
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Raid (pt2)

Many years in the past, the earth had its first connection to a foreign world. This strange incident was one of the most basic reasons for the existence of spirit energy.

Mankind had hoped they could explore these worlds even further, but there is a limit to how far they can go. For some reason, many of this realities always have a destined point that those from the earth can not go beyond. There is almost always a barrier preventing aliens from moving past.

"By some rare chance, there are very few barriers with no limit point, but these places are occupied by everything that wants you dead. You will most likely die if you dare venture further," said the Handler.

"I want to find and break through the Limit Point of other worlds, that is my one goal...

...Why am I telling you this? you may wonder. Well... you and I are similar,"

"Similar in what ways?" said the Nameless Hunter.

"I cannot answer that without exposing too much," said the Handler. "Let's just say you remind me of someone I know,"

Khalim handed a strange device to the Nameless Hunter.

"What is this,"

"That's a Ki-recog,"

"Ok?... Still don't understand,"

"When you find the limit point, put that thing on the barrier. It would take a sample of the spirit energy. I will need it when you return,"

The nameless hunter nodded in understanding. The Handler isn't wrong, it seems they are indeed similar, at least in some ways.

"On that note, I will be taking my leave,"

"About that... the cave raiding begins immediately," said Khalim.

"What! But I haven't prepared!"

"You don't need to. We've done all the preparation you need," said the Handler.

"You see, we don't have limitless time. The portal will be closing in a few weeks," said the Messenger.

Khalim opened the door to a special room. Just up ahead, weapons of several kinds had been set down, waiting for their appointed user.

"I believe this suit you best," said Khalim who picked up a slightly thin but very sharp sword, handing two of them to the Nameless Hunter.

"A baseball bat is not going to help you," he added.

"This..." The Nameless Hunter collected one, staring blankly at it.

This blade brought bad memories of his past life, one he doesn't want to remember or relive.

"Maybe not," Khalim had noticed the change in his expression.

"How about this?"

He picked a weapon very similar to the baseball bat, but tougher. The nameless hunter gladly collected this. He then noticed a fascinating dagger of great design, two of them even, both of which had scabbards of their own. The Nameless Hunter also added two of them with him, he is ready now.

* * *

There are twelve trusted hunters employed by the handler, adding the Nameless Hunter to the group will make them thirteen in total. All of them have been put into two separate groups, the first leaving ahead of the second.

A private plane glides in the cloudy sky consisting of seven hunters. By the corner, there you will find the Nameless Hunter by himself scrolling through his phone.

"You're quiet for an infamous fraud," said a female voice.

Standing just above him is a female hunter, who is well known as Zilla. She was built, maybe too built for a girl, and also pretty tall, almost the same height as the Nameless Hunter if not more.

The Nameless Hunter gave her a good glance, internally appreciating what he is seeing. He turned his attention back to his phone.

She found a seat just opposite him and sat down;

"...Ok, that was not the right word to use. I'm sorry, I don't mean it that way,"

The Nameless Hunter uttered no word in reply. He doesn't want to talk, not to her at least.

"In case you don't know, some of these guys are actually envious of you. Yes, you are infamous, but if you've made a name for yourself. That's something many of them do not have,"

She is trying to lighten the mood, maybe get him to say something back.

It took a minute, but the nameless hunter finally spoke up;

"I can see a lot of dead stares directed my way," he said, "Is that a sign?"

"Uh..." She was taken aback by how deep his voice was. Is that even normal?

"...most likely, yes it is," she managed to say.

"Is there a reason for the mask you always put on?"

"There are things people are not supposed to see," said the Nameless Hunter.

"You make it sound like; behind the mask, is a hideous individual,"

"You have no idea,"

The Nameless Hunter got along with her. She seemed different from the others, carefree, just the kind he could get along with.

Long after, the plane got to its destination. From here, they will have to journey on foot through a deserted region.

"I think we are close," said a hunter who seemed a little too young to be here.

They met up with the others who had arrived not long after. Just a few meters away is the portal that will take them to the destined battleground.

'This is it,' the Nameless Hunter thought.

"You scared, boy?" A somewhat annoying voice came to his earshot.

A muscular man with an outstanding mustache placed his arm on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I've got your back," he said with a big grin on his face.

"I think I'll do just fine," said the Nameless Hunter.

"Hahaha, come on. I am pretty sure this is your first otherworldly hunt, so it's ok to be anxious. I was just like you as a beginner,"

The Nameless Hunter couldn't tell if this man is mocking him or being sincere. Nevertheless, his act looked stupid.

'Act like a big brother and you'll be among the first to die,' he said inwardly.

"We should stay here for the night and leave very early the next day," said the young hunter.

"No, we are not doing that," another hunter does not angry.

"But it's for our good. We have a better chance of surviving when we are at our peak,"