunately, Alice looked around the hotel kitchen, but still couldn't find Xinghei.

Did this guy go straight back to sleep last night?

Or did he develop new dishes earlier than himself?

So with curiosity, Alice came to find Xingping Chuangzhen early in the morning.

Sure enough, let her find it.


"I didn't go to the kitchen last night!! Because the new dishes have already been thought out, so I went back to rest directly...!"

"Sure enough...hehe, I guess There is nothing wrong!! Xingping, it seems that you are very confident in your cooking!! Such an important assessment, you don't test your cooking!"

Alice stared at Xingping closely with her beautiful eyes.

"I don't know what method you used to get my sister Erina!" "

But I want to tell you, my sister is not worthy of everyone!!"

"Today, I want to have a good experience of the strength of you, a class student. If you make me think that you are not worthy of my sister, you should leave my sister as soon as possible, or the consequences...!" Alice raised her head in a demonstrative manner

. Xiaoxiu Quan,

"Hmph, just wait and see!"

Before Xingping could answer, a weak voice came from not far away.

"Miss...it's almost 6 o'clock. If you don't start cooking, it will be too late!!" "

Oh, it's already time!!"

Alice looked at the time and was startled.

"Mr. Liang, I'll be right over!!"

After Alice finished speaking, she gave Xingping a hard look again.

"You bastard, wait for me...!"

After speaking, Alice hurried back to her console.

Looking at Alice's graceful posture of meticulously cooking, Xinghei's eyes released a light that men can understand.

Little girl, not only your sister, but you and I want it too! !

Don't let me go! ! I still haven't let you go! !

Sister Tweed! ! I get excited just thinking about it!

If I bring you and Erina together... that kind of feeling, it will definitely be a blast...

Thinking of this, Xinghei suddenly made an interesting decision...

Alice Girl, don't you want to see your own strength?

Then let her see what real cooking is! !


For today's assessment, there are a total of 8 venues, each of which is closely connected... In addition to the guests staying at the resort, Yuanyue Academy also specially invited the surrounding residents, staff of the resort, and The dealers who have a cooperative relationship with Yuanyue are all invited over.

The restaurants in the entire resort accommodate at least a few thousand diners.

Yin Dojima and other instructors announced the conditions for passing the examination in each restaurant.

"If you want to pass this assessment, you must meet the following two conditions!"

"The first one is for suppliers and front-line experts to evaluate whether your dish ideas can be approved by them!" "The

second condition But, from now on, you have to achieve the goal of picking up 200 meals within 2 hours!" "

Those who meet the above two conditions will be considered a pass!"

Hearing the instructor's words, many students showed despair and panic .

There are many people here who have stayed up all night and haven't come up with new dishes until now, and even those who have come up with new dishes are still exhausted.

In this case, the sales target of 200 copies must be completed, which is really too harsh! ! !

Many people secretly scolded the examiner who came up with this question in their hearts, but they also took action one after another.

Dojima Gin walked to Xingping's side and said with a smile:

"Xingping, I didn't see you when I was patrolling last night. Have you already thought about what to cook today!!"

Xingping has not yet answered, Another voice came.

"Senior Dojima is really cunning, he sent us to other restaurants on purpose, just to be the first to try Xinghei-kun's dishes!!"

Hyugako walked slowly from a distance, she pouted her mouth, looking annoyed The cute appearance of the baby.

"Hyugako, aren't you in charge of patrolling other restaurants? Why did you get here?"

Dojima Gin said very dissatisfied.

Hinata whispered:

"But people also want to try Xinghei-kun's dishes!! And there are school and restaurant staff there, so there is no problem!! If Dojima-senpai is worried, why don't we change the restaurant The patrol is over!"


Dojima Gin said without hesitation,

just kidding, you want to eat Xinghei's food, don't I want to?

Looking at Hinata's pitiful eyes, Dojima Gin finally said:

"Okay, then you can stay here for a while, but you have to go back as soon as you finish eating!"

"Really? Thank you Dojima-senpai !"

Hyugako suddenly smiled.

She stood on tiptoe and waved to the distance.

"Come here!! Dojima-senpai agreed to let us stay here for a while!!"

Dojima Gin looked at Hinata with a bewildered expression,

this girl, wouldn't it be...