
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs


"Oh, this? Well," Her theory on this one is even crazier than the first.

"This is probably the work of a hunter," she said. "A hunter we are yet to identify, one that prefers to stay in the dark,"

"A hunter with this power display?"

As unbelievable as it may be, it could be true. Angus has met quite a number which such destructive abilities.

"The nameless hunter," says Angus. News of him being the culprit, though unbelievable, could still be true.

"You don't believe?_"

"I do not... But you never can tell,"

If the nameless hunted just happened to be present when the parasite was killed, then perhaps, he should know more. Maybe, he did notice the hero.

Where to find this so-called nameless hunter has proven to be troublesome. The infamous individual, like many solo hunters, has not exposed such info about himself.

The ray of the sun hitting part of his face caused a little discomfort. Hours had gone by but there was no progress. He is already able to control what he wants to hear from what he doesn't.

He stood upright to find another spot, this is when he noticed something that most certainly shouldn't be there.

A small carpet of plants occupied the exact spot he settled on.


That wasn't the only thing Oliver noticed. He also saw that his bulky muscles had reduced. He still has a form of a monster, but less hideous. His demon voice is still the same. For now, he can't make any phone calls yet.

For the millionth time, his phone rang up once again. This is Grant who is among those who had been trying to reach him.

"...Ok, control... control," he mumbled, "I am in control. I should be able to do this,"

A text message from Grant came in, saying; "You had better not be dead. Show up right away, there is a lot that needs your attention,"

It is hopeless, his voice did not change, it remained demonic. He'll continue to stay indoors until there are some changes to his voice.

It took another two days before the door to his room opened. He came face to face with Grant, who was surprised to see him.

"Thought you'll never show up," he said.

"You seemed desperate, so I had to,"

The Nameless Hunter's voice sounded different, a little deeper than usual.

"What with your voice? Has it always been like that?"

"It's a long story,"

"You've got to tell me how you did it,"

"Can we not talk about this?"

"Ok... Fine, if you say so," Grant straightened himself. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"That thing,"

Grant is talking about the parasitic monster.

"Some other guy came to the rescue while I distracted it,"

"You had help?"

Grant seemed disappointed. not sure why.

"Yeah, I had help. What were you expecting?"

"...That makes sense. I don't see how you could have fought that thing yourself," said Grant.

For a moment, he believed the masked hunter to be stronger than he looks. Turns out, he might be overestimating this mysterious individual.

"You should lie to the Handler. He doesn't know that you had help,"

"What are you talking about?"

"He has changed his mind about the cave hunting," said Grant, "I think he did so due to your recent performance,"

"People think I am a fraud. He'll probably think so soon, if not already," said the Nameless Hunter.

"Look," Grant held on to the shoulders of the Nameless Hunter, "We don't have time for doubts. This client is one of a kind. He is someone we do not want to lose, do you understand?"

The Nameless Hunter shrugged Grant's hand off; "Yeah, I hear you," he said.

"Good. I am glad we've come to an understanding," Grant said, seemingly pleased.

"I am sure he has paid you... Where is mine?"

"Oh that, no worries, I'll give you your share," said Grant, "Now hurry up, we don't want to keep the Handler waiting,"

There is something about Grant that is starting to displease the Nameless Hunter. That greed emitting out of him is more than it used to be. Is he finally showing his true color?

After he's done, the nameless hunter stepped out, on his way to the mansion.

"Nameless Hunter?" A male voice came to his ears.

By the corner stood a tall big guy and a female beside him. Both of them dressed corporately.

"Uh... who are you?"

"We are under commander Angus from the Monster Hunting base," said Ryland, the male.


"You should come with us," said Udilia.

Her words sounded like a command. The nameless hunter did not appreciate that, not in the slightest.

"...and if I don't?" he questioned.

"Ok, let's calm down, shall we,"

Ryland sensed the heated atmosphere and was quick to get in-between. He is not here for a fight.

"Please, if don't mind, we will like you to come with us," he said, doing so as politely as he should.

The nameless hunter doesn't want to go with them, acknowledging what this is possibly about.

"I am busy," he said, "Maybe, next time,"

"It's not a request," said Ryland, still trying to sound polite. He had a defeated facial expression like someone who is going to be in trouble if the Nameless Hunter doesn't comply.

A vehicle was let inside after they confirmed who is driving it. Ryland parked the car at the right spot before all three of them came out. He followed them inside, looking confident even though on the inside, that's not the case.

Once they got to the destined door, Ryland opened it as Udilia went inside. The nameless hunter did not do the same.

"Get in," said Ryland.

The nameless hunter hesitated but complied later.

Angus noticed him not long after, a small smile appeared on his lips, hiding some other emotion within.

"Good to see you in person... what do I call you?"

"Nameless Hunter," he said in reply.

"I thought_ that was just something haters called you,"

"It was..." said the Nameless Hunter,

"Why am I here?"

A big Tv turned on, revealing the massive disaster that had vialed a while ago. The nameless hunter recognized the scene. This is his doing, he doesn't doubt that.

"Needless to say, you must recognize this,"

'Shit! I should have known. This has to be why they called me,'

"Indeed, I do," he said. "Is there a problem?"

"No, not really," Angus paused, reconsidering his words;

"There is a problem, but that depends,"

"Depends on what?"

"...Do you remember the military's last encounter against a ferocious devil, possessing an intelligence that is very much equal to ours, if not more?"

"I've heard of a few," The nameless hunter nodded even though he doesn't know what Angus Is talking about. All he could think of is getting the hell out of here.

He is not lying, not really. In his previous world, yes he had come face to face with very dangerous monsters, killed many of them even.

An image of a humanoid_looking creature was shown on TV. This being had a terrifying presence, its yellowish eyes glowed in the dark night like a predator who has its prey in the palm of its hand.

Strange plants having lethal thorns along with countless greenish illuminating wisps surrounding this being, adding to the already alarming presence.

"We call it Blackthorn, one of our biggest nemesis," said Angus.

"Blackthorn..." The Nameless Hunter mumbled the name to himself. He needs no further words to understand just how dangerous this devil could be.

"Where is it now?"

"It should be dead,"

"You don't sound convinced," said the nameless hunter.

Angus took a deep breath and sat down. By this time, there is no second-guessing the fact that he is restless, nervous, probably cannot think straight.

"It should be dead. We confirmed it... that's what I thought."

The image on the TV switched back to the disastrous scene.

"On the day of this event, we detected a similar presence to that of Blackthorn. We have samples of its unique spirit energy in our possession and can detect whenever KI of the same source is being used."

"Our system informed us that the infamous Blackthorn has returned... after two years," said Ryland.

"Perhaps the system was faulty," said the Nameless Hunter, but then realized how lame that sounded.

"I mean... What I'm trying to say is that I did not see any Blackthorn,"

"Then tell me, truthfully, who did this," questioned Angus while pointing at the images.

'I have to come up with something good,' the hunter thought.

"There was another person," said the Nameless Hunter. "A monster hunter that blew the creature to bits,"

"A monster hunter?"

"Don't know if he is a Hunter or just some random guy who happened to be in the area at the time,"

"You should not lie to me, dear hunter," Angus' demeanor changed. "If there is something you know, I suggest you say it,"

"As much as I would like to help, I don't have the answer you are looking for,"

In anger, Angus hit his hand on the table, smashing it under his fist. His eyes looked menacing, giving the Nameless Hunter a dead stare.

"You do not want to see me angry,"