
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · แฟนตาซี
193 Chs

Chapter 37 - Labyrinth (Complete)

Chapter 37 - Labyrinth (Complete)

"The 'hunter' on the 5th floor is mine. Don't think about getting spit on. Get out."

"...Ah, then I have no choice but to yield."

Amon walked down the aisle with a triumphant gait.

'If I had to...'

It was Jetto, of all things.

Amon had been quietly avoiding Zeto all this time.

He was very disturbed by the sound of Zeto's footsteps following behind him.

"You're going to get off...?"

Amon gulped down his throaty curse and looked back with his eyes wide open, but Zeto was farther away than he thought.

Jetto shrugs his shoulders with a gleeful smile and asks him, 'What?' I had a strong feeling as if I was saying that.


Amon thought as he turned his head.

'Even if it wasn't a labyrinth...'

It was just there.

Amon stops thinking.

If it wasn't for the labyrinth, would I be able to slam that unfortunate face into the ground?

In Amon's mind, an incident during the class placement test suddenly came to mind.

At that time, he was not careless because his opponent was blind.

'He obviously dispelled. With a sword too.'

No matter how Amon was, in the end, Caligus was Caligus. He didn't learn magic in vain.

He did not dismiss Jeto's dispel as anything close to a mere coincidence.

'Even if we stick together again, it will be hard to win.'

Amon had already experienced Dispel. He was well aware of how much advantage Dispel had over wizards.

Dispel requires a deep understanding of the magic to be nullified.

His father easily dispelled his magic.

After all, Amon learned magic from his father.

One named Zeto dispelled his earth gauntlet. Let alone a wizard, not a swordsman.

Even as Amon, dispelling with a sword was unheard of.

This meant that there was a tremendous level gap between Amon and Zeto.

'I tried to kill you... Please stop...'

A lot of cadets were killed by a powerful unknown monster on the 5th floor.

He was going to subdue the monster and prove the greatness of the Caligus family and who 'Amon Caligus' was to the academy cadets.

In the midst of that, he met Jeto.

'It's clear that that guy was aiming for a monster as well.'

Amon was unconsciously impatient, so his steps sped up.

He was worried about what to do if Jeto, who was following behind him, took away his achievements.

Finally, Amon looks back and shouts.

"Fuck off!"

Fortunately, this place was a labyrinth.

Even when Amon spoke harshly, Zeto could not punish him.

The reason I hadn't quarreled with him was to avoid punishment.

If he gets into a fight with someone stronger than himself, he ends up being sold.

Amon was a thoroughly weak and weak type of person.

Zeto was already strong for Amon, and he himself was medicine.

Even in the labyrinth, he spat out curses at Zeto, and it felt like his stuffed stomach was being swept away.

Hearing Amon's curse, Zeto's expression hardens little by little.

'Yeah, what if I feel bad?'

Amon smiled at Jeto.

Unsurprisingly, he tended to think about the aftermath.

Eventually, Zeto's mouth opened.

However, the words that came out of Jeto's mouth were completely different from what Amon had imagined.

"... Is coming."

Jetto said so in a rather serious voice.

Amon hurriedly turned his head forward at Zeto's meaningful words.

The dark aisle was still dead-quiet.

The smell of blood spread throughout the floor, but nothing was different from before.

'No, they're coming...'

Amon didn't even have time to marvel at Zeto's crazy senses, and he immediately readied himself for battle.


Only then did his footsteps reach Amon's ears.

When I heard the sound of getting closer, it was amazing speed.

Amon couldn't even see him, but he had to be prepared.

"Earth Wall!!"

Amon lays on the ground and builds a thick wall of rock in front of him.

'The wall will definitely be broken. I break down the wall without thinking and hit the head of the guy who came in.'

Soon, the sound of footsteps reached the wall, and Amon sensed it.

Now the walls are breaking

ã…¡Too bang!

Just as Amon thought, the wall crumbles, revealing himself with pieces of stone flying here and there.


His gray mane sways.

Amon didn't panic and swung the gauntlet down in time.

ã…¡ Huung!

However, he dodges Amon's gauntlet, which seemed to touch his face right away.

"Does not make sense...!"

Then its long claws point towards Amon.


Amon quickly blocked it with his gauntlet.

Fortunately, the gauntlet did not break through.


Even if Amon died soon, he was still 'Caligus'.

It was Amon Caligus, the son of Maxim Caligus, the 'Shield of the Empire', the most powerful land magic.

"Earth Spear!"

Amon summoned a spear of stone from the air and threw it at it, even as it flew away with a violent impact.

