
I became the villain's follower

(This is an mtl, I'm just translating it) Travel to the world of an urban novel. Bai Zhou still complained a bit: "Why do other people always wear the protagonist, or the big villain, and I actually became a little guy under the villain?" However, Bai Zhou soon discovered that "bullying others" feels really good, even if someone comes to settle accounts, it will be blamed on his "boss". How comfortable is that? Therefore, Bai Zhou is going to go further and further on the road of "bullying others". However, things quickly got out of hand: "Sister-in-law...do you know how you do this? I'm just a driver!" "No, big brother, you are my big brother! Can you stand up and talk? Don't kneel!" "Good guy, old man, you are the emperor of the devil! Why do you pay me tribute?!"

THENthNARRATOR · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Finally had a chance to say that sentence.

The law and order in the entire magic city is very good.

However, that was all a face project.

In such a place with few street lights, there is chaos beyond your imagination.

No, these four young men who learned how to rob others looked at Bai Zhou's car, their eyes lit up.

From nowhere, four gleaming machetes were drawn out.

While machete and machete, Tian Niu, who was curled up in front of the Mercedes-Benz, was dumbfounded.

She suddenly felt: "The city is very dangerous, I want to go back to my country!"

One of them held a machete and shouted into the car:

"Boy! Be sensible and get out of the car!"

"Hey hey, I just came out to play the tooth-fighting festival, but I didn't expect to have unexpected gains?"

"Get out of the car quickly! Damn, don't you understand?!"

While talking, he actually patted the nose of the Mercedes-Benz with a "bang bang bang!"

I don't feel bad at all, after all, this car is not my own.

Bai Zhou looked at the four people outside with surprise in his eyes and said in his heart:

"Are these four people mentally handicapped?!"

Just like a mad dog, who catches and bites whom?

Under normal circumstances, they only dare to rob weak women in small alleys where no one is around.

Seeing a Mercedes-Benz, do they dare to do it?

At least a little self-awareness, right?

"Crack!" Bai Zhou patted his forehead helplessly again and said in his heart:

"Come on! Forget, now we are in a novel world..."

All right.....

Bai Zhou sighed helplessly.

Picking up the dagger that Li Tai had given him in the car, he was about to get out of the car when he heard Tian Niu's crying voice:

"Aren't you going to rob me? It has nothing to do with him!"

"He is an innocent man!"

That's right, Tian Niu actually yelled such a sentence.

Just when she heard the voices of the four robbers shouting, she suddenly understood:

"It's over! I killed him! They were going to rob me of my money, and they have nothing to do with this person!"

How about saying that this woman is stupid!

Usually when encountering such a situation, seeing that other people's attention is not on me, why not run quickly?

How dare you turn the robber's attention to yourself?

"Gada" sound.

Without waiting for the response from these four people, Bai Zhou had already opened the door and got out of the car.

I saw a young man in his twenties and got out of the car.

The face of humans and animals is harmless.

These four robbers have already realized that they may have encountered a fat sheep!

That's a fat sheep! !


The four people's eyes lit up when they looked at Bai Zhou.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I hurt you..."

Tian Niu gives full play to the characters in her original novel.

It's not pretending at all because her personality is limited, this is her truest reaction.

"Boy! You're smart!" A young man with an unlit cigarette in his mouth waved the machete in his hand, pointed at Bai Zhou, and said contemptuously:

"Hurry up! Give me all your money, don't force me to search you!"

Bai Zhou looked at the robber in front of him, pretended to be stupid, pointed at himself and said:

"Me? Me?"

"Nonsense! Who else could it be if it wasn't you?!"

At this time, Tian Niu, who was curled up on the ground, got strength from somewhere and jumped up directly.

He ran to Bai Zhou's side in two steps, grabbed Bai Zhou's big hand, and ran to the back, saying in his mouth:

"Run! I'm sorry, I got you in trouble!!"

But after pulling it, it didn't work!

"What are you doing? Run!!"

Tian Niu is really anxious!

But the person who was implicated by him stood there as if he was stupid and didn't move.


Seeing this scene, the four young people laughed even more wildly!

The same young man from before pointed at Bai Zhou with a smile and said:

"Hahaha! Damn, are you scared stupid? Have you never seen it? Hahahaha, hurry up! Give me all the money..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt that someone was pulling him beside him.

"What are you doing?" Turning around, he said to his companion impatiently.

However, he found that the eyes of his three companions were all wide-eyed, and the expression in their eyes was... panic?

The companion who directly pulled him stretched out a hand, pointed at the nose of the Mercedes-Benz in front of him tremblingly, and said:

"You...you, look...this license plate number is..."

"Plate number? What's wrong? It's..."

While turning his head, all the arrogance and doubts on his face disappeared instantly.

The facial expression of the whole person was directly stiff.

Then, trembling started from both legs and spread to his whole body.

I saw the license plate number on it was "Magic A·LT006"!

The whole magic city!

Only one person dares to use the license plate number starting with "LT"!

Of course, this is also the setting in the original novel.

A compulsory course for these little bastards before they go out to rob!

It's "The license plate number that starts with LT! He's someone you can't afford to mess with in your life!!"

The young man with a cigarette in his mouth has already started to tremble:

"l...l...li...Li Tai...Li..."

"Shu!" sounded.

The four of them turned their heads at the same time.


Without any hesitation at all, they turned around and ran away.

I was afraid that if I ran a little slower, my life would be gone.

"Did I let you go?"

This sentence, this sentence is so indecent!

Bai Zhou has seen it in so many novels!

Finally, I have a chance to speak! !


"Did I let you go?!"

Bai Zhou's voice without any emotion came.

"Hey——" The four people who were fleeing in front of them slammed on the brakes just like Mercedes-Benz!

Even, on the ground, it seems that the soles of the shoes have left brake marks.

The entire dark path fell into silence.