
I became a Girl?

Here I ask these questions of you. What if you were a modern man just happily living your life, and then all of a sudden you were not? Now instead you have died and been reborn into a medieval world full of big powerful men, as a small girl without anything to your name? How would you survive? How would you cope with being just a little girl? What sort of heights could you honestly hope to reach without seemingly having any overpowered cheats or systems or super powers to help you, just some advanced knowledge from your past and maybe something else? Well come and find out how a man named Bruce, a former undercover police officer tries to deal with this exact situation and his/her constantly developing body, developing meaning getting her first menstrual cycle at some point, which will lead to bleeding monthly from her private spot and other fun stuff and later she/he will begin slowly gaining more and more womanly curves and such things, you know woman stuff. Plus it happens in a Fantasy medieval world, on a large mostly unexplored island named Albion which is basically just England but not really much at all. ___________ Warning: The MC is not going to deal with all the challenges before him/her so well, and is most definitely not a genius or anything crazy at the start. So be prepared for some misunderstandings and a sort of Roller Coaster of comedy and drama as MC tries to find her/his place within this new world, create home of his/her own, maybe become wealthy, maybe change something in the world, maybe lead some people to glory or even try and change the entire world or even the Galaxy at large.

Lilis_42 · แฟนตาซี
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93 Chs

Chapter 42 The Little Angel.

As Lili looked at the three laughing people around her in confusion not understanding what was so funny, Aileen crossed her arms and said.

"Really mom, you couldn't have been any more vague with your question? I mean just look at her, what is she, like 8 years old or something? Do you seriously expect her to know what you were trying to say?"

Seemingly embarrassed Aileens mother while holding Lili on her lap patted Lili upon her head and said.

"Hehehe, yeh I guess you're right. I'm sorry Lili for ever doubting you. Can you Lili find it in yourself to forgive this old lady for her foolishness?"

Ser John also nodded his head at Lili and apologised saying.

"I as well, would wish to apologise for my earlier behaviour miss Lili. Please if there's anything you wish of me, then say it and I will see it done, as an apology for my rude behaviour."

Hearing all of this Lili was now really confused, but annoyed as well. She could have sworn that she detected sarcasm in these people's voices, plus wasn't she being treated like some baby.

Sure she was happy that she had apparently gotten the job, but she still couldn't quite believe it. And so in annoyance she looked to the woman, pouted and showed her 10 fingers and said.

"I'm 10, not 8, ok. I'm not a little child anymore."

The room went silent, and the woman seemed quite surprised at her words. Aileen was the first to then speak as she said.

"What? No way? Really? You're the same age as me and yet you're so tiny?"

Lili turned to Aileen with a pout on her face and was about to say. Oh yeah well, I might be short in stature, but at least I'm big in the places that really matter.

But no, Lili couldn't say that. That was wrong. And, so the woman spoke up first, grabbing Lilis attention as she said.

"Shush Aileen. Don't speak like that to Lili, its perfectly normal for some girls to develop certain parts of their bodies before others. I'm sure Lili will grow into a fine girl of a decent hight in due time. And if not then that is fine also. I'm sure Arthur isn't going to mind it at all."

For whatever reason Lili actually felt pretty pleased by the woman's words, but there was something that she wanted to know. And so she said.

"Hmm, whose Arthur?"

After saying this the room seemed to once more turn silent. The woman looked at Lili in confusion for a moment before she smiled again and said.

"Well his my son of course."

Lili for sure had heard the name before somewhere. Despite this she couldn't seem to remember it at all. But by how the woman had answered her it seemed like this name was something really well known. It seemed like she was expected to just know it for some reason, as if it were some common thing that all except apparently she knew.

So seeing as she was already seemingly being looked down upon and basically made fun of, Lili attempted to preserve her pride. She didn't want to seem stupid and so she said.

"Aa, I see."

Once more silence rained over the room. The woman seemed speechless.

Noticing this Lili quickly came up with something else to say, and then said.

"Mmm, well since I'm his maid. Should I perhaps go attend to him now? I could go see if his hungry or maybe in need of cleaning. I'm not an expert at it, but I have changed a few diapers before."

