
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Repeats Itself...

"Then tell us Bevyn, what do you suppose? follow Angus' suggestion?"

"Precisely," said Bevyn.

"You do know the repercussion, don't you?"

Bevyn hesitated for a minute, thinking this through before saying anything...

"I understand your concern," said Charlotte, one of the higher-ups, "We will send the mightiest of our army against them, nothing but the best... you need not worry,"

"Even that will cost us a fortune," said Yusuf, grunting inwardly.

Soldiers and Hunters are categorized into classes based on their combat capabilities, experience, Power output, and many many more.

There are four classes in total, Class-B, Class-A, Class-X, and Class-S being the highest of them.

To stand a chance against one Level 5 monster, a total of 10 - 12 Class X hunters is a must. Now imagine the number of hunters that will be needed to fight against multiple Desaster Level-5.

There are no other options at the moment. Even though the cost is a bit too high, it is better than losing a large number of lives and properties. It is unclear if Yusuf believes this.

Bevyn sighed to himself. What about the Lethal Mutator? Did they choose to ignore that part of the info?

"So you all choose to ignore the biggest threat?"

"When you mean the biggest threat, I hope you're not talking about the so-called Lethal Mutator?"

"And what if I am... None of you understand the kind of danger that thing poses on us_"

"This discussion is over, Bevyn. If you are that passionate, do whatever you want... with your fund of course,"

No one paid attention to him or his worries. Since there was nothing to talk about, they all exited the hall for other daily businesses they might have.

"Do not be disheartened, Bevyn," said Charlotte. She is the only one who waited behind.

"You have nothing to worry about. If there is a Monster Fueling those beasts, we will handle it as we've always done,"

"I hope so_"

* * *

<<Deep in the cave>>

Situated on its throne is a mighty king, the one who stands atop every other Orclin. This creature is bigger by many feet, undoubtedly the strongest, the only one who has no rival, none who were confident enough to challenge it.

One of its closest came running to the king. It looked a bit worried for reasons not yet known.

*"Speak up Tex, how are our new captives?"*

*"They are here with us," said Tex, *"There is one problem though"*

*"What is it this time?"*

*"A new group had been detected, and so far, we've weakened most of them,"*

*"So... How is that a problem?"*

*"Well... there is this one that is yet to be defeated,"*

*"...Are our men that incompetent? This is just one,"*

*"He... he is not weak,"*

*"Neither are our soldiers,"* said the king, *"If this being is that stubborn, we will cut its wings... Send out our finest warriors,"*

Tex bowed in respect to the King;

*"I will do just that,"* he said.

One regained consciousness, his head throbbed as he got a better glimpse of where he is. He noticed something that startled him.

A life form that looked like clusters of roots entangled an Orclin, doing serious damage to the creature. It is getting thin very quickly, losing all of its vigors until there was none, then it died.

"What in the world,"

This bizarre creature noticed him not long after.

["You should have stayed asleep,"] it said, and then attacked, killing that hunter.

Seconds after, Oliver picked up his mask and put it on. His is now back to being a human, a full human. The consequence for that wasn't what he wished for.

"I didn't do this, did I?" He said, noting several bodies having the same pitiful outlook.

All the Orclin had been killed. They looked way too lanky, a sight that caused him to worry. There was one hunter who had suffered just the same. His lifeless eyes were open, staring at nothing.

He remembered everything, how his hunger blew up, causing him to devour the monster and that human who noticed him.

'How long will it take until this repeats itself,' he wondered.

Sooner or later, he'll find himself battling with his human side; To kill or not to kill.

"Good thing nobody saw that,"

He sensed multiple presences heading his way. More we're on their way, upgraded versions of the previous ones he had killed.

The Orclins could not believe their eyes. The masked hunter did not give them time to put together whatever had happened here.

"Don't know if you understand me, but I need an exit out of your cave," he said.

To his dismay, none of them understood his words.

"Really?! No one," The Nameless Hunters sighed;

"Fine... I'll slaughter my way to what I am looking for,"

He pulled out two of his daggers and ran towards the enemies as they all did the same.

Oliver took a huge leap and entered between them. He knew that they will not foresee him doing that.

The first unfortunate Orclin lost both of its sights. The nameless hunter made sure it would never use those eyes again by burying his blades down those sockets.


It angrily swung its arm to hit the masked hunter, but its target had already jumped away, assaulting another.

These Orclins had tough muscles, both male and female. His daggers were specifically made for their kind, so Oliver had no problem penetrating through their skin.

They were fast, a bit too fast for beings this thick. Oliver wasn't slow either, and for his height, they should have a hard time against someone so small in their eyes.

He sped up to another after blinding the first. This one, however, was ready. It attacked with its axe, almost slicing Oliver in two.

The Nameless Hunter had stepped away in precision. He slit the creature's throat, where the artery should be located to make sure it died, no chance of survival.

Rage filled them all, this one is without a doubt, one of a kind. There is no way they would spare this human even though the order from the king said otherwise. This one is just too troublesome, he has to die... if only they could catch and kill him.

Oliver targeted Orclins who were standing alone, killing or rendering them incapable before any help could arrive. They soon understand his moves and stayed close to one another.

The Orclins felt insulted, one human who should be weaker had just beaten up four of their kind.

"This will not stop me," said the Nameless Hunter.

His steps were quick and heavy. He jumped forward, crushing one Orclin's face with his knee. That reckless attack allowed another to hit him, slicing his lower body off. The monster raised its weapon for another strike but was surprised when Oliver's lower half came back to him. Yet, it cut down the human one more time, dividing him into two places.

*"What was that?"*

*"I do not know... it is dead anyway,"* said the Orclin.

Oliver's body came back together. He was back to one piece, emitting a presence that wasn't there until now.

"That was not nice,"

Darrion, One of the hunters woke up. He noticed the disturbing scene all around. Body parts that seemed to have been butchered we're occasionally present from one distance to another.

"What happened here?" He said.

This couldn't have been the work of a hunter. The way the Orclins had died didn't seem like something a human could do.

There was groaning from a few, those who woke up to the reminder that they are now handicapped. Part of their bodies that is crucial for movement no longer exists.

Darrion doesn't think he should go forward, but he can't go back while the exit is still locked.



Both companions were glad to find the other in one piece. Darrion had been especially worried, he couldn't accept the fact that his younger friend is dead.

"I figured out why the gate refused to open," said Dale.

"Ok... speak up! We can't stay here any longer,"

Darrion and Dale had known each other since their high school years. They quickly became friends due to their common circumstances.

Dale is the book-smart, a nerd that many might find boring. Darrion, on the other hand, doesn't like to study, he cannot stand it.

None of them had enough funds to further their education. Though Darrion didn't care about college, he knows its importance.

The job of a monster hunter is harsh but pays the bills.

"You could just join the army,"

"I need quick money. The army won't give me that," said Darrion.

"It would secure your future,"

"sigh... Whatever you say,"

"There is something that might interest you, though," said Dale. In his hand was a letter, a quest from the Handler.

"You said you needed quick money, this might be it,"

"This is_"