
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

Chapter 1 Moonlight

"Sonja!" Lucian screamed heartbreakingly. He wanted to step forward and block the sunlight from the sky for her, but the silver chains on his hands and feet limited his strength. He could only watch his lover, pregnant with his child, being roasted into charcoal by the sun in front of him.

"Ah!" A woman tied to a wooden stake screamed in pain. The stone slab above her head was opened, and the sunlight shone through the gap, burning deep black holes on her body. But how can the pain in the body be compared with the pain in the heart. The father who loved her originally wanted to kill her, and her child had just taken shape, and had never even seen the world, breathed the air of the world, touched flowers, or hugged his parents, and was about to die with her.

"Please, save my child, no matter who you are, just save him, no matter what the price." As a mother, she would not give up any chance to save her child, even the most useless prayer.

"As you wish!" A gentle male voice sounded, and then the sunlight in front of her eyes dimmed. The originally scorching sunlight seemed to be filtered, turning into the cool moon at night, soothing the wounds on her body.

On the other side, Lucian finally broke free from the silver chain, grabbed the wooden stake that tied Sonja with one claw, and jumped into the deep pit outside the window with her in his arms.

Victor, who was outside the execution hall, had not walked far. Hearing the screams of his daughter, his heart twitched, but his feet walked without stopping. The vampires around saw it, and they couldn't help but sigh at the elder's cruelty, adding a bit of fear.

But when the screams stopped, Victor's eyes swelled up, as if he was about to cry. It's just a pity that after being a vampire for so many years, he no longer has tears, and he can't cry even if he wants to. He continued to walk forward expressionlessly, my daughter, are you leaving me forever? I still remember clearly that when you were born, I held you in my arms, small and weak, and you held my thumb with your hand. I thought I would die before you, but I killed you in the end!

Then there was a fierce shouting and a soldier in black armor came forward to report, "Elder, Lucian led the wolf tribe to rebel!"

"What?" Victor was shocked.


I don't know how many years ago, an unprecedented plague broke out in the territory of a human lord, with countless deaths and injuries, and wailing everywhere. But for some reason, the lord himself survived after being infected with the plague. Not only that, he also found that he had the ability to be immune to any disease and no longer age. This is the source of the undead in the world-Alexander Corvinus.

Lord Corvinus has three sons, who also inherited their father's bloodline and possessed magical blood. However, two of the sons had a little accident.

One son, William, was bitten by a wolf and turned into a white giant werewolf who lost his mind and knew only crazy destruction. His bite is highly contagious, and anyone bitten by him will also become a werewolf who loses his mind.

One son, Marcus, was bitten by a vampire bat and became the world's first vampire. From then on, he had to live in darkness for the rest of his life, because the sun would turn him into ashes.

Only the youngest son, Michael Corvin (I don't know what his name is), as a pure immortal bloodline, did not choose to live forever like his father. Instead, he was like a normal person, married and had children, and finally died peacefully surrounded by his descendants.

Werewolf William was so tyrannical that countless people died or were transformed into irrational werewolves every day. In this critical moment, humans naturally had heroes who stepped forward. He kept the werewolves firmly out of the territory, and the army attacked everywhere, eliminating one rebellious werewolf after another, and won victory after victory. He was Victor, the heroic lord of mankind. But soon, Victor failed, not to the werewolf William, but to time.

All life ends in death, which is the fate that every living being must face when they are born. Birth, aging, illness and death are the laws of nature. The aging Victor, who had lost his clear mind and healthy body, was waiting for the arrival of the god of death on the hospital bed. Without Victor's leadership, the army was quickly torn apart by the werewolves, and more werewolves were born.

At this time, Marcus came to Victor's bed. On the condition of fighting the werewolves, Marcus transformed Victor into the first vampire. Strength and wisdom returned to his body again. Victor transformed his entire army into the blood clan and firmly grasped the power of the vampire world. The organized vampires easily captured all the werewolves and reduced them to labor. Except for one werewolf, that is the ancestor of the werewolf-William.

