
I Became a Magic Warrior in my Second Life

In my previous life, I joined a gang and became the most notorious fighter who killed my enemies with knives. Then I died and got reincarnated. In this life with magic and monster, I have the talent to be both a magician and a warrior. Using the two classes, I will become the strongest. Maybe. I will try a bit in looking for the reason why I got reincarnated here as well. Because I know that it was my master who taught me how to kill in my past life who reincarnated me into this world.

asuya · สมัยใหม่
281 Chs

Chapter 21

After I cleared the Dungeon for the first time, nothing eventful happened. I continue with my life just like usual. Going to school and train.

Then in Thursday, Bob told me that there's a mission he wanted me to take. And it's a good mission for someone like me who had never done any mission before.

"Is the mission naming the organization so we don't have to be confused about how we will introduce ourselves?" that's my first question.

I checked the app that he told me to download from the organization. And there, I can see that there's no name at all for us. It's just an unnamed organization.

I can check the mission listed and the reward from it. It seems like there are around a few thousand people doing this job spreading not just in this country, but also all over the world as well.

Seriously, that slum looks less and less like a slum of a city. It's an international slum. A global slum.

So while not many people know, there exists a huge information guild that knows about many things that happened in the world. Though from the information in the app, I can tell that they still keep many important things as secrets.

Well, that's natural. There are a lot of people involved with this organization. But it doesn't mean that they all can be trusted with some important information. But they can trust you enough to take missions from them.

"The name is not important. It's another mission. Just come here Friday after school. And tell your family that you will return home really late."

That's what Bob said on Thursday. And now it's Friday, it's time to go.

This is a mission by an illegal organization. So I can't go there with my uniform.

I returned home quickly, get changed, and told my mother that I might be home late before leaving home.

Bob said that he has bought me one knife using the money I got from the Dungeon. It's not much, but one is good enough.

I can fight barehanded if I have to. Using knife is mainly when I need to kill. So if the mission doesn't involve killing, I might not use it. It will stay hidden under my clothes.

As soon as I entered the slum, just like usual, someone told me that Bob is waiting. So I go to where he is and he threw a knife at me. Straight to my head.

I just opened the door and there's a knife flying toward me. But a flying knife at this speed is not enough to kill me with how strong I am. I catch it midair right before it touches my forehead.

"See? Can you do that?" 

Bob didn't talk to me. He asked someone else. Someone who looks a bit older than me.

"Are you sure he's just a level 1?" the other guy asked.

"He is. He just awakened not long ago," Bob said.

"Even I can't do that now. Though with my level, that kind of attack will not kill me. It will still hurt though," the other guy said.

Meanwhile, I checked at the knife. The weight, the length, and how it feels in my hand, they're all good.

"Is this my knife?" I asked Bob.

"Yes. The sheath is over there," Bob pointed at a sheath on the table.

Nice. It's not the best knife but it's good enough for me. Though I don't know what the mission is.

"So what is my mission?" I asked while grabbing the sheath, sheathed my knife, and put it inside the inner pocket of my jacket. This is the reason why I always wore a jacket when I'm out. Even when it's hot. To have something that can conceal my weapon. I wore it even if I don't have any weapon on me.

Well, I always have at least a pen in my pocket. Though a pen is not a weapon. But with my Enchant magic, I can make it into a weapon.

"Kaiser, this is Frank. Two years older than you. He's also going to take the entrance exam to a Hero Academy soon just like you."

Bob introduced me to the other guy with him. He's a twenty years old man. And for him to gain Bob's trust, I guess he's good.

"And here's your other partner."

Instead of introducing me to another person, he gave Frank and me both an earpiece. I think he meant that the person on the other side of the communication is the third member of this group.

I put on the earpiece on my left ear and Frank did the same.

[Hello Frank and Kaiser. I'm your lovely hacker. You can call me G]

A girl's voice came through the earpiece. She's a hacker? Do we need her in this mission?

"G is… we don't know much about her. One day, she suddenly hacked into our server and found us. But she never did anything that we need to be afraid of after that time. And she became… somewhat our member. She never revealed herself and we can't track her no matter what we did. She just appeared out of nowhere once in a while when she's interested in something. Well, she's been helpful to us. So when she wanted something from us, we try our best to satisfy her," Bob said as he looked at me.

