
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs


"The plan was to proceed the following day. That was Khalim's order,"

"You can stay behind if you want to. The rest of us are going"

There was a division among the hunters. A group of hunters had decided among themselves to commence. Waiting seemed like a waste of time.

Dazed by them, they watched as all five hunters walked away towards the portal stationed a few meters in the distance. Many were tempted to join but hesitated. It is probably best to stay with the larger group.

The sky darkened a few hours later. Each hunter had gathered in different groups, picking whoever seemed reliable or less selfish.

The Nameless hunter is among four other hunters with the leader known as; Leon, the one who has a big mustache.

None in this group had heard of the nameless hunter since they never said anything. Maybe they prefer to shut their mouths concerning that. Either way, this is one reason the Nameless Hunter joined them. He doesn't want to be the center of attention.


Blackthorn is possibly alive. Angus did what he thought was best. He made sure all the higher-ups are aware.

A conference was held two days after that. Ultimately, it was decided to keep this away from the public. No need for unnecessary panic.

Many had reasoned that this might not be the Blackthorn's return but a similar monster that is undoubtedly powerful. This thinking doesn't make much sense to some but it did calm their nerve even by a little.

If there is a monster similar to Blackthorn lurking in the city right now, this one will also be seriously problematic.

The search began. As to what is to be done when they do find it, that's a story for another day.

Angus had more on his plates. He can't seem to forget that very day, his first time meeting the so-called Nameless Hunter.

"You look like a mess," said a familiar voice. "It's the monster, isn't it?"

"Why are you here?"

"Same reason as you," Maximus had ordered a drink for himself. "What's on your mind?" He asked.

"There is this hunter, a masked individual I met a few days ago. He..." Angus isn't sure how to describe this person.

"Does he need some handling? Just say the word, I'll take care of him," said Maximus. He is joking of course.

"Honestly... I don't think you'll stand a chance,"

Maximus didn't know if he should be insulted or amused by Angus' words. The middle-aged man didn't seem to be exaggerating. This fact piqued Maximus' curiosity. However, Angus was not willing to say anymore.

Angus needs some rest, to spend time with his family. A week might just be enough. During his time away, Maximus will be taking over from him until his return.

Dedicating so much to his work had ruined his family life. He is divorced but still kept close contact with his now ex-wife. Three of his kids are grown up and somewhat independent, adding to his loneliness.

A car parked outside a modest house in the countryside. Angus paused for a second before walking in.

After gently knocking at the door, he was let in by an old woman.

"Good to see you," said an old man who also came out of the inner room.

"Long time no see, Pa," said Angus.

"You look terrible," said the old woman, "Make yourself at home, I'll get something for you,"

Like never before, Angus did as he was told, he relaxed, almost dozing off.


The night brought with it, crickets and birds chirping. Situated just outside, Angus along with his father stared at nothing, just taking in the cold air that is starting to get a little uncomfortable.

"You're sad, aren't you?" said Brad, the old man.

"Do I look sad?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, you do,"

Angus sighed. He said nothing, he did not know what to say.

"Maybe you're right. My life is messed up... I have no life,"

"You couldn't be more right," said Brad.

"Is this your way of soothing me?"

"No, it is my way of reminding you what you must do," Brad said.

"...fine, I get your point... However, I cannot quit now... Not when that thing is roaming," he mumbled his last words.

Brad heard what he whispered. However, he was not on Angus's side, and probably never will be.

"This is not your fight. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better,"

"This is why we are different. You never agree with me," Angus stood up, he didn't want to continue this discussion.

He did not wait for Brad to speak before walking away.

"Where are going, boy?"

"Somewhere away from you. And I am not a boy," said Angus as he disappeared into the dark.

The weather is cold, too cold for his good. Thus, he brought a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. The taste brought that refreshment only he can understand.

Angus stood in front of an old house, a few steps away. Old memories came rushing back, old unpleasant memories.

By the corner, there is small land that looks like a graveyard. Angus strolled towards the cemetery, depressed as hell.

"How long has it been?" He whispered, glimpsing at one grave with the word; 'The family of Lincoln' inscribed on it.

"Sorry, I didn't visit. I have no excuse, none. All I wanted is to stay away. I hoped I will never have to come here... ever,"

A vague sound came to his earshot, catching his attention. Something is here. It is yet unknown what it is, but it is here nonetheless.

Angus followed where his instinct told him. A second noise caught his attention. This one was coming from his left.

In the distance, a grave had been dug open. Sands were occasionally being thrown out, opening the grave even further.

His vigilance elevated as he strolled forward, taking each step as quickly as possible, carefully trying not to make any sound.