
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

He is alive and well - 2

Author's thought.

I'll post an extra chapter on Sunday depending on the number of encouraging power stones...

...thank you in advance.


Mega Tentacle is a terror evolved from an octopus. This creature had adjusted to both land and water, a fact alone that makes it a very disturbing living being to have roamed the earth.

With its tentacle so large, it easily took down all of its human foe, everyone that came a tiny bit close. Keeping your distance from it does not guarantee your safety. The Mega Tentacle can reach distances beyond your expection, and once it grabs hold of you, death is almost a certainty.

This beast absorbs the vitality of every living being it is holding, a sight you don't want to witness. Its victims will grow thinner and thinner. Their bones will become so visible, that you cannot differentiate them from a skeleton.

Finley, who by this time is over 30 years of age jumped out of a helicopter, heading for the monster that has held on to two of his teammates.

"No, you don't," he said, and then swung his blade, releasing an energy force big and sharp enough to slit one of the creature's tentacles.

He repeated the same action after he landed, effectively freeing up the soldiers.

Mega Tentacle wasn't happy that it had lost such decent meals. It gazed angrily at the one who had caused this and attacked, not hesitating in the slightest.

The muscles that make up the tentacle are flexible but still strong enough to do significant damage to whatever it wish to. Finley evaded the creature's blows by leaping and kicking the air, all the while assaulting the creature himself. He targeted the tentacles and made sure he cut them down. As long as it has none, it is useless.

Unbeknownst to the monster's ability, Finley accelerated towards it. He is going for the kill, holding nothing back. One of the tentacles regenerated at an alarming speed, and grabbed Finley, slamming him to a building.

Finley cut off the tentacle but another one of these that had regrown caught him. The Mega Tentacle, having lost its temper to the very brim threw him into another building, and followed. Finley put his blade away and took a giant leap towards the beast, his fist clenched tightly.

He threw a punch at the monster, sending it a few meters away. The Mega_Tentacle picked up several giant boulders, throwing each one at the human.

Finley shifted his position a few times, effectively dodging all stones and particles thrown at him. Seconds later, he had gotten close enough to inflict another pain, which is exactly what he did, severely cutting the beast along with its tentacles.

It squeaked in pain, almost falling to the ground but grabbed on to something. Finley followed and punched it in the face. This time, the creature reached the floor while trying to catch the human who is just too fast and agile.

This soldier does not need any help, that much is true. The others could only watch from a distance as this impressive battle continued.

The Mega Tentacle knows it cannot win, not while it has been weakened to this state. It launched itself in another direction, heading for civilians and weaker hunters with a killing intention so intense, you'd freeze in fear.

Finley did not anticipate this , he was not prepared, thus he could not stop the creature. His momentum was simply too slow

The giant beast, while fleeing from the troublesome hunter caught several lives, sipping their lifeforce out of them until there was none, and then it would go for another set, repeating the same action. Many died, but as a result, the creature grew stronger, healing every wounded part of its body.

Finley's heart was lanced, he failed to do the one thing he was meant to do. He had failed like never before, carried away by the fact that this battle is his win.

For an instant, he lost his will to fight. What's the use anyway?

The Mega Tentacle halted and faced the human hunter, trapping him in its tentacle. With all of its strength, it began to steal from Finley, taking his life force at a rapid pace. This human had so much energy that seemed endless. The monster can feel itself getting stronger, far stronger than expected. Finley is the biggest feast it had ever fed on.


An energy outburst from Finley blow the tentacle, but it regenerated at the same speed, trapping Finley once again. That's just how strong it had gotten, almost on par with Finley, at this point.

Soldiers tried to help, all of them attacking from all directions. Nevertheless, Mega Tentacle did not let go of its tasty victim. It continued feeding on the human while fending off any soldiers, killing a few if there is an opening.

A machine gun from a distance released fire on the beast, doing significant damage that was healed very quickly. Even this troublesome weapon stood no chance. By this time, Felix is starting to lose consciousness, unable to fight back anymore.

Eamon, a close friend, is not about to let his friend die in the hands of this being.

"Move aside," he said to the one in charge of the machine firearm.

More bullets were released at the creature. No one expected Eamon to go for the eyes, a target spot that worked just fine.

The Mega Tentacle cried. It cannot see, which was enough time for another series of bullets to destroy the tentacles holding on to Felix.

Confirming that Finley is saved, Eamon darted towards the creature.

Though temporarily blind, the Mega Tentacle started attacking everywhere at random. It knows that someone or something that wants it dead is coming.

Eamon bypassed the beast's defense, attacking one of the tentacles as he got close.

He cut down that body part into several pieces, and then slashed those pieces into smaller ones, slitting those smaller pieces even further. This is an action he repeated until they had been reduced to bits.

Mega_Tentacle fell to the ground, surprisingly dead.

How? you may wonder. Eamon only attacked the tentacle, but that was enough to kill it?

No one had noticed, not even Eamon until later analysis suggested that the Mega_tentacle can move its core. At the moment of their discovery, the creature's core is perfectly hidden in one of its tentacles... this is where Eamon came in.

* * *

Ever since that day, Finley had felt indebted to Eamon. He is the kind to always pay back what he owes no matter what it might cost him.

Creed who is still very young, not up to six years has built a very close relationship with two of Finley's children, especially Karan. Acknowledging this, Finley said to Eamon;

"I think they will make great kids together."

"Let's not get ahead of ourself,"

Finley does not owe Eamon any debt, so he need not worry about paying back. The big man however, doesn't seem to believe that.

"I have made my decision," said Finley, "When Karan grows up into a fine woman, I will marry her to your son, Creed. I believe this will bring us even closer to than we already are,"

It's been years since that very day. At this time, Creed's inability to bend KI is well known by everyone, including Finley himself who still did not change his mind or attitude towards the young Creed.

He became somewhat like an outcast. He and Carson were bullied by many, especially their mates.

Finley wanted to keep an eye on both of them. Make them stay in his house where they would feel at peace. However, Eamon refused.

"Creed and the younger one, Carson will remain until I say otherwise." He said.

Eamon doesn't want his kids to feel unwanted, but unknown to him, they already felt this and were so happy when the prospect of living with uncle Finley was brought to them. It is too bad that Eamon had to crush that joy.

Soon even Creed's closest friends did not visit as often as they used to. Gael and Karan had begun a new chapter as Awakened ones, they simply had no time for their friend anymore. Needless to say, Creed was alone, surrounded by mockery.

At age 23, Creed went missing. The timing of this incident brought more worries to those who still cared about him, his mother especially had a hard time accepting this reality.

"Creed is alive and well," said Gael.


"I know, right?".

"He... is alive?"

"Indeed, he is. Don't take my word for it though since I am yet to confirm that myself," said Gael.

"Who told you this?" questioned Karan.

"Father said so. He saw Creed with his very own eyes.

Something about him though felt different... not sure what that means." Gael shrugged when he said that.

What does he look like? Has this two years away changed him somehow? Would he still remember me?

Karan had questions pilling up. It's been too long.

"We should go see him someday. That's if you're not busy as you always are,"