
I became a Girl?

Here I ask these questions of you. What if you were a modern man just happily living your life, and then all of a sudden you were not? Now instead you have died and been reborn into a medieval world full of big powerful men, as a small girl without anything to your name? How would you survive? How would you cope with being just a little girl? What sort of heights could you honestly hope to reach without seemingly having any overpowered cheats or systems or super powers to help you, just some advanced knowledge from your past and maybe something else? Well come and find out how a man named Bruce, a former undercover police officer tries to deal with this exact situation and his/her constantly developing body, developing meaning getting her first menstrual cycle at some point, which will lead to bleeding monthly from her private spot and other fun stuff and later she/he will begin slowly gaining more and more womanly curves and such things, you know woman stuff. Plus it happens in a Fantasy medieval world, on a large mostly unexplored island named Albion which is basically just England but not really much at all. ___________ Warning: The MC is not going to deal with all the challenges before him/her so well, and is most definitely not a genius or anything crazy at the start. So be prepared for some misunderstandings and a sort of Roller Coaster of comedy and drama as MC tries to find her/his place within this new world, create home of his/her own, maybe become wealthy, maybe change something in the world, maybe lead some people to glory or even try and change the entire world or even the Galaxy at large.

Lilis_42 · แฟนตาซี
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93 Chs

Chapter 65 The secret plans for fish and chips.

The best food in Britain, Fish and chips, or well Lili at least liked it. Although as an American she did prefer hamburgers and chips, but hamburgers were hard to grow as she didn't have any cows laying around in the underground. So fish and chips it was going to be for now.

Curiously the term fish and chips appeared only somewhere in the 18th century, even though the two ingredients had already been in use for some time already before that. It is said that the first fish and chips shop opened in 1860 and it was opened by a Jewish family. Although she wasn't a hundred percent sure if that was the case, but anyway, now she wanted to do the same.

Although Lili didn't plan to open such a specific shop, she just wanted to introduce the delicacy to the kingdom of Albion and hopefully beyond. She figured that all the people of the world would absolutely love some fish and chips in their lives. Plus it was usually quite a cheap food and easy to make, so hopefully all could eat it and so there would be less people going hungry in the world.

Honestly though it was quite an ambitious idea for her, as she hadn't yet sold anything to anyone, and didn't even have a single penny to her name yet. But like whatever, she thought to herself. She wanted to do it and so she would, after all she was in England and so it was only natural for her to do it, right.

And so to do this all she needed a few different things. First she needed to plant potatoes of course which would take about 100 or more days to grow from a small seedling to a plant that made potatoes. Although with her magic it might be less than that, but anyway.

Secondly she needed oil to frie the chips and fish, fish that she would need to buy of course. And so to get oil she decided to start planting olive trees, since the oil from olives was one of the healthiest and best types of cooking oils in the world, in her opinion. Although this too would, just like the apple trees take a very long time to grow. Three or more years in fact for the olives and a bit longer for the apples.

Thirdly she needed tomatoes for the ketchup. Luckily they grew pretty much as fast as tomatoes did and so that was good. But to make ketchup she would need multiple things, so it would be quite tricky.

Originally ketchup was invented in China as a form of soy sauce. It was made of pickled fish and so it was called, Fish sauce, and that's where the name comes from. In Chinese it's, Keh-jup, or koe-cheup, and so the name ketchup was born.

However this version of ketchup didn't have tomatoes and so Lili needed to look further for her version of the ketchup. And so she decided to make the later American version of it. In this version there was a lot of vinegar and sugar, plus ripe red tomatoes of course and some salt. Also with some herbs and spices added to the mix the taste could then be changed and many varieties created. But the biggest benefit of this all was that there would be no chemicals or preservatives in the ketchup, that could potentially be harmful to the body. Although as one downside she now needed to add one more thing to her list of plants again, which was the sugarcane, of course.

Fourthly she needed lemons for the fried fish to taste absolutely heavenly. But sadly lemons did take six to ten years to grow, so the lemon's would not be ready until a lot later on. Luckily though, there were two processes to make this all faster called bidding and drafting. Basically these techniques just involved joining parts of two or more plants together, so that they will grow as one which will make everything a bit faster.

Overall Lili needed a lot of different plants to get her fish and chips going, plus she wanted to make other dishes as well so a lot needed to be done. Most of all she needed oil for cooking and since olives would take forever to grow she decided to also start planting sunflowers for her oily needs.

Thinking of this all Lili had felt like she had figured something huge out and so she immediately had gone to work. Of course to make everything work faster, she made sure to explain everything properly to the girls and especially mom who was going to be in charge of it all. She showed them the seeds and explained all the growing processes and such.

Only after doing this did she breathe a small sigh of relief, finally she was feeling like she was on the right track to something truly great here. Although the tree didn't seem to think so for some reason. This Lili didn't understand, it clearly wanted her to start planting potatoes. But as she started talking of fish and chips the tree and the flying angel ball had suddenly started flashing and seemed to disapprove of her plans.

Sadly they couldn't talk, Lili merely could sense their emotions and feelings. And those were not good in regards to her plan, but this was so strange to her. When she took the potato and planted it into the ground or talked about eating it, and making it into edible food for others, during those times the tree and angel ball seemed to approve.