After saying this the room suddenly erupted into loud hysterical laughter. Seeing this Lili was shocked not understanding what she had said.

Aileen had suddenly fallen to her knees as she held her stomach while laughing. John quickly excused himself and retreated out of the room while laughing hysterically.

Realising that she must have said something horribly wrong Lili felt embarrassed as she pulled on the woman's dress and said.

"Wa, wa what's wrong?"

The older woman tried to say something, but couldn't. Her laughter was uncontrollable. Aileen on the other hand managed to stop her laughter for a moment and said.

"Lili you dummy. Arthur is not some infant baby, his already 14."

Hearing the words Lili immediately felt her face heating up in shame. She had tried to appear knowing and yet she totally failed.

In shame she hung her head low and covered her face with her hands. The woman then gave Lili a big hug as she then managed to say.

"Hihihi, Ooh Lili, Aren't you just the cutest little girl I've ever seen. Now I think I finally understand why he'd be so infatuated by you."

Lili couldn't believe her ears. Did the woman just say that this Arthur fellow was interested in her in some way, but why? So far she couldn't really remember herself doing anything of real significance in this life to actually get someone to be infatuated or interested in her, had she? Looking up at the woman Lili then said.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

Laughing slightly the woman looked down at Lili and smiled happily as she said.

"Ooh, don't you worry about it now Lili. Just know that everything is good. Arthur is out on a campaign with his father fighting against those beasts up north, but once he returns I have a pretty good feeling that he will be really happy to see you. And I think you'll also be quite happy to see him."

This Lili couldn't understand, what were they hiding from her. The woman then gave Aileen a smug looking smile and a wink as Aileen did so as well and said.

"Hihihi, usually I wouldn't approve of this. But in your case Lili, I honestly can't help but give you my blessings. I'm sure you two are going to get along just fine."

After saying this, Lili no longer knew what to say. She was left completely speechless. Lili just watched as the woman then sent Aileen to prepare Arthur's room for Lili to use.

Apparently as Arthur's bed maid it now fell upon her to keep his room clean and bed warm at night. Apparently meaning that she would be given the privilege of actually sleeping in the boys bed, which to Lili was a big win.

She figured that surely the boys room would be quite spacious and cool. And with him not around it was all hers as was his most likely huge bed as well.

Then as Aileen left the room and closed the door. Lili was quickly undressed by the woman and ordered to rest by her side. New clothes suited for her would apparently be brought to her later on.

While being undressed Lili remembering that the woman was actually quite sick, she tried to offer her the light stone. But after looking at it for a moment she merely smiled and said.

"Wow Lili, its really pretty. Where did you manage to find a glowing stone like this."

Lili could immediately see that the woman's words were not quite sincere. She did seem somewhat intrigued by it, but that was it. Immediately after saying this she put it down to her side and started taking off the rest of Lilis wet clothes.

To this Lili merely said that she had found it in the city a long time ago, which technically wasn't a lie. To this the woman merely nodded and started saying some other half hearted words of praise.

But Lili didn't listen. Instead now, naked as she was, she made the woman hold the stone in her hands as Lili then said.

"Please just try to keep this in your hands and close to you, it should make you feel better in no time."

The woman seemed a bit amused by Lilis words, clearly there was doubt in her. But she didn't resist and held the stone close in hand as she then made Lili lay next to her as she too layed down and attempted to go a sleep.

In the darkness of the night, with the room only light by the lights of the moon and stars, Lili watched the woman in anticipation and disappointment. She greatly wanted the light stone to be of use to the woman but nothing was happening.

In truly did seem that without a person knowingly believing in the stone and asking it for assistance, the stone just wouldn't work. She had tested it out before and it seemed that it did work upon plants just fine, but bugs for instance wouldn't be healed.

The girls in captivity were all healed quite easily as they all followed Accalia and if Accalia believed then so too did they as well. But sadly this woman didn't believe.

The woman as if realising Lilis gaze being upon her, merely kept her eyes closed as she said.

