
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Parasite (pt 2)

Author's thought

...Second chapter coming up soon...


The swollen body tore open, revealing the creepiest of all creatures. Standing tall with its head reaching the ceiling, a monster that possesses countless limbs like that of a centipede stared coldly at these lowly humans, noting that they were terrified of it.

There was one though that didn't seem all that affected, this person can control his fear, able to think straight even when the odds are against him. The Nameless Hunter cursed when the giant creature locked onto him.

Several layers of its mouth opened up before it launched itself intending to devour its first victim. The masked hunter was hit across the other room, he had used a rod to prevent the creature's mouth from closing up on him, it would shred his organs.

That rod had sent a wave of pain to the monster. It reacted violently before spitting it out. Once it caught sight of the nameless hunter, the monster that looked like a centipede went for another attack.

To its surprise, this human was not an easy kill. No matter the speed at which it attacked, it couldn't get hold of its target. The nameless hunter was too fast, a lot faster than expected.

The multi-legged monster grew in size with a tougher body, its determination still set on devouring this human.

"Holy," says the masked hunter.

The bottom of the creature came out of nowhere and smacked the nameless hunter, sending the masked individual across three rooms and then out of the building entirely.

The structure of the building began to break. From the roof, the head of the creaking bug which had added more weight appeared and is growing, bringing down half of the building.

"How is it growing so big?" said the nameless hunter.

Back in his world, he had armor created to slay monsters such as this, monsters that are just too much for a human. Right now, all Oliver had with him is, of course, a baseball bat against whatever the f*ck is that thing. He's a joke, a big joke.

"I forfeit," he muttered. This is a losing battle no matter how you look at it.

Hold on a second, the nameless hunter thought about something, how he did not have a hard time stopping this monster's first attack even though it had pushed him into another room. The endurance to survive getting knocked across three rooms without sustaining a scratch didn't seem very realistic.

'I am a monster myself,' he thought.

Since monsters are naturally physically stronger, maybe the nameless hunter shouldn't have a hard against this thing, right?

"There is only one way to find out,"

He did nothing, waited for it to make the first move, and then threw a punch at it. To his surprise, he easily destroyed the monster from the inside out, unintentionally erasing five other buildings.

* * *

"You've got to be kidding me,"

Not long after, there were law officials on the site witnessing the mind-boggling sight. Several houses no longer look the same, most of their structures just puffed.

There are two detectives assigned to this incident; Steven the older one, and Gerrard.

This area had been restricted to the public until whatever happened here has been uncovered.

"It's obviously a monster attack," said Gerrard. There are a little green blood and gore everywhere. However, even he can tell that there should be more to this.

So far, there's been no eyewitness who could give a detailed description of how this happened. Everyone had the same saying; they felt great rumbling. By the time they came to check, this was all they saw, ruins.

A police officer walked over to them, with him are two other cops namely; Roke, and Jace. After introducing both of them to the detectives, he went away.

"Good day," said Roke.

Steven nodded to that, "You said you were a witness"


Very quickly, news of the previous appearance of a monster centipede spread far and wide, one that according to analysis had been killed, somehow.

There is a potential top-ranking hunter, the one who supposedly had taken out the creature by himself. Not many believed this claim as there was no proof. Most insect monster-type are known to possess very tough exoskeleton. A creature of that size with the form of a centipede simply could not have been destroyed in such a way, not by one hunter.

"The report says this hunter wore a mask and had a baseball bat."

"Oh really? So some loser with a baseball bat killed the centipede?" said a chubby man savoring the satisfying taste of a Sake.

"Yeah, like anyone would believe that,"

"But isn't it strange?" said Michelle. His brows were furrowed as he recalled something.

"A masked man carrying a baseball bat does seem familiar,"

"The nameless hunter?"

"Yeah, that guy. Could it be?"

A laugh burst of laughter from Michelle's friends throbbed in his ears. The thought of that was just too funny, very hard to keep a straight face.

In conclusion, everyone, especially those who lived nearby was thankful to the hunters who had killed the monster before it did more damage to the city. Since no one was able to identify the heroes, it means that these kind-hearted Awakens preferred to stay in the shadow.


During the incident with the centipede monster. A strong alarm rang up, the system detected a power presence of what seemed to be...

"This is unreal, it has to be," said Angus. He seemed very restless, in panic.

"It is not possible," he mumbled, trying to calm his nerve.

He isn't the only one, there are several military men, those in the IT group who had noticed the disturbance. They had called Angus' attention to their finding.

Angus needed more context, so he went to see for himself what his computer perceived. The scenery is as mind-boggling as many said. Angus's anxiety began to kick in once again.

'It can't be,' he said inwardly. This is how he tries to calm down.

Though restricted to the public, Angus who had jurisdiction was not affected by this. Those who were present gave way for him to pass, immediately recognizing who he is.