Even if he avoided the gauntlet at close range, the speed of the Earth Spear was also quite fast.


As if it was difficult for him to avoid it, he moved his arm and hit the Earth Spear.

Amon stood up from the ground, confirming its identity.

'Lycan slope...?'

A man with a wolf's head.

The only thing that could be called human was that he walked on two legs...

At least that was the only name that came to Amon's mind.

It wasn't a monster.

He's not a guy who deserves to appear in the labyrinth.

Amon thought so, but the battle came first.

In an instant, the shape of the lycanthrope was twisted.


Lycanthrope's claws approached Amon at an unresponsive speed and struck Amon's gauntlet.

----Kagak! Kang! Cagan!

It was Amon who was blocking it by putting up a guard with his gauntlet, but he didn't think he could hold out forever.

The menacing claws of the lycanthrope are directed towards the lower part of the body that Amon could not protect with the gauntlet.

"Earth Wall!"

In an instant, Amon made a wall rise under his feet, barely avoiding the claws of the lycanthrope.


The lycanthrope that broke the wall once again.

Amon, who was flying over his head, casts another spell in the air.

"Stone shower!"

Large, sharp pieces of stone tumble down on Amon's head in time with his voice.

It was the specialty of Amon, an earth mage who prefers melee combat.

Lycan Slope hurriedly raised his arm to block the stone fragments, but he couldn't block them all.


In Amon's eyes, a lycanthrope with stone fragments embedded all over the body enters.

He thought maybe it was worth a try.


Then he gazes at the ceiling and howls ferociously.

Then, the stone fragments embedded in his body fall to the floor with a pattering sound.

The lycanthrope was regenerating the wound.

The torn skin clumps together, and the flowing blood stops.

ã…¡ Kreukreuk...

Hot breath leaks from the mouth of the lycanthrope.

His red eyes were even more hideous.

He thought he had done the damage, but it only made him angry.

ã…¡ Chi profit...

Soon the legs of the lycanthrope are dragged back.


He kicks off the ground and makes a stronger charge than before.

In the blink of an eye, the man who came up to Amon's nose pierces Amon's face with his anticipatory nails.

Amon hurriedly raised the gauntlet to block it, but...


The tattered gauntlet cracks and Amon's body flies off to the side.

ã…¡ Quad gain!

Soon, Amon is pinned to the wall.


Blood gushed out of Amon's mouth.

'Are the ribs out...'

Amon's body shuddered as if it would break at any moment. He couldn't get up.

'They say it's a monster...'

It was not a good opponent.

It wasn't because he was a wizard simply because his movements were snappy.

Amon was also confident in close combat.

Lycanthrope was that powerful.

At this point, Amon had no choice but to admit it.

'Has it crossed the subject.'

He was always the one who figured out the subject only after experiencing the bitter taste.

Zeto at the time of the assignment test was like that, and Lycan Slope was like that now.

The lycanthrope approaches Amon with saliva dripping.

'...I'll have to go to the infirmary to get some treatment.'

Thinking so, Amon was about to give up cleanly.

"...It's my turn now, right?"

Suddenly, Amon's ears heard the unlucky voice he didn't want to hear, at least for now, from the other side.

The lycanthrope also responds to the voice. As if he had only recently noticed Jeto's existence.

Amon, lying on the floor, struggled to roll his eyes and looked in the direction of Zeto.

But Jeto's appearance was strange.

'The bandage I used to wear around my eyes... Now it covers my mouth...?'

Zeto, who seemed to have his entire face wrapped in bandages and cloth, looked like an unknown assassin.

Lycanthrope approaches a new challenger.

"Maybe... You'd better cover your nose."

Zeto leaves such unknown words to Amon.

Jetto threw the pouch from his waist to the lycanthrope.

Then, just before the pouch touched the lycanthrope, Zeto first drew out his sword and cut it.

ã…¡ Crisp!

Soon, the sound of the bag bursting is heard, and yellow powder protrudes from the bag and scatters everywhere.


The powder quickly spreads around and even enters Amon's nose, which had not been blocked due to difficulty in moving his body.

'...My body doesn't move.'

I don't know what kind of powder it was, but it had a paralyzing effect.

'Lycan slopes don't use magic. In other words, the opponent that 'Dispel' does not work for.'

Zeto's swordsmanship, which Amon had faced before, was mediocre to put it bluntly.

Among the four elemental families, the Aisin family, who are in charge of ice magic, had a long history of ice swordsmanship.

'What are you going to do, Jeto...'

