
I Became The Villainess

Lilyana, the kindhearted daughter of a Duke, always tries to do the right thing. But when she is set into a marriage with the cruel and arrogant Prince, her world is turned upside down. She is neglected and abused, and when she is falsely accused of treason, she is sentenced to death. Two years later, she returns with a new identity as Valeria the personification of revenge, hell-bent on destroying those who wronged her.

PenBeauty · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 3

The carriage was waiting for them, its polished wooden frame gleaming in the sunlight. The door was opened by a footman, and the duke helped Lily into the carriage, her mother following from behind in another carriage. The door closed shut behind them, and they were off, the hooves of the horse clopping against the cobblestones as they made their way towards the main palace.

Lily felt a rush of excitement as she looked outside the window, taking in the sight of the city as they passed by. The palace loomed in the distance, its towering spires piercing the sky.

Lily felt her heart beating faster as they approached the main gates. Two guards stood at attention, and they opened the gates as the carriage approached. The carriage entered the courtyard of the palace, and Lily's eyes widened as she took in the grandeur of what she would call her new home, ten times bigger than the one she knew. The courtyard was lined with colorful flowers, and there were fountains bubbling with water.

The carriage pulled up at the main entrance of the palace, and the Duke helped Lily out. The main door opened, and they were greeted by a butler who bowed deeply. "Welcome, Duke Nolan and Lady Lilyana. Please follow me, and I will take you to where the grand wedding celebration awaits," he announced.

Lily felt her heart skip a beat. She glanced back trying to find her mother, but her carriage hadn't arrived yet.

"Please follow me."

Lily felt a jolt of nerves as she followed the butler into the palace, her hand wrapped around her father's arm, walking side by side. The floor was polished marble, and the walls were adorned with paintings and tapestries. She felt as though she was walking through a museum and could not help but stare at the beauty of the palace. They passed through several halls, and finally, they reached a set of large double doors.

She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "This is it, my dear," her father said, gently squeezing her hand to calm her nerves.

The butler signaled two guards standing by the door who pulled open the doors revealing the grand hall. The ceiling was high and vaulted, with chandeliers hanging from the rafters. The hall was seated with guests, all waiting for the bride to make her entrance. A hush fell over the crowds as the doors opened, and Lily stepped through.

She felt like she was walking on air, her feet barely touching the ground. She could feel all eyes on her as she made her way down the aisle, but she reminded herself that her father was standing by her side, aiding her walk down the aisle.

The light shone through the stained glass windows, casting a rainbow color across the floor. Lily's dress was glowing behind her, the train trailing behind her like a waterfall of silk. Standing in front of the altar beside the priest was the man she was getting married to, her groom, waiting for her. For the first time, she saw his face, and her heart skipped a beat. He was tall, with golden hair and green eyes. He was indeed handsome, even better than she had imagined, but his eyes were cold and calculating, and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

She could feel her palms sweating as she reached the altar. Her father finally let go of her hand and gave her an encouraging nod before joining the rest of the guests sitting beside his wife, who had also just arrived.

The priest looked at Lily with a kind smile and said, "Welcome, Lady Lilyana," he whispered to her then turned to face the crowds. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lady Lilyana and Prince Alexander in Holy matrimony. We ask that the Lord bless their union and that these two souls may find peace and happiness in their new life together."

He turned his attention back to the two couples.

"Do you both pledge to take each other as your husband and as your wife through sickness and health, through good times and bad, to love and to cherish for the rest of your days?"

Lily's heart pounded in her chest but took a deep breath and looked into Prince Alexander's eyes. "I do," she said, her voice a whisper. Her lips curled into a small smile.

The Prince looked down at her, his expression unreadable. Then he said, "I do," his voice clear, enough to cause Lily's heart to flutter.

The priest smiled, then turned to the congregation. "It is with great joy that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Lily's eyes widened as Prince Alexander leaned in; she could feel his breath on her face and pressed his lips to hers. It was warm and heavy, and she could feel her cheek flush. She held her breath as he leaned in closer, and he pressed his lips on hers. Their lips met in a kiss that was at once rough, causing her brow to furrow slightly. His lips were soft, but his kiss wasn't. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on her lips, and she winced in the kiss before pulling away, gasping for air.

On the button of Alexander's lip, there was a tiny red stain, but it immediately disappeared when he pulled his lip into his mouth. Lily wondered how he had gotten the red stain; she raised her hand to her lips, and her eyes widened briefly when she saw a small drop of blood on her fingertip.

She looked up at Prince Alexander, but his expression was unreadable. He must have been so nervous that he didn't notice her injury. The congregation gasped softly, but Lily quickly composed herself, masking any discomfort with a gracious smile.

She turned to the Prince who looked at her with concern.

"Are you alright, Princess?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

"I am fine," Lily managed to say, but her voice was shaking. The priest nodded, but he didn't look convinced. He turned back to the congregation and continued with the ceremony.

As Lily stood there, still trying to catch her breath, she could feel Prince Alexander's eyes on her. She turned to look at him, and his gaze was like a piercing knife.