
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

They Know - 2

Tabib had returned to the mansion. One problem though is that he came back by himself, looking so pale.

His findings were alarming. They had gone too deep, and now he is the only one alive.

{"What did you see?"} questioned the handler from a computer device. Beside Tabib, is Khalim, the messenger.

"They were expecting us, they had been waiting for a single human to venture into their trap," says Tabib, his body trembled a few times whenever he had any flashbacks.

"Speak to me, tell me in detail how it all happened."


<<Tabib (narrator)>>

_"Just up ahead is the first entrance since our venture. We had no troubles so far, none that we didn't have under control."_

All six went through the second entrance. This area felt far more disturbing. They were on the lookout for any surprises, small or big. Arya, the only one who can adapt to dark places became their lantern.

She stopped on her track having noticed something;

"There is something there," she said and then started sneaking forward.

This monster had some similarities to the first groups of monsters that were found earlier, but bigger, and looked more fierce. However, what came to their note was that it is dead, killed. The weapon used against it was still stuck in its gut.

Declan searched through the corpses' pockets. He snorted when he didn't find anything worthwhile.

"What were you looking for?"

"Not sure," he said.

The duo strolled forward, on the way, they found several dead monsters of different sizes, heights, or physiques, all of them brutally murdered. A monster carrying an ax was passing by. It had deep injuries that seemed to have weakened it. It noticed them but was too tired to do anything, ignoring them as it walked away, dragging its feet like a drunkard.

"What is going on?"

"Death rivalry," says Waddell.

Death rivalry is common among some monsters. To survive in a place where resources are limited, one must fight for it, battle a fellow specie with the intention to kill. The fewer competitors you have, the higher your chance of survival.

"We should not be here," says Tabib.

"There was never going to be a good time. This was never an easy job."

"So we move on?"


The monsters on the fourth entrance are even stronger, probably the strongest that they can handle. The team's goal is to carry a monster's head from the fourth entrance back with them, a proof that they've succeeded.

There is one more task given to Waddell that he has not told his teammates, didn't think it was a necessity.

From a distance, they were witnessing with their very own eyes an actual battle among these monsters. The weaker ones were getting killed in a blink, stronger ones standing their ground but struggling to take down other monsters of rivaled strength. These fights led to several deaths, or serious injuries deep enough to kill.

Weddell cursed under his breath; "that's our path," he said.

"We find another route,"

"You don't get it Declan. There is no other route that'll take us to where we need to be,"

Josie bent down, touched the floor with her hand, and extended her senses further, scanning every corner under her reach.

"There is one place," she said.

* * *

An injured monster sat in the middle of a passageway, stained by its blood. It heard footsteps and turned its attention to the direction that the sound came from. Arya walked towards the weakened creature with a gun in her hands.

The monster held tightly to the weapon it had and forced itself on its feet. Already at gunpoint, it had no time to react before a bullet went through its head.

"Great work, Arya."

"Is that sarcasm?"

"What do you think?" said Hach, "Maybe, next time, try to not disclose our whereabouts,"

"Say one more word, and you'll be next,"

Waddell's team had somehow been able to avoid any serious conflicts. All of that changed when they met this particular being crushing and eating its fellow specie. It was the biggest they had seen so far, bulky with an enormous weight of over a ton.

It easily ripped the head of one of its victims, chewing it down. The monster is enjoying every taste, licking its lip when it found a spot to loosen up.

"Hmm? More meat?" It said once it caught sight of Waddell and his teammates.

The creature didn't chase after them, it already had enough for the day.

The duo was frozen out of fear. They are not sure what to do. Turn around or find another route? Is there any roadway that would take them to the same destination?

"Don't run," Waddell whispered; "Walk away as slowly as possible,"

They followed his order and stepped back while keeping their eyes on the creature in case it changes its mind.

Josie felt a hostile sensation enveloping her, but could not react on time. Hach received a serious blow from behind to the rib, an unexpected attack that seriously damaged the thin guy.

With a huge club in its hand, it attacked the closest one, which is Tabib but missed by an inch.

Arya took two gentle leaps backward and then shot at the creature, giving it a few injuries on its left arm. Two daggers materialized on both of Tabib's hands while launching at the monster. He severed its right arm off, just the perfect opening for a bullet from Josie to blow through the eyes of the creature and out of its head.

The carnivorous monster who had witnessed everything did not expect these tiny beings to be this powerful. They are a danger to its survival.

In that instant, the bulky monster had changed its mind. These strange creatures must die. I bet they taste good too.

Their best bet is to flee, but Hach is unconscious. They cannot leave him behind.

"Try to wake him up. I'll hold it down as much as I can," said Waddell.

"I will not let you do this alone. Let me help," this is Declan's words, standing beside Waddell.

Tabib was not as courageous. He wanted to help, express his willingness, but he could not. Biting his lips, Tabib cursed at himself for his cowardice.

"Tabib. Be on the lookout while we take care of this thing," said Waddell, "We are counting on you,"

"...I understand,"

"Why don't you let me have that guy?" spoke the meat_eating monster. No one understood what it was saying due to language barrier.

Declan gave Waddell a meaningful look, and both of them nodded...

Weddell pushed forward. Once he is three feet away from the monster, he tapped his feet on the floor, pulling a large boulder that hit the beast on the jaw. This wasn't nearly enough to put it out of balance.

Weddell had calculated this, which is why Declan stayed behind.

Now furious, the monster darted towards Waddell, but two spirit arrows were shot at it. The creature wasn't very hurt by this attack but had to note the other enemy in the distance.

Waddell bent the earth to his will, blocking the creature's path while more spirit arrows came raining on it, piercing the being on several parts of its body.


Wasdell tried to protect himself using a stone wall. The wall did not complete its form before the monster smashed through, surprisingly moving very fast.

"D*mn it!" He cursed, trying to move away as fast as his legs can carry him.

The monster threw a bone-shattering blow at the human. Waddell acted swiftly by enforcing his arms using earth elements, giving him the needed sturdiness to shield the attack.

"I'll EAT YOU FIRST," the creature roared.

Every quick step made the floor shudder as it went after the human once again. Waddell jumped out of the way, effectively avoiding any blow at the moment.

Every time the monster is unable to strike the human, its anger elevates. This human is a threat. It cannot let him live.


"I do not know what you're saying, but you should look behind you," Waddell said.

A bright ray of light opened a big hole through the creature's gut. The monster was bewildered. it had forgotten about the other human.

It fell to the ground and died, unwilling to let it end this way.