
I Became The Villainess

Lilyana, the kindhearted daughter of a Duke, always tries to do the right thing. But when she is set into a marriage with the cruel and arrogant Prince, her world is turned upside down. She is neglected and abused, and when she is falsely accused of treason, she is sentenced to death. Two years later, she returns with a new identity as Valeria the personification of revenge, hell-bent on destroying those who wronged her.

PenBeauty · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 1

"Kill him," a voice whispered, barely audible. A woman paused, her hand trembling as she held the knife above the king's sleeping form. She knew she should obey, but something held her back. She listened, straining to hear the voice again. "Kill him," it said, a little louder this time. And then, the woman recognized the voice. It was her own.

"Yes," she whispered, steeling herself for what she was about to do. She drew back the knife, preparing to strike. He need to pay for all the pain and suffering he had caused her. He need to die! Yes, death was what he deserved. She raised the knife ready to ready to puldge it into the king's heart. To kill the once husband that had ruined everything she ever loved.

Five years ago Lilyana Ravenscroft sat with her mother and father, Duchess Evadne and Duke Nolan, on the terrace, dressed in a simple white gown, a warm summer breeze blowing through the trees. The three of them were drinking tea from delicate china cups, and a platter of scones sat on the table before them.

"I have an important announcement to make," Duke Nolan said, his voice serious.

Hearing the seriousness in the tone of her husband's words, Evadne glanced at her daughter, then back at her husband. "What is it?" she asked, her voice betraying her concern.

The duke took in a deep breath, and Lilyana could feel her heart pounding in her chest. "I have arranged a marriage for our daughter," he said, his gaze fixed on his wife. "She is to be married to the crown prince."

A gasp escaped Evadne's lips, her eyes wide. "The crown Prince?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with disbelief. "How did the king agree to such an arrangement?"

"I have spent much time with the king, and he himself has offered his son as a suitor for Lily," Duke Nolan explained, sounding confident. "The king agrees that a union between our families would be beneficial for both sides."

There was a brief silence as the duchess took a moment, allowing the information to sink in before turning to her daughter. "What do you think, Lily?" she asked, her voice gentle. "Do you truly wish to marry the crown Prince?"

There was another round of silence; Lily's mouth fell in shock, her eyes wide open, holding a teacup halfway to her lips. Then the cup clattered on the saucer as she suddenly put it down on her lips. For a moment, both her parents grew nervous as they watched their daughter in silence, but then a smile played on her lips. She had always dreamed of marrying a prince like the one she read about in her fairy tales, and now her dream was coming true. Of course, she wouldn't let it slip away.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "I... I have never imagined such a thing would happen," she admitted, her smile growing. "What is he like? I have never met him."

"I know," Duke Nolan replied. He picked up his teacup and took a tiny sip, feeling satisfied with his daughter's reaction, for he had feared she would resist the idea of marrying the crown Prince, but it seemed she was quite open to the idea. "But he is a good man of character, and I believe you will be happy together. You are both young, and you have so much to learn about each other, but I have faith that this would be a good match," he added.

Lily's heart fluttered with excitement at the thought. A marriage to the crown Prince would mean a life of luxury and privilege, although she already had those, being the only daughter of a wealthy and powerful Duke, the most influential of the nobles. It would also mean leaving behind the only home she had ever known to lead a life of service and responsibility. But what the Duke said next surprised her even more.

"And I want you to know that I would not require you to go through with this if it's not what you truly want," he said. "I only want what is best for you, and I will support whatever decision you make."

"So Lily, what is your decision? Do you wish to marry the crown prince?" The duchess asked, smiling at her daughter.

"Of course, I am so grateful for this opportunity. It would be a dream come true." It wasn't even a question that needed to be asked. Many would leap at such an opportunity. Many would give anything to be in her shoes. "I do have one question, father. I am only sixteen; how could I possibly be ready to take on the responsibility of being a wife, a princess, and a future queen?" She asked, playfully sliding her fingers along the delicate rim of her teacup, a playful smile tugging at her lips, and her cheek turned a shade of pink at the use of the term 'wife.'

"Well, that is a valid concern. You will not wed until you are of age. You are still young, and we want you to enjoy your youth before you take on the responsibility of marriage," the duke said, a grin spreading across his face. "But if you still need to be prepared, you have two years to learn everything you need to be a good wife, princess, and future queen. And you will have the support of myself, your mother, and many advisors. You are already wise and mature for your age, so I doubt this would be much of a challenge for you."

As her father had stated, the next four years, Lily threw herself into her studies. She spent hours every day learning about the history of the kingdom, the customs of the court, and the etiquette of royal life. She read books on diplomacy and statecraft, and she practiced her manners until they were impeccable. She even took up horseback riding and swordplay, knowing that they would be useful skills for a future queen.

The years passed quickly, and as Lily approached her eighteenth birthday, although it had been a difficult year, she felt ready. She had grown into a beautiful young woman.

To her surprise and excitement, the day of her wedding was set for the same day as her birthday. It was as if the king had been planning this moment for a long time and couldn't wait any longer. Once Lilyana reached the legal age, the wedding process was expedited, and preparations were set into motion.

On her eighteenth birthday, Lilyana found herself adorned in a breathtaking gown, a delicate tiara gracing her blonde tresses. The fabric of her dress was creamy white, with intricate floral embroidery and beadwork that sparkled in the light. She stood before a full-length mirror, staring at her reflection in disbelief. It was finally happening; she was finally getting married. This was the happiest day of her life.