
I became the Villain's Unexpected Bride

“Where am l?” As my consciousness gradually returned, I found myself struggling with a tremendous sensation of disbelief. The world around me had changed, and I gradually realised that I had been reincarnated in a novel I had read in my past life. “...” “I am marrying... whom you said?” The gravity of my condition became clear when I discovered a surprising truth; I was about to marry none other than the story's wicked antagonist. It felt as if fate had conspired against me, delivering a never-ending torrent of disaster. “A villian?” In the face of this seemingly overwhelming situation, a glimmer of hope crossed my thoughts. Could it be that this twist of fate contained unexpected consequences? Perhaps, amidst the complicated journey that was ahead, I would discover untouched realms of joy and fulfillment. Alas, life is a tapestry woven with both beauty and regret, and the path before me promised no shortage of challenges. “I'm sorry...” “Why are you sorry?” he, the villian spoke, his voice laced with a hint of sorrow.

kurunue · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Am I dreaming?

It's dark.

Why am I here?

No.Where...am I?


Am I?

As the darkness slowly faded, I was surrounded by a gentle glow of light. It wasn't overwhelming, but rather comforting to my eyes.

Through the dimness, I could make out vague shapes obstructing the light. I squinted, trying to decipher what they were, but they remained elusive.

Turning my gaze, I noticed more of these mysterious silhouettes, and as I looked down, I saw a blurry vision of what seemed to be... a teacup?

Everything felt surreal, like I was caught in a hazy dream. I couldn't quite grasp the reality of it all. I fixated my gaze on that teacup until a hand gently touched my shoulder. One of the silhouettes became slightly clearer, still blurry, but the darkness was no longer present.

It was a small and colorful figure, most likely a woman's. Her face seemed to be in motion.

What are you saying?

As I looked around, I noticed more figures, swaying in sync with her. Although I couldn't understand their mumbled voices, their laughter echoed through the air.

Suddenly the figure, no that woman, stood up, and I noticed it wasn't only her, other 'silhouettes' , now, some 'blurry figures' also stood up.

Without any control over my own body, I found myself standing up and walking along with them. The figures continued their lively conversation and laughter, and I was there but I didn't feel anything, as if sleep walking or some sort of a dream.

As the blurry figures dispersed in different directions, my body continued to move on its own accord. I found myself approaching a massive structure, resembling a large box. As I stared at it like a lost soul, a seemingly larger blurry figure than the ones before, possibly a man, came closer.

He extended his hand and bowed his head, gesturing for me to follow him. Without hesitation, my body reached out and took his hand, stepping inside the mysterious 'box'. I settled into a seat, still in a daze, and then it began to move.

The motion was continuous, as if it had a life of its own. It kept moving, and moving, and moving, never ceasing...

Gradually, my vision started to come into focus. I could now see what appeared to be a cozy little room. Plush seats exuded an air of elegance, while the wooden framework added a touch of classic charm.


I blinked twice, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. And then, out of nowhere, that thing came to a sudden stop. With a nervous gulp, I turned my gaze towards the small windows on the side, feeling confused.

I reached for the door, eager to escape that thing, but before I could even touch it, a person appeared outside and swiftly opened it for me. They extended their hand in a bowing motion, but I was too caught up with confusion to pay it any mind. Without a second thought, I attempted to jump out of that 'box', but my dress had other plans...I ended up taking a tumble.

When did I wear something like this...oww..that hurts bad

"My lady!" I heard many people exclaim

I could see clearly now, nothing was out of focus, it wasn't just a dream. My knee throbbed in pain from the fall.

I turned my gaze back to the contraption I had tumbled out of. To my surprise, it was a... carriage?

The man who had previously bowed now crouched down and inquired, "Are you alright, my lady?"

I nodded, but as he reached out to assist me, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me, and... I ended up sleeping for the entire day.

Ugh...my head hurts...


I hauled myself up from the bed, my legs wobbly as I attempted to walk. I had to get to the kitchen, my parched tongue needed water. Despite the lingering dizziness, I followed the guidance of my brain and managed to reach a door. With a determined effort, I swung it open.

"My lady!!!" another loud exclamation startled me.

Instead of finding it odd to be addressed as 'my lady,' my immediate reaction was to snap back with annoyance.


But before I could fully comprehend what was happening, a sudden thud echoed through the air, and I found myself falling once again. The sound of numerous footsteps grew louder as they approached me.

"My lady, you shouldn't be venturing out like this. You're still weak" a concerned female voice spoke.

Why does she keep calling me 'my lady'? And what is this woman doing in my house?

All sorts of thoughts raced through my mind as I took a sip of water, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the silverware.