They even seemed to be approving of her planting other things as well, but for some reason it seemed that it was only the chips thing that made them flash in disapproval. This Lili just couldn't figure out at all.

Why would she ever give her customers basic potatoes when she could give them chips instead? Wasn't she a genius or what? Not knowing what to do Lili just decided to roll with it and not worry about the trees or angel balls opinion, after all what did they know of making food.

And as she came to this final conclusion the tree and angel balls complaints came to an end. It was as if they were saying, ahhhhh, just forget about it, you do your own thing, ok.

And like so many hours had passed in the underground and finally Lili decided that it was time to leave again. If she stayed too long with the three knights gone as well it would just be too suspicious and so they then returned. Although a bit reluctantly.

It just felt so sad to say goodbye to all her new sisters who quite quickly had gotten really friendly with her. No-one called her names or said anything rude towards her. They all listened politely to her opinions, had nice conversations and even laughed at her few jokes. And most of all she liked the fact that they were all such good listeners, not like the few girls she had known in her past life like her girlfriend back then. And despite only just meeting one another they all had immediately felt so close to her and so sisterly.

She also couldn't believe the fact that none of the girls had any complaints about anything she did or her being the leader. It was as if she had instantly gotten the maximum reputation amongst them all. Even the tree and angel ball, despite their disapprovals seemed happy. The angel ball even let her pat it and hold it in her hands as the trees controlled vines kindly followed her around and helped her plant things.

Truly her time in the underground was great and she couldn't wait and go there again. The girls had so many stories that she so wished to hear, and so many languages and skills that she could learn from them.

And to Lilis great delight, even the three men seemed to be integrating quite well into the underground. With Chads lead they had managed to even start a friendly conversation with the older blonde women who luckily weren't as reserved towards them as the others were.

But like all things, even the good ones, everything eventually must come to an end and so did their short time in the underground. Although new ones awaited them and during the next days, week's and months Lili and the three men would journey to the underground many times.

And so as the week passed the investigation of the Bolton Inn came to an end and so too did Lilis journeys to the well. Using the secret passage in the cellar, Lili, Chad, Jack and John could now visit the underground without worry since the inn was locked and no one was there to see anything as suspicious as before.

With this new change and the help of her sister's, the new renovations of the Inn also began. For this new Inn of hers Lili to the two princesses coin purses dismay had a plan.

This plan evolved making a lot of structural changes to the Inn. First of all she wanted an elevated entrance to the building, two stone steps high to be precise. And the door needed to be grand and sturdy with a lion head on it that held the round door handle within its mouth. Only under the handle there was then the keyhole.

Of course the exterior being of white marble with windows on either side was fine, but they did need some life and colours. So Lili decided to add plants there on the outside window sills, mainly flowers to give the place some colour and to fit in with the blue tiled roof on top.

Inside there would be a guard there and some hangers for peoples coats and such. And whenever the people would enter, they would of course be greeted by an impressive carpet that led down two stone round steps and onto the wooden floor of the main hall. And as for the carpet it too was to have a lion head in it, a head of gold with the carpet being red with it's outlines then being gold as well, or yellow. Only the colour was important not the material of course.

Inside the Inn there would be two floors for eating and sitting and a few different sections for people with money or simply different needs. On the right there would be an elevated section with sofas and low tables with a wooden fence separating it from everything else.

In the middle there would be one long table meant for many to share like in a viking feast. And around the long table there would be round tables with wooden stools to sit on.

In the back past the long table there would them be the stage that was to be elevated, so that three wooden steps led to it.

On the left, next to the entrance there would be the bar with the kitchen behind it and the entrance to the cellar. A bit further on the left there would then be the fire place which would bring warmth to the inn. And around the fireplace there would be a few small tables next to it. The fireplace would also lead to the second floor where there was another fireplace and more tables.

The second floor in itself would not be big. It would be a more private place for people to talk. It would go partially around the Inn, from atop the bar around and over the stage and past it for a bit until it came to a stop at the corner of the wall there.

On the second floor there would also be the doors that led to the six sizable rooms of the Inn. Normally the rooms could be rented out, but because of the secret entrance they were to be locked and kept vacant. No outsider was to be allowed to stay overnight in the Inn, that would be closing at two o'clock at night.

Finally as a few finishing touches Lili decided to decorate the interior with banners similar to the carpet at the entrance. After all, lions were cool. Although the princesses seemed quite baffled by this choice of hers. And to top it all off, Lili wanted a lantern next to the door outside and the sign with the inns name written on it above the entrance.

And with this, Lili felt that her Inn was sure to be a masterpiece, of course there were few things here and there that she still needed to add to make the place look nice. But overall this was the basic comfy design of the place.

Now all she needed to do was make a cookbook for the girls. The girls needed to start learning how to cook, and of course she needed to start teaching them how to read and write.

Working on all of this, making light stones, spending time with the princesses, studying and trying to stay fit at the same time and whatever else was quite a lot for her. To not overwhelm herself too much with work Lili decided to cut down on her workouts. And so she mostly began to work on her essentials, meaning her lower body since her upper body wasn't gaining much of any muscle anyway.

And like so time passed and life in the white city of Camelot continued in peace and life was good. Or well it was good except for the constant rain, and oh did it rain here. Damn England was a wet place and that was not so good.