"What is it Lili? Can't sleep?"

Lili coming closer to the woman's side then took a hold of her hand and said.

"Mmm, auntie. Can you really not feel anything coming off of that stone. I'm not lying, it really has the capabilities of healing you, you just have to believe in it."

Opening her eyes the woman weakly lifted the small stone up and looked at it as she then said.

"Hmm, well it does feel quite warm to the touch."

Then she closed the stone into her fist, like so shutted its light away and then she turned her body towards Lili. She gently placed her hand upon Lilis head and with a light smile said.

"I can see that you're a very kind person Lili, But you should not worry about me. You have already brought me great joy today and I'm sure that in the future you will bring even greater joy to my son and this family. Just knowing that has already healed this sickly withering old body of mine, and that is something that you should feel proud of."

Hearing this Lili felt happy, but she also felt extremely frustrated. This woman was clearly not taking her seriously at all.

Lili said nothing, she closed her eyes, held tightly onto the womans left hand that held the light stone in it and then she started to focus.

If this woman wasn't willing to believe in her and actually use the light stone to heal herself then she would just have to make her believe.

As Lili started to focus the woman simply smiled at her, placed her right hand upon Lilis hands and then she closed her eyes.

From the outside it looked like the two were simply praying hand in hand as they layed there in bed with their heads almost against one another. The two of them seemed so peaceful from the outside as they appeared to start sleeping, but Lili was not at all at peace.

Lilis brows were frowning. She quickly noticed that the woman seemed extremely healthy on the outside, there she only saw signs of great health, but the deeper she looked the worse it got.

It appeared that the woman had two spots of sickness in herself. The two dark spots had hundreds of roots sprouting off of them that had spread far and wide in the woman's body and seemed to be sucking away at her life force.

One spot of darkness was in her left breast and its roots were coming dangerously far down, close to the heart where they were already causing major slowdowns in the blood flow.

The other spot of darkness was right against her uterus, where it seemed to be feeding upon her ovary and the eggs within it.

As a result of this she could see a lot of sickness and gray spots around her body which was an indication of her weakness.

There also seemed to be something red in the right knee, but other than that it seemed that she was mostly fine. And with this she started her healing process of the womans two dark spots and the red one.

Little by little as Lili began her healing process, her power consumption intensified. And like that she started to press harder and the light became brighter.

The dark roots seemingly seemed to burn away in the bright holy light that now spread all over the woman's body. The healing light travelled fast throughout every blood artery in the woman's body and from there it spread into the rest of her body.

And slowly, but surely the light began to surround the darkness and hammer away at it. The darkness began to subside and vanish into nothingness, only leaving behind healthy and bright looking areas in the woman's body.

But the process was not easy, even with a few years of training Lili started to already feel the strain of the healing. Her body started to heat up and sweat buckets. She started trembling lightly, and weakness started to take over.

Nonetheless Lili couldn't give up now as the job was still not done. She had already decided to see it through to the very end since this woman was in need of her help, plus it was in her mind the right thing to do.

In desperation Lili looked for help to help her push through to the very and to see this woman fully healed. And Like so she turned to god and like she once had done she started rambling some random stuff that came to her head.

"Please oh lord in heaven that have brought me upon this world, lend me your light and let me heal this kind soul of all her ills. Lend me the strength to help her see many more years of happiness upon this holy land. Please just please let me bring your light upon this land and see happiness brought to alls faces. Please lend me your divine light oh lord, let me be your messenger, let me be your light that shines in the dark. Let me be an angel upon this land of yours, let me help this kind soul, please.

Bitte, oh Herr im Himmel, der mich auf diese Welt gebracht hat, leih mir dein Licht und lass mich diese gütige Seele von all ihren Leiden heilen."

After that Lili started to repeat the words in German.

Unknown to her this all had been seen by sir John. Just a moment ago he had been sitting next to the door having a small snack which a maid on the night shift had brought him, but as he sat there in silence.

Suddenly a bright light started to come from the room behind him. In his mind he immediately figured that some intruder must have just entered the room with an extremely bright torch.

