
I became the villain's follower

(This is an mtl, I'm just translating it) Travel to the world of an urban novel. Bai Zhou still complained a bit: "Why do other people always wear the protagonist, or the big villain, and I actually became a little guy under the villain?" However, Bai Zhou soon discovered that "bullying others" feels really good, even if someone comes to settle accounts, it will be blamed on his "boss". How comfortable is that? Therefore, Bai Zhou is going to go further and further on the road of "bullying others". However, things quickly got out of hand: "Sister-in-law...do you know how you do this? I'm just a driver!" "No, big brother, you are my big brother! Can you stand up and talk? Don't kneel!" "Good guy, old man, you are the emperor of the devil! Why do you pay me tribute?!"

THENthNARRATOR · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

No 3. Heroine

"Come out of Li Tai's villa.

It's past ten o'clock in the evening.

But for Shanghai, the real nightlife has just begun.

However, Bai Zhou, a 'healthy boy' with a very regular schedule, has already started to yawn and feel sleepy.

After seeing Bai Zhou driving away in the Mercedes-Benz S600L, Li Yonggang immediately greeted his younger brother and said:

'Order me a bouquet of roses! Tomorrow morning, I'm going to Mu Qingqing to apologize.'

'Ah?! Apologize?!' The younger brother who received the instruction was stunned and subconsciously exclaimed.


After being kicked out by Li Yonggang, the younger brother still looked confused.

'What did brother Zhou say to the young master just now?!' 'You just kidnapped Mu Qingqing today, and you're going to come to apologize tomorrow?' 'What kind of operation is this? Why don't people type it out?!'

How could he know.

This is what Bai Zhou told Li Yonggang.

For a poor woman like Mu Qingqing who 'shoulders a heavy burden', what she needs most is 'companionship'.

Because 'accompanying is the longest confession of love'.

When he said this, Bai Zhou felt like he could pick out a three-bedroom and one living room with his toes.

However, Li Yonggang believed it!

I am also very grateful to Bai Zhou for providing him with new ideas for chasing girls.

However, Bai Zhou just wanted to fool the big villain.

Add a little fun to life.

But Bai Zhou firmly believes that no matter how Li Yonggang 'accompanies' him, he 'influences' Mu Qingqing.

Even Mu Qingqing looked down on him.

Because he knew that Mu Qingqing didn't like children from big families, rich second generations, and the like.

Otherwise, with so many good men in the world, why did he become the head of a security captain's harem?

However, isn't it interesting to toss about the security captain and the original villain?

Although Bai Zhou drank some wine, he didn't drink much.

Driving on the streets of Shanghai, how many people dare to stop this iconic license plate number starting with LT?

Bai Zhou drove the car towards the place where he lived in his memory.

The scene around this road became more and more familiar the more I drove, as if I had seen it in the text description.

But Bai Zhou remembered it clearly.

The third chapter of Bai Zhou in the original book is offline, and there is no introduction of where his home is at all.

'But why is this place so familiar?'

With the driving of vehicles, the roads are getting narrower and narrower, and the lights on the roads are getting dimmer, especially for pedestrians, who can hardly see them.

A small and old road sign appeared, which said 'Peach Blossom North Lane'.

'Peach Blossom North Lane?'

After silently reading the name of the place, Bai Zhou's eyes suddenly lit up.

With a sound of '嗤——', a sudden brake came directly.

'I said, why is it so familiar? Isn't this the place where the male protagonist of the original novel met the No. 3 silly, white, and sweet female protagonist?'

'However... the plot of the original book has changed. Will such a thing still happen today?'

In the original book, Mu Qingqing was kidnapped today, and the original hero Chu Yun brought the police to rescue Mu Qingqing.

Li Yonggang ran away and found a scapegoat named Bai Zhou.

Thinking of moving to Li Yonggang, Chu Yun turned around to investigate clues about Li Yonggang.

This place happened to be the only way from that hotel to Li Tai's villa!

Just let Chu Yun meet...

Bai Zhou's original story hadn't finished recalling, when he heard a piercing scream coming from the Peach Blossom North Alley not far behind:


'Slap!' Bai Zhou slapped himself on the forehead with a helpless expression:

'Yes! Such a vulgar hero saving the beauty plot, it really happened!'


Faced with this situation, Bai Zhou didn't want to care about it.

I just want to experience the feeling of bullying others. As for Chu Yun coming out to save the beauty, it has nothing to do with him.

The screaming voice in the alley, of course, Bai Zhou knew who it was.

No. 3 heroine, a poor girl who came to work in a big city from the countryside.

Today should be the day she just came to Shanghai.

The name is also very rustic, what is her name Tian Niu, she looks like a silly white sweet.

Apart from having good looks that are not inferior to Mu Qingqing, the most important thing is virtuousness!

The one who washes and cooks for the former hero every day is Tian Niu.

Being stupid is really stupid, I just want to be by the male lead's side, but the male lead has the least affection for Tian Niu.

Just when Bai Zhou was about to hit the accelerator and leave.

A series of hurried footsteps came from behind the car.

Then, a thin figure jumped directly in front of Bai Zhou's car.

A face with pear blossoms and rain came into Bai Zhou's eyes:

'Please! Help me, there are robbers, there are robbers!!'

The mud on her face was already flowing down with tears, and she was wearing faded clothes after washing.

A package that was obviously mended with sheets was held tightly in her arms.

Tian Niu actually ran out from the alley? ?

But... the plot of the original book has been changed, Chu Yun will not come here today, but it's so hard to die, I actually came here!!"

At this moment of hesitation.


There were four ruffian youths who surrounded Bai Zhou's car directly.

Tian Niu panicked and leaned in front of the Mercedes-Benz China Open, tightly hugging the baggage in her arms, curled up, and panicked:

'Please, I really have no money! Please let me go!'

However, the four ruffian young men in front of them didn't look at Tian girl curled up on the ground at all, but looked at the Mercedes-Benz logo with their eyes shining, and one of them said arrogantly:

'Damn it! I never expected to meet a Mercedes-Benz in such a poor place?!'

'Huh?' Hearing this, Bai Zhou raised his brows slightly.