I know what he has in his mind. He's asking me to confirm that she's really on our side.

In the end, Bob still can't trust her. She just appeared out of nowhere and helped this organization by finding important information using her hacking skill.

It looks like Bob and the others already given up in finding out about her. But they didn't. They just don't know how to do it.

And it's not like I can help. But I know that Bob is actually asking me to confirm if she's an ally or not. But if it's too obvious, she might suddenly leave. She's too important. But she's too suspicious.

"G. Do you know that Bob and the others here are extremely suspicious of you? They're trying to do whatever it takes to make sure that you are not an enemy."

I said that so casually. But with a volume loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. So Bob is looking at me angrily while the others who were busy staring at the screen doing their job freeze after my statement.

What? They didn't expect that I would say that directly to the hacker they wanted to recruit so badly? Afraid that she's going to disappear?

[Really? I thought that they already trusted me enough.]

This time, the voice didn't come from the earpiece. It came from the speaker in the room. And the huge screen in this room also changed into her avatar it seems.

The character is a 2D blonde girl wearing frilly clothes. And there's a huge capital G on the shirt.

[So, after two years of helping you guys, you still don't trust me?]

"No! It's not like that!"

"Kaiser doesn't know what he's saying!"

The guys who were working just shouted and blamed me for making it seems like no one here trusted her.

Still, two years, huh? That's around the time that Bob let me roam around in the slum and even learn that this place is used as a center of the large-scale organization without a name. And I guess that it was not by chance that she found her way here.

"G, let it be. As expected, it's you, isn't it? The one who have been watching me for a long time. I have always sensed that there's someone who was watching me for years. But there's no physical evidence of that at all. So what did I do to have a cyber-stalker?" I asked G.

[You're aware of it? Well, some actually sensed that there's someone following them when I hack into their phones or something. But you didn't seem to have sensed it.]

"I felt that it was not hostile so I let it be. You don't really care about this organization. You're just acting like you've been betrayed when I said that they didn't trust you. When the truth is that you only care about me. I think you are way too curious about me, right?" I asked.

[Well, who wouldn't be curious of a kid who entered the base of a criminal organization when he was ten, negotiate with their boss, and return unscathed? And that organization disappeared right after with all its members died a few hours later. Of course I was curious]

As expected. It was also since then that I felt someone was watching me. It was her. She hacked into my phone or something and watched me. From anything with cameras.

I don't know much about technology so pretended that I didn't care. After a few days, I realized that nothing happened and I was not being targeted. So I knew that whoever watching me was not hostile.

Now everyone's eye is at me. They want to hear more.

"There was once some guys who tried to kidnap my mother. She was safe. But they still targeted her. So I investigated their base by myself and found a Gate in the basement of their hideout. I approached them, threatened them by saying that I'm being tracked and the tracker will come if I didn't return after ten minutes, and then I left. But before I went there to threaten them, I already spread the news to several guilds that were hostile to each other about a Gate under the basement of a criminal organization. I spread it without anyone knowing that it was me. So a lot of Heroes were mobilized and killed them all before they compete or the ownership of the Gate. Easy," I said.

[No ten years old kid can do that. And no superhuman who had just awakened for a week can clear a Dungeon solo. So of course I'm curious about you.] G's avatar in the screen said.

"Well, at least I know now that it was you. And you helped Bob and the others because you want to get to know more about me. Unfortunately, I can't say much about myself," I said.

[It's the "Unspeakable" right? I know that] 

To think that she even knows about the unspeakable. Well, that's to be expected. She's my stalker after all. 

"And you won't leave as long as I am here, right? Then Bob and the others don't need to worry. I have a lot of friends here and have no intention in leaving them. So as long as you can watch me, you will not stop helping Bob and the others."

[I will continue watching you until I can satisfy my curiosity,] she said.

"Fine with me."

Then I look at Bob. A look that says everything is done. There's nothing for him to worry about.

Of course he's confused. But the result is great. We now know that G is not likely to betray us. So he doesn't mind it. Though he will still remain vigilant about her actions.

Now, shall we hear about the mission?