He had no idea how such a thing would be possible as they were so high up in the castle. Nonetheless he unsheathed his blade and with force entered the room ready to fight.

For a moment his eyes were assaulted by the extremely bright light which caused him to shield his eyes. His eyes throbbed slightly from the pain of the sudden light, he gritted his teeth and parted his fingers to see.

And to his great confusion he noticed that the light was not one from a torch but from the little girl Lili herself.

Lilis whole body was glowing as she rambled away what sounded like prayers. But not only was she glowing but the woman on the bed was as well, although not as brightly.

John seemed to be completely lost for words as he stood there in shock. His eyes slowly adjusted to the bright sight and as they did his mouth fell open and his sword dropped to the ground as he realised what it was that he was seeing.

There around Lilis head a halo of light seemed to be forming. Seeing this John did the sign of the cross and fell to his knees with a heavy, tud.

Just then Lili managed to finish up her healing, to her own amazement. This had most definitely been her fastest time so far, although she had no idea how long it had been. But she had a feeling that it was fast nonetheless.

And as she started to come back into reality the light faded, Lili felt the wetness of the bed, thanks to her sweat and she also then noticed the woman slowly starting to open her eyes.

Lili quickly pulled away to the edge of the bed and noticed Sir John there on his knees looking at her in awe. Then the woman awoke and seemingly as if realising the state of the bed, her eyes widened in shock and she turned to Lili.

Lilis heart skipped a beat as her face then quickly flushed red as she hurried to explain herself.

"Aa, no mam, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. You see its not what you think. I, I I didn't wet the bed, its just sweat. I swear."

The woman pushed herself up with amazing speed, noticed John and without hesitation said.

"Sir John go get the maids. Get the maids to prepare a bath, clothes and get this room cleaned up and fast. Oh and get us something to eat."

John hesitated, he looked at Lili and then at the woman as he started to stutter.

"B b, but, but your..."

But quickly he was shut up as the woman stood up and said.

"No, butts John. Just do as I said. I know its late, but still just get it done ok."

Once more John looked at Lili, which made her wonder why he was looking at her like so. Nonetheless the man said nothing as he just did a quick bow and did as he was told.

After that the woman seemingly now full of energy, quickly started walking around the big bed and towards Lili. Looking at her Lili couldn't help but notice her truly tall stature. This woman was easily over 180 centimetres and looked absolutely huge in her eyes.

Then as the woman came next to Lili, she easily grabbed her into her arms, like she was grabbing a small baby. Then she started walking around the bed and towards the door as she said.

"And as for you young lady, I think it's time you took a proper bath and learned to go relieve yourself before bed."

Cheeks red like tomatoes, Lili quickly stammered out her next words as she looked up at the woman and said.

"B bu but I didn't piss myself mam. I swear."

Walking out the door and into the hall the woman placed a finger upon Lilis lips and said.

"I know baby, it's ok. And please feel free to call me Wilda or just aunt Wilda, ok. And whenever we have visitors or go outside, then you should call me Queen Wilda Pendragon, but of course if you do call me aunt Wilda even then, then I won't mind."

Now Lili was left completely speechless with her mouth agape and her big deep blue eyes as wide as they could be.

Queen Wilda on the other hand didn't seem to notice any of this as she happily carried Lili along the halls and said.

"Hmm, how strange, all of a sudden I feel so light and full of energy. I feel like I could wrestle a cow to the ground or go riding to the sea side. It's almost as if I'm all better. Maybe meeting you somehow just cured me of my sickness. Hihihi, you wouldn't happen to be my little and cute guardian angel, Lili?"

Scratching her head awkwardly Lili just happily laughed at her words and said nothing. Lili just couldn't say anything as her head was a complete mess. She was literally being carried around by a freaking queen, plus this queen totally thought that she just urinated in the freaking royal bed. And if the queen said that it was so, then it was like so and she was fucked.

She couldn't help but wonder how was she still even alive. Surely pissing in the royal bed wasn't something a commoner like her would be allowed to get away with. Wasn't she basically dead meat already, Lili wondered.