I gulped down the rest of the water and exclaimed, "Mirror, mirror!!!"

The woman who had given me the water hurriedly fetched a mirror.

But the face staring back at me wasn't my own. It was a stranger, someone I didn't recognize. With apple green eyes, porcelain skin, and reddish ginger hair... she was undeniably beautiful.

Hold on... hold on... waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!

This isn't me!!!

What is happening?

Tears streamed down my face as fear consumed me. The maids looked bewildered and concerned. The maid who had given me the mirror and water appeared genuinely worried, trying her best to comfort me. It felt like everything was spiraling into chaos.

After nearly two hours of trying to calm down, I was served food in bed. Even though I was still scared, I realized that crying will not solve anything. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to me.

I vividly recall being in an accident. It was a mistake to agree to go hiking during such a treacherous season. But now, I find myself questioning everything. Could it be that I've somehow traveled through time? And to add to the confusion, why am I inhabiting someone else's body? These thoughts swirled in my mind, overwhelming me and intensifying the pounding headache I couldn't shake off.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a maid burst into the room, exclaiming, "My lady, Her Grace is here to see you"

"Her Grace?" I questioned, my curiosity piqued.

Without a moment's hesitation, a woman rushed into the room. Her expression was filled with worry, but what caught my attention even more was her breathtaking beauty. She surpassed the person whose body I currently inhabited by a thousandfold.

She had stunning long gold locks that cascaded down her shoulders, and her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of light purple. Her skin was flawless, and she was wearing a gorgeous purple dress that perfectly complemented her eye color. She truly looked absolutely stunning.

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence. It was as if all my worries and headaches had vanished in an instant.

That pretty lady came rushing towards me, wrapping me up in a tight hug. I was completely taken aback. Who on earth could this be?

"Ellie..." she said, her voice filled with concern.

"Goodness gracious, why won't you give it a rest? Starving yourself won't solve a thing. Look at you, you've been unconscious all day" now her concerned voice showed a hint of anger, she was scolding me.

I blinked twice, unable to comprehend this situation.


The reason why I fainted...didn't it have anything to do with me taking this body?

But it happened cause this person starved?


Although I was quiet on the outside, my thoughts were a mess. I could feel my headache returning.

"Ellie, I've spoken with Cedar. He's agreed to your departure on the fifth day of next week. However, I strongly advise you to consider having more knights accompany you for safety. I don't mean to imply danger, but it's a precautionary measure" the woman said, her voice gentle yet insistent, though my attention drifted elsewhere.

Cedar? Why does that name sound familiar?

"Ellie...?" she called again, pulling me back to the conversation.

Oops, I zoned out

"It's alright" I replied with a reassuring smile, though her expression turned solemn at my response.

Did I say something wrong? What did she ask me?

The woman gently stroked my head and spoke again, "Ellie, take some more time to rest. I'll inform your brother about our conversation. Don't overexert yourself, okay?"

With that, she left.

I tilted my head, still perplexed by our conversation. Yet, with other concerns occupying my mind, I pushed it aside for the moment.

It was evening time. I had been feeling better so I woke up and took a bath, it was quite shocking when the maids said to help me with the bath, but I guess that's how the rich people did in the past?

I had just finished my bath, when a servant came to my room.

"My lady, would you prefer to have dinner in the dining hall or shall I bring in to your room" the servant asked his head straight but eyesight cast downwards.

The dining hall? That must mean there would be other people from this place there right? No matter how uncomfortable it is, I shouldn't miss the chance to learn about this place, afterall I've been in this bedroom for whole two days now, who knows how long I might stay in this body

"Dining Hall." I said with a simple tone

"Yes, my lady" the servant left

After some time, the maid who is beside me most of the time, came to me and asked while slightly bowing her head, "My lady, dinner would be served soon, shall we leave for the dining hall?"

"Huh? Oh..yes.. let's go" I replied

This is the first time I'm leaving this room.

I thought and the maid opened the door. We walked for about 5 some minutes, and now I was in front of the dining hall.

This place is huge, and this body is so weak. Just this much walk and I'm out of breath.

I sighed and went inside the dining hall. To my surprise two people were already there, and one of them was that pretty lady from earlier that day.

...and the other person was a man...


That man was as handsome as much as the lady was beautiful. I guess, this is what you call...

A match made in heaven?

I stood there for a whole minute, admiring these two people's beauty, when the pretty lady spoke tapping the chair next to hers, "Come on Ellie, sit here"

I went toward the chair and took a seat. Before I forget to pay much attention because of these two beautiful people here, but this 'Dining Hall' was quite big. The table itself was long enough to fill in ten people...

But there's only three of us...