
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Old Writings.

A fist the size of a rod hit Dwayne on the face. The force from that blow caused a lot of pain as he stumbled and fell to the ground.

They fought and surprisingly killed many. The leading Orclin was not expecting them to be this powerful. For a moment, it thought about retreating and coming back with more.

"I underestimated them," it said in its tongue.

The longer the battle continued, the more certain it is that the humans would win. The last Orclin that attacked them was beheaded.

All five hunters sustained a few injuries but were not dead. Their victory boosted their morale. It seems they don't need any help. Just five of them are enough.

The leading Orclin snorted; "You were not what I was expecting. It seems your kind brought the finest of their warriors,"

They heard the gate being closed from behind. There is no escaping, not until they can kill this one Orclin who can speak their tongue.

The Orclin stepped back, slowly disappearing into the distance. The hunters tried to push the door open but were not successful. Even Combust's help brought no positive result.

There was no other choice but to move onward, find and perhaps, kill that troublesome creature.

* * *

Angus' had his attention focused on the computer. He is trying to contact other military bases, requesting their help. He just could not stay calm even though from the outside, he looked too calm.

The door opened, revealing a soldier who bowed in respect before speaking up; "Lieutenant Ailo is here to see you,"

"Please let him in,"

A young man came in seconds later;

"You look restless,"

"You can tell,"

"Let's just say I have my share of what you're going through,"

Ailo found a place to sit, though not entirely comfortably.

"Sorry, she couldn't make it,"

"Not a big deal. Seeing you is the same," Angus rested on the table, very close to Ailo.

"Just as before, I need all hands on deck," he said, "a Lethal Mutator is on the loose,"

"Please tell me this is a joke?"

As expected, Ailo was taken aback. He had thought that Angus' request had something to do with the Blackthorn.

"I am not very good at playing jokes... No, I am not joking,"

"Are they aware?"

"I plan on telling them," said Angus, "As much as I don't want to be the source of bad news, this is something everyone must know,"

Lethal Mutators enjoy death, destruction, and every other thing that causes pain. If it does overrun the countryside, its bloodthirsty personality will certainly push it to other cities. In the end, everyone will be affected. Angus' attempt to inform all is the right move.

"As deadly as this otherworldly creature is, many are yet to experience what it can do, so it is easy to underestimate it. Their last appearance happened centuries ago, and probably one of the most trying times for mankind. Since then, more detailed descriptions and been written down concerning these creatures. This is how a few got to know about its existence... me included,"

"Why do I feel like there is something you are not telling me,"

Angus sighed inwardly. Indeed, there is more to why he asked to meet with Ailo.

"From what I've found out, your family had a great share in eliminating these beings from the earth. If I could go through their writing, there could be documented info on how to fight this thing," said Angus.

"I see... It is me you wanted to meet after all... Why didn't you just make it known?"

"Requesting to meet with the lieutenant for reasons not known may bring unnecessary suspicion or theories,"

Ailo had a barely formed smile on his face. Angus had impressed him, no doubt about that.

"It is shameful to say that I haven't seen any of their writing. However, this century-old enemy possesses countless mysteries that even my ancestors couldn't uncover."

"I had suspected so, yet, I want to go through them," said Angus. "I am well aware that your family may refuse my request, but I want to try nonetheless... please help me,"

Ailo was silent for a while. His family is indeed quite the stubborn ones.

"Give me time," he said.

"I don't have that patience," said Angus, "Is there a way to make it quick?"

"I just have to steal it then," said Ailo.

"St_ steal?"

Angus was not expecting that. He doesn't want to be involved in such an action.

"Hahaha, I was kidding. Damn! The look on your face when I said that was priceless," Ailo almost had tears coming out of his eyes.

"To be honest, even if I wanted to steal it, I can't, not just because it's not a smart move, but also because I don't know where to find it...

...You see, this documentary from centuries ago is quite important to my family, and only a few of us know where it is kept... of course, I do not,"

He noticed Angus' dejection and said; "But I will ask for it. Since this is for our good, I am pretty confident they will give it to me,"

"How soon?"

"Once again, I don't know,"

"Thank you," said Angus. He extended his hand for a handshake.

"You have no idea how impactful your help would be to me,"

"Trust me... I think I do,"

* * *

It's been weeks, it's been too long.

Where is Oliver? He had supposedly disappeared, left the family house, and has not returned. No one knows his whereabouts, not that many of them cared though.

Carson, the co-owner of a company known as the 'Heart of the HQ' was visited by an old friend. Yes, Gael came for a visit.

In the next few minutes, both of them are already sitting together in a restaurant.

"How long has it been?" said Gael as he took a sip.

"It hasn't been that long, not for workaholics like ourselves," said Carson.

"Hahaha, you're right, indeed we are," Gael laughed. "Now that I think about it, we haven't sat down as we are doing now...

...Sorry, it seemed like I abandoned you,"

"You did not... My brother did," said Carson.

"He went missing for two years, leaving me by myself amid treacherous beast. And now, even after his return, he is still nowhere to be found,"

"I thought he became a hunter?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. Lately, we've heard nothing from him, not a word. I have tried to reach him but to no avail...

...He seemed like a completely different person,"

The entrance to the tea house was blown open by some kind of firearm. Someone appeared amidst the smoke with a sinister smile on his face.

"Go down on your knees, all of you," he said as more of his men came in.

"You just have to do as I say and no one will get hurt,"

To give everyone present a good reason to fear him, he did a small demonstration.

Part of his arm shifted to look like a gun. He shot at the nearest wall and then at the ceiling.

The throbbing sound from that action gave them the chills and brought everyone to their knees. No further action was needed.

"Arm robbers," Gael whispered. "That guy is not even a human, not a complete human,"

"Is it a Human_monster?"


"Hey! No chit-chatting. Give me your valuables... Do it now!"

Gael complied. He gave them his wrist watch which looks quite expensive, to say the least, and other materials of the same value. Of course, Carson had to do the same, he doesn't have a death wish.

A Human_monster, otherwise known as HumanBrid is a person who had successfully been fused with a monster, giving birth to a new life form... maybe unique also.

This so-called human_monster is not a common sight. Not many are willing to risk fusing themselves with a monster for fear of failure. Those who do such a risky deed are many whose days are numbered, so it wouldn't matter if they die trying to fuse with a monster since they will die nonetheless.

The advantage of fusing oneself with a monster? Well, let's just say you are bound to be far stronger than you already are. A fusion with a monster gives you the ability to utilize your quirk and that of the monster.

There are possible cases where after the completion of a fusion, the monster dominates over the human, retaining its consciousness. Such creatures are known as Monsterbrid.

The lower your mental power, the higher your chance of losing your consciousness to the monster will be.

Gael was calculating his next move. He wants to make sure his decision will not get anyone hurt.

"Hey! You can not do whatever you're planning to do," Carson whispered. He could already guess what Gael is planning.

"But I have to do something,"

"No, you don't... Please, just stay put,"