
I became the villain's follower

(This is an mtl, I'm just translating it) Travel to the world of an urban novel. Bai Zhou still complained a bit: "Why do other people always wear the protagonist, or the big villain, and I actually became a little guy under the villain?" However, Bai Zhou soon discovered that "bullying others" feels really good, even if someone comes to settle accounts, it will be blamed on his "boss". How comfortable is that? Therefore, Bai Zhou is going to go further and further on the road of "bullying others". However, things quickly got out of hand: "Sister-in-law...do you know how you do this? I'm just a driver!" "No, big brother, you are my big brother! Can you stand up and talk? Don't kneel!" "Good guy, old man, you are the emperor of the devil! Why do you pay me tribute?!"

THENthNARRATOR · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Teach the villain to pick up girls

Looking at Bai Zhou's back, Yu Biao, who was used to being domineering, also gritted his back molars hard. However, he didn't dare to hold a grudge against Bai Zhou. The dagger in Li Tai's hand reminded him that being impatient was not a wise choice.

"Hmph!" He could only snort impotently and furiously before turning and leaving.

Just after he turned and left, there was a burst of suppressed laughter from those around. Several subordinates of the Li family in the corridor witnessed the scene. Some even whispered:

"Hey! Look at Biaozi, he's gone crazy! Can't he handle it?"

"Hahahaha, yes! It's so cool. He always flexes his muscles to bully people. We have to call him 'Brother Biao' when we see him. We all receive the same salary. Why should he?"

Some people even imitated Bai Zhou's appearance, patting the shoulder of the person next to them and saying:

"Ahem, pay attention to your walking posture. You look like trouble from the first glance."


There was another burst of laughter. However, amidst the playfulness, there was a sense of envy in their eyes towards Bai Zhou.

That's right. They only dared to say hello after Yu Biao left, but Bai Zhou was different. In his hands, he held a token of Li Tai's big boss—a sign of a significant status difference between them.

In just a few minutes, the tables had turned drastically.


Li Tai's villa was still quite spacious. After several turns and twists, Bai Zhou found the side hall where Li Yonggang was already waiting for him inside.

Facing Li Yonggang, Bai Zhou wasn't as "humble" as he was with Li Tai, because Li Tai was the one he sought to impress. Li Yonggang was just a person he had "bullied" before.

So, as soon as he entered the side hall, Bai Zhou found a seat for himself and sat down.

The younger brothers of Li Yonggang in the side hall all stared at him in disbelief. They couldn't fathom why Bai Zhou dared to sit without permission.

Four of Li Yonggang's younger brothers exchanged glances, their expressions seeming to say:

"Look at him, causing a scene!"

"Didn't you see Brother Zhou calmly drinking whiskey when facing the young master's gunpoint!"

"Basic operations, don't make a fuss!"

Li Yonggang didn't show any emotion in his eyes as he looked at Bai Zhou. He waved his hand, instructing the others to leave the side hall.

"Yes, master."

The younger brothers responded in unison and quietly left the room, leaving Bai Zhou and the villain of the original novel alone in the side hall.

Li Yonggang stood up slowly, walked towards Bai Zhou, and said, "Thank you for today's help."

This sentence was genuine gratitude. When he had returned angrily to complain to his father about the incident with the Mu Hai Group's daughter, he had realized the severity of his actions. He had underestimated the consequences and was now suffering the consequences of his impulsive behavior.

Li Yonggang had been informed by his father about the importance of the Mu Hai Group, despite the greater strength of the Li family. Bai Zhou had truly saved him this time.

Bai Zhou replied nonchalantly, "When working for others, it's natural to give your best for the boss."

He didn't believe what he said himself, but Li Yonggang didn't respond to his words. Instead, he sat down on the sofa opposite Bai Zhou, picked up a bottle of whiskey, poured a glass for Bai Zhou first, and then took a long swig from the bottle himself.

Observing Li Yonggang's unrestrained drinking, Bai Zhou couldn't help but chuckle and said, "I respect your boldness."

Li Yonggang paused and then poured himself more whiskey. He spoke with a hint of frustration, "I really like Mu Qingqing."

Bai Zhou raised an eyebrow, wondering why Li Yonggang suddenly brought up this topic again.

Li Yonggang continued, "I, Li Yonggang, with my status, can have any woman I want. But this Mu Qingqing, she... she doesn't know her worth!"

Hearing this, Bai Zhou burst into laughter and responded directly, "Those women were attracted to your money and power or were afraid of your status. Isn't that obvious?"

Li Yonggang asked, "So, do you understand women well?"

Bai Zhou playfully replied, "Isn't it obvious? Haven't you noticed my wives, Rem, Saber, Minami Kotori, and Tohsaka Rin?"

"Tohsaka Rin? What is that?" Li Yonggang looked puzzled.

Bai Zhou felt the urge to give him a thumbs up for not knowing about anime and then answered Li Yonggang's question, "Mu Qingqing is the heir of Mu Hai Group, but she's a woman. To inherit her father's property, she'll have to work hard. Do you understand now?"

Li Yonggang shook his head, seemingly unsure about Mu Qingqing.

Bai Zhou gently swirled the wine glass in his hand, looking mischievous, and said, "Mu Qingqing is the only heir of the Mu Hai Group's chairman, and she has to work twice as hard to prove herself in a male-dominated business world."

These were all descriptions of Mu Qingqing from the original novel. Li Yonggang leaned forward and asked earnestly, "So what should I do?"