
Seeking The Lamia

 As the the portal disappeared, another telepathic message was sent to him. 

 'Will my broods be fine?' the Matriarch asked.

 'Yes, there is nothing that will harm them, as long as they did not bother the other inhabitants,' Alros add as an afterthought.

 'In that case, should I enter this place of yours?' she asked.

 'I would like to ask you several questions first,' he replied.

 'Ask away,' the incubus could tell she is becoming slightly impatient. Being split from her broods in a new place must worried her greatly.

 'Do you know the whereabouts of the Lamia and Golem?' while the latter did not invoke anything out of them, the former caused shriek, one filled with hatred to come out from the Matriarch.

 'Why are you asking?' even with telepathy, Alros could tell her tone is cold as ice.

 'Because I am going to do to them what I did to you,' at the moment, Alros could tell the monster looked at him in disgust.