
I became the strongest as the devil's plaything


Pinky_chan · ตะวันออก
24 Chs


William could feel how his skin and muscles started to transform. They became tougher,thanks to the iron. His bones started to change too, even his inner organs became tougher. If he were to fight the expert now. He would easily win just thanks to his defense.

But while he was cultivating the system started speaking. „I recommend to stop using this technique for now. Using it too much without giving your body a break can seriously damage it. So I seriously recommend to stop for now and begin in a week again."

William was dissapointed when he heard that, but it made sense. After all the technique did change his body drastically, so it made sense that it could be harmful if you didn't give your body enough rest in between. But he had gotten way stronger then before so he felt great anyway.

After cultivating he started thinking about what Brutus spoke to him about. Brutus told him that they didn't care about him killing the stoneguard family, because they weren't part of the military. Apparently the military was the strongest power, but there were many nobles belonging to small forces or no force at all. There is also the royal family which is pretty strong, if those 2 were to combine forces they could threaten to over rule the military. That's why the military hated the nobles that didn't belong to them. In their opinion the less nobles that didn't belong to them the better it would be for them in the long run.

So they were thankful to William that he killed the noble even if they couldn't say it openly. That was also Williams mission in the future to kill more nobles from the royal family or just the lonely nobles. Apparently this was a secret mission the military was doing, by slowly assassinating the other nobles it would always be the strongest power. William was shocked by those evil means, but it was too late for him to refuse and he wanted to kill nobles anyway, but he would need to find a plan to escape the military later on.

Of course William had to swear on a blood pact not to mention any of this to others. William had no idea what a blood pact was but apparently it was something that made sure that the other party couldn't betray you. Brutus was very vague when he described the blood pact, like as if he were hiding something. But William already swore on the bloodpact so he couldn't undo that now. Sadly the bloodpact was also super vague, a part of the bloodpact said that William wouldn't betray the military.

Apparently the military only used people like him. Strong lonely cultivators, if they got caught no evidence would lead back to the military power. It was an absolute genius and evil scheme that had 2 purposes. Enemy nobles would die and nobles would join the military out of fear, because the military would obviously offer protection to everyone that was joining them.

This way the military would gain strength while the enemy forces were weakened. This would soon, if it succeeded, make the military the alone dictator of the country. For why Brutus explained all that to William, it was because Brutus was simply that confident in the bloodpact.