
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

The Handler?

Author's thoughts:

Power stones please. I'll be very grateful...


Fire_wisp is a type of monster that is only able to do significant destruction by possessing a host be it an animal or a human. The Fire_Wisp are monsterized version of the Fire_fly but has a shorter life span.

These creatures are very tiny and are only able to live longer by sticking to a living being. Nevertheless, its life span is still short compared to other living beings.

If by some unfortunate circumstance a Fire_wisp is still inside its host when the end of its life is close at hand, that host will go berserk and turn into what is popularly known as Furnace Monster.

All Furnace Monsters have one thing in common; Everything they touch goes up in flames.

A coworker went up in flames, burning everything close to him. His eyes were hollow but shone brightly due to fire occupying that space.

A fire alarm was set off, and everyone reacted according, running to safety. Not long after, the whole place has been completely engulfed.

Firefighters tried to put the fire out but were not successful. The flame only grew bigger, brighter, and far more dangerous.

"Do you see that?" said a firefighter.

"See what?"

"Look!" he was pointing at one of the doors of the burning building.

Among the flames, a human figure could be seen staggering out. As it got closer, they realized what it was almost in an instant.

The Furnace Monster leaped into another building and through the window. Screams of terror resounded from inside as blazing flames runs through every room, incinerating everything on their path. This is beyond what the Firefighters can handle, there's no way to stop that monster.

Not long after, the second building was covered in flames, killing all who were still inside.

Explosions of several sizes erupted, vehicles that were too close blew up. Furnace Monsters do not calm down, they never do until they are dead, killed by the flames around their body. You will have to kill this creature if you want to minimize any damage it would inflict. Be careful though, you might just die yourself.

Monsters are given categories depending on their strength, capabilities, and number of damage they can do in a short time. The higher the class, the more powerful they are.

Furnace monsters are among the classes of Destructive level; Four, which is why Monster Hunters who can eradicate it are rewarded bountifully. As of this moment, hunters who have been informed of the current incident are moving at top speed to the location.

Leaping from one roof to the other, two hunters entered one of the burning buildings, using a special device to protect themselves from the fire. The creature sighted them and ran away through the window into another building.


Both hunters followed it, they were not fast, not even close. In fact, their presence did more damage than good. Killing a furnace monster is a bit tricky. They are very agile, not lacking in speed, so if you can not catch and kill them in one go, they will escape, burning everything on their path in the process until you eventually catch up... if at all you ever catch it.

It broke through a glass window down to the ground, running across the neighborhood. Panicked by the sight, people tried to keep a safe distance, but many were not successful. If you are too slow, you get toasted into a barbeque.

"This is a mess," says one hunter witnessing the scene from a distance.

Behind him, you'll find a sophisticated vehicle holding up to thirteen monster hunters under his command. The expression on their faces was fierce, ready for battle, one that they intended to win.

"You know what to do," says the leader, to which they all nodded in understanding.

Thick black smoke is everywhere, slowly darkening the sky as more expanses got dominated by flames. The hunters had multiplied, showcasing their skill, but none of them brought a positive result. Not long after, the furnace monster began to fight back. Many who didn't think it could do that were injured, a few died.

A small touch from it will turn you into a fireman, screaming at the top of your voice, hoping someone will come to help you even though you know that will not happen.

The fire monster had already defeated seven hunters, all of them burnt to crisp. It grabbed a female by the face, lifting her until her legs were away from the ground, all the while her face had rapidly been roasting. Her cries got louder. Every tissue that make up the face stood no chance, she died at long last.

The creature roared, it is starting to feel some pain as the fire around its body is starting to affect it...

"There you are,"

There is a disguised individual in the distance walking towards the creature. He had a baseball bat as a weapon, confident he can take on the monster with just that.

The monster sped up, covering many grounds in an instant. The disguised man smacked the monster by the head, releasing a powerful force that broke the creature's skull.


The disguised man was flabbergasted, never had he expected this result. With one blow alone, he had killed it.

"You've been weakened to that extent, huh," he said, not entirely sure he killed it with his strength alone.

"Well, don't care. You died by my hand is all,"

* * *

The fire monster that many hunters had sort to kill was murdered by a nameless hunter who came out of nowhere. The incident had everyone talking, about the creature's appearance and how its life came to an end.

The Hunters involved were all labeled failures who did more damage. No one was able to catch and stop the being even with their number. More properties and life could have been spared, they did not have to end this way if those group of selfish heroes had been more focused on doing their job while putting innocent lives on the list.

As for the nameless hunter who appeared when the creature had been weakened, playing a joke on everyone by taking the price of something he did not work hard for, this one had more ridicule coming his way. He is the worst of them all.

The bad reviews did not seem to have affected him since two days later, the Nameless Hunter is at the Quest quarter, disguised as usual. His presence attracted the attention of those who recognized him from earlier or have seen the bad rating placed on him.

"Hello there," he said.

"It's... you,"

"In the flesh," he said in reply.

"My reward, I came for it,"

She led him to the inner room, this is where they met a big man named Grant. The Nameless Hunter recognized this person.

"You're here," Grant seemed pleased to meet him; "I thought you'd go hide,"

"I don't care what people say." the nameless hunter said.

"That attitude will take you far," Grant commented. He's truly fond of this guy. "Let's do business, just the both of us,"

"My reward. Give it to me,"

"Haha," Grant started sweating, especially on his forehead.

"You see, there is a small problem,"

"A small problem?... I don't like the sound of that," said the nameless hunter.

"...there is no reward," Grant went straight to the point, not going around in circles.


"And you've also been demoted,"

"That's outrageous,"

"I agree," says Grant, "They shouldn't have done that. They have no right...

...actually, they have the right, but that's not my point!"

The nameless hunter's countenance dropped Grant could tell;

"I have an unofficial quest that I give out to special hunters like yourself. If you're down for it, I have a job at this very moment that would interest you,"

"I don't do free work,"

"Who said anything about free?"

"You have my attention,"

* * *

Days later after the job, the Nameless Hunter is back, heading to the inner room where Grant should be located. He bumped his shoulder with someone while on the way.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you," Tabib was quick to apologize.

"That's fine," he said and then walked away.

Tabib kept his eyes on him for a little while;

"He's... cool," he whimpered.

"I knew I made the right choice," Grant extended his hand for a hug, "We've made a fortune," he added.

"Just to be clear, it's 50/50"

"I was thinking 70/30... I'll be 70 of course,"

"I disagree, 50/50,"

"Fine, 60/40,"

"You're greedy..."

"I don't deny that," says Grant, "come on, I was the one who introduced you,"

As much as he doesn't want to, the Nameless hunter had to agree.

"Good! Your payment will be sent to your account. With that being said, I have a new job for you,"

"What is it?" The nameless hunter collected the letter from Grant.

"He is known as the Handler, a good client that pays in buck if you know what I mean," said Grant.

The nameless hunter seemed very interested in this quest.

"Where do I find this so-called handler?"