
Rewards For Elites VI (R-18)

 With her sex slick and wet, it was easy for Aridus' dick to penetrate inside her puffy folds. The former Princess let out a lustful moan, her body shuddering as another climax slam into her body.

 "Y-yes, more~" she said with a short breath, her breathing heavy and short as Aridus continue to pummel her inside.

 With how used Elezia was to Aridus' cock, her hot sex easily sucked his dick, before massaging it through the process of clenching and gripping the thick length.

 With hot groaning escaping the lips of the servant, Elezia knew she was giving her lover a great time. Then, the said lover decided to show how much more he could give by gripping her thin waist and slamming his hips to her groin.

 "Waaahhnn~" her tongue shot out like an arrow, drools spewing out as well with his cock penetrating deep into her, even hitting the entrance of her womb.