In order to capture William, 80% of the most elite warriors of the vampire clan died. The angry Victor immediately decided to execute William, but Marcus lied that once William died, all the werewolves would die with him. Victor, who didn't want to lose his labor, had to change his mind and decided to imprison William and never see the light of day. Marcus asked Victor not to do that, but failed because he didn't hold power in the blood clan.

Skilled craftsmen tailored an iron cage for the ancestor of the white werewolf, which could block every force in his body, ensuring that he would never be able to escape from prison. Then, the iron cage was secretly transported by the blood clan to the bitter cold land in the far north and sunk into a deep dark cave. Only a few people know this location, which is the core secret of the blood clan.

The blood clan became the winners. They sang to the moon in the dark night and held banquets to celebrate this great victory.

As time went by, the blood clan began to form a stable ruling organization. The three elders, Victor, Amelia and Marcus, took turns to rule. Each of them ruled for 200 years, then fell into a deep sleep and awakened the next elder.

The werewolf clan, whose ancestors were imprisoned, became prisoners of vampires, doing heavy labor day after day, and their lives were miserable. The first werewolves were all wolf-headed and human-bodied. They had no reason and only knew how to destroy. But as time passed, they became more and more rational and sober. Finally one day, a baby who looked no different from a human was born in the werewolf clan. This was Lucian.

Later, more and more human-shaped werewolf babies were born, gradually replacing the original wolf-headed people. They can communicate normally with humans and walk in the sun, and gradually become the bodyguards of the blood clan during the day.

As the first human-shaped werewolf born, Lucian has a high reputation among the tribe members and has become an invisible patriarch. And he lived up to such expectations. Under his secret operation, the strength of the werewolves was secretly increased several times, and they could get rid of the clutches of the vampires and gain freedom. But just before the rebellion, a very fatal thing happened. A vampire and a werewolf fell in love.

It has to be said that this familiar and bloody plot happened too easily. They also knew how fatal this relationship was, so they did a very good job of keeping it secret, and they really had a happy time.

Someone in the world once said that there are three things that can never be hidden: coughing, poverty and love. The relationship between the two was soon discovered by the girl's father, who was naturally Victor, one of the three ruling elders of the vampires. The heroine of this love story is his daughter Sonja, who was so painful that his eyes were hurt. And the hero is the leader of the werewolf tribe, Lucian.

Victor was so angry that his daughter actually fell in love with a werewolf. A high-ranking blood clan was actually defiled by a slave. He immediately separated the two people forcefully, not allowing them to meet each other, and then imprisoned Lucian in shackles made of pure silver for two whole months before releasing him. Like the blood clan, the werewolves have a fatal weakness, and pure silver can easily kill them.

Victor originally planned to suppress this matter and deal with it coldly. He only has such a daughter, and he usually loves her like nothing. How much does he love her? Let me tell you a specific story to let you feel it.

After the prison that imprisoned the ancestor of the werewolf was built, there were a total of two keys. One was placed in Victor's body. The other was carried with him at all times as a symbol of power as the three ruling elders. It stands to reason that such things would not be easily separated. But Victor made a necklace for his daughter with this key and hung it on Sonja's neck, well, on her neck.

It's a pity that Marcus has already fallen asleep, otherwise, who knows what might happen.

At this point, Victor thought that the matter was over, but who knew that something more serious had just begun, Sonya was pregnant!

This is a serious crime. The vampires think highly of themselves. In order to keep their blood pure, they only marry and have children with their own people. The vampires who develop through the first embrace are called blood descendants and are considered unclean. Anyone who has a mixed-race child with a foreign race will be sentenced to death by burning (that is, exposing a vampire to the sun) once discovered.

Victor wanted to kill the child directly to save his daughter's life. But Sonja didn't want to, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with the two of them loving each other sincerely. So, she stated her views in front of the vampire elders.

All the elders looked at her with a grim look, even her father. In the end, she was sentenced to death by burning by her father, and it was executed in front of Lucian.

Before the execution, Victor tortured Lucian to the utmost to cover up his grief over the loss of his daughter, and finally stopped at his daughter's plea.

The stone slabs above his head opened layer by layer, and light poured down through the gaps little by little, shining on Sonja. She suddenly remembered the night when she first met Lucien, when the full moon illuminated the earth. (To be continued)