
I became the villain's follower

(This is an mtl, I'm just translating it) Travel to the world of an urban novel. Bai Zhou still complained a bit: "Why do other people always wear the protagonist, or the big villain, and I actually became a little guy under the villain?" However, Bai Zhou soon discovered that "bullying others" feels really good, even if someone comes to settle accounts, it will be blamed on his "boss". How comfortable is that? Therefore, Bai Zhou is going to go further and further on the road of "bullying others". However, things quickly got out of hand: "Sister-in-law...do you know how you do this? I'm just a driver!" "No, big brother, you are my big brother! Can you stand up and talk? Don't kneel!" "Good guy, old man, you are the emperor of the devil! Why do you pay me tribute?!"

THENthNARRATOR · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Li yonggang changes sex

Yesterday, Bai Zhou also let go of the beloved woman whom Li Yonggang had kidnapped so hard. He even pointed a gun at Bai Zhou's head, claiming to kill him! Who would have thought, just one night passed, and now Li Yonggang has to wait until Bai Zhou arrives to apologize. Faced with this change, the group of younger brothers behind Li Yonggang were all confused. However, they dare not ask! Even if they wanted to ask, who would they ask? Li Yonggang? My young master? They dare not!

Ask Bai Zhou? Bai Zhou is holding Li Tai's "Shangfang Sword" in his hand! That's the boss's father's man! I definitely dare not!

This time, Li Yonggang did not come alone. He even brought a dozen younger brothers. Reasonably speaking, when Li Yonggang goes out, he usually has this lineup. A group of people walked out of the public parking lot in a mighty manner. Seeing so many men in black suits and leather shoes, the security guard in the parking lot didn't even dare to speak out. Hiding in his security booth, not daring to show his head, he was still silently chanting: "Cannot see me!" "Cannot see me!" "Cannot see me!"

It would be fine if an average person wore a suit. But who are these people? To put it simply, they are all bad guys! After putting on a black suit, they almost wrote "I am a bad guy" on their faces.

Bai Zhou looked at the vigorous Li Yonggang and said helplessly: "Master, are you going to apologize to Mu Qingqing like this?"


Li Yonggang looked back at the group of people behind him, not knowing why. He even asked: "Any questions?"

Bai Zhou rolled his eyes and said: "If you know you are going to apologize, but if you don't know, you think you are going to mess things up!"


Hearing Bai Zhou's words, there was an expression of sudden realization in Li Yonggang's eyes. He nodded to Bai Zhou with deep approval, and then said to the group of younger brothers behind him: "You! When you enter the Mu Hai Group, you will stay outside, understand?"

"Yes! Master!!"

The group of people agreed in unison. This sound made the people passing by all around look sideways. The guard of the Mu Hai Group not far ahead also noticed this.

When he saw Li Yonggang in his own suit and holding flowers, the guard instantly turned pale with fright. He immediately took out his walkie-talkie and said in a panic: "Captain! Captain Chu! It's not good! It's a big deal!!"

From the walkie-talkie, the original male protagonist's extremely magnetic voice came: "What's wrong? Don't panic! Forgot how I taught you?!"

Really, the first thing Chu Yun did after he became the security captain of the Muhai Group was to train all the security guards of the Muhai Group! The training method from deep mountains and old forests naturally made these security guards miserable. Many people rebelled against him. However, after the plot of the original book, Chu Yun constantly pretended to slap his face and also pretended to use various force values, which convinced these security guards to trust Chu Yun. They almost became Chu Yun's confidants. This is also the usual routine of the original novel.

However, when this kind of thing happened, the security guard still had to report it!

"Captain Chu! No, it's Li Yonggang! Li Yonggang has brought over a dozen men to our Mu Hai Group!"


In the monitoring room, Chu Yun, admiring the female staff in professional OL outfits in the office, stood up directly from the chair: "How dare they come to Mu Hai Group to make trouble? Wait, I'll be right there!"

With that said, he left the walkie-talkie and ran out of the monitoring room!

But at this time.

Li Yonggang and his group have already arrived at the gate of Mu Hai Group.

That kind of momentum has a feeling that strangers should not enter.

The staff coming and going at the entrance of Muhai Group avoided one after another. Someone even ran into the building in a hurry, and I don't know who to report to!

At this time, the guard who had just asked for help from the original hero, bit the bullet and stopped him: "Master Li, you...can't go in!"

"Huh? What?! You f**king..."

With Li Yonggang's character, even a small guard dares to stop him, isn't this impatient?

With a wave of his hand, the group of boys behind him can make the guard not even recognize his mother.

The younger brothers behind him also took a step forward, as if they were waiting for Li Yonggang's instructions.

But at this time, Bai Zhou put his fist on his mouth: "Ahem..." Just coughed.

Li Yonggang had just said "You TM" when he was interrupted by Bai Zhou's cough.

He glanced back at Bai Zuo, took a breath, and said to the guard: "Don't worry, I didn't bring people here to make trouble. I need to talk to your Mu Qingqing, Mr. Mu."


Doorman:! ! !

He gasped directly, and instantly locked his eyes on Bai Zhou.

In fact, he was already prepared to either be scolded by Li Yonggang, or be beaten up by this group of people.

Because Li Yonggang is such a character!

How many times before, I was taught a lesson for blocking Li Yonggang. Later, as long as I saw Li Yonggang, I would avoid it like seeing a plague god.

It wasn't until Chu Yun trained them well that he had the confidence to stop Li Yonggang again.


Originally, Li Yonggang had to follow what was written in the script.

Why did this man who was following Li Yonggang just coughed, and Li Yonggang... had a sex change? !

"my God!"

A shocking voice sounded in the guard's heart:

"Who is this young man?!"

"You can actually make the most famous second-generation ancestor in the capital so obedient?!"