Amon decided to lie quietly and watch Jeto's battle.

Lycan Slope gets distracted by the powder and sniffs him, and his body freezes temporarily.

Jeto did not miss that moment.

'Why do you hold the sword like that? Reciprocal number...?'

Unusually, Zeto, who was holding the sword in reverse, immediately ran towards the lycanthrope.

Zeto's sword attack continued.

Zeto's red-black head comes in.

However, the excellent physical ability of the lycanthrope, who does not know how he ate, ignores the paralysis and reacts to it.


His wrists are cut off in place of his head.

Jetto's black muscle mass, which looked solid even at first glance, was sliced ​​lightly as if it were water.

Lycan Slope, who lost one of his hands, quickly leaps backwards and distances himself from Zeto.

Reciprocal (reciprocal).

A red sword that deserves to be called a famous sword even from a distance.

Jetto had changed a lot in his own way.

'It hasn't been long since I entered the school, but I've already grown as much as I did?'

Amon notices that the gap with Zeto has widened even more.

Meanwhile, Lycanthrope was waiting for something after getting away from Zeto.

Blood drips from his severed wrist.

No matter how much the lycan slope was cut off his wrist, it seems that he can not recover right away.

However, from Amon's point of view, he wasn't waiting to recover.

He was waiting for the strange powder that stopped his body to hit the ground and become quiet.

Whether it was his instincts or his intelligence... Amon didn't know.

Jeto took off the cloth that covered his mouth and nose and waited for him.

The standoff time was not very long.

The lycan slope sniffed him and then started running towards Jetto.


The guy screams and leaves his severed right hand behind, swinging only his left hand.

Although it was one-handed, it was a much more agile attack than when it attacked Amon.

However, Jeto deflects the attack with light movements.

'I'm sure... I can't see... How...?'

As if he could see the front, he was dodging all the sharp claws of the lycanthrope with a wonderful movement.

Lycanthrope's attacks became faster and faster.

Every time he swings his arm, a sharp pangong sound follows.

Jeto blocked his claws with his sword, as if he had judged that it was too much to dodge any more from the continuous series of attacks.


Zeto's body, which could not withstand the shock even if it was blocked with a sword, rises backwards.

ã…¡Chii profit.

Zeto dragged the ground with his sword and stopped him.

Nonetheless, he still maintained his composure.

Zeto shakes off his sword and smiles softly.

'You can't win just by avoiding it. What are you hiding that makes you look like that?'

Amon gulped and stared at Jeto.

Then Zeto lifts his index and middle fingers and slides down the blade.

It was an action that made no sense.

However, in Amon's eyes, Zeto's mana flow changed in an instant.

It was such a gruesome thing that Amon wondered if that was right even after seeing it with his own eyes.

Zeto's mana management, which seemed fleeting, was beyond Amon's understanding.

Soon, Jeto took up his posture as if he was about to swing his sword.



Lycanthrope was struggling.

He was exhausted from the unreasonable series of attacks from earlier.

So there was a distance between Zeto and Lycanthrope.

It was a distance where each other's attacks could not reach at all.

Zeto ignored this and swung the sword several times, drawing a graceful curve with the sword he was holding in reverse.

The red trail that appeared as his sword crossed the air was very beautiful.

However, the problem was that it cut through the air.

It was strange.

How could he wield a sword in the air without exhaling sword energy?

Sword skill was not something that could be easily pulled out. Swordsmanship was something that only swordsmen who had reached a certain level could deal with.

For a moment, Amon looked at Zeto and thought.

'It's like you can't really see. I'm out of my mind They say that if you get attacked by him, you'll get confused... It seems like he even brushed it when the serial attack continued.'

If Amon, who was watching this spectacle, had not been paralyzed, he would have clicked his tongue.

However, right after Jeto swings his sword, a loud sound is heard in Amon's ears.

ã…¡ so bad!!!

Along with a roar, huge sword scars were carved all over the passage.

The walls and ceiling of the aisle were slashed, as if it had gone against the space.

Amon was startled and rolled his eyes to examine his body first.

Fortunately, the sharp sword marks didn't go through Amon's body.

Although the attacks between the cadets did not work in the labyrinth, Amon, who was very embarrassed, completely forgot about this.

'Then... What this unknown 'sword energy' cut through was...'

Amon's trembling eyes contain the image of the lycanthrope.

The guy stood still.

But even for a while, the sword cut by Zeto reflected on his body, and before long, his body slowly fell into pieces.


Head first.


Then arms and torso.


The last remaining lower body is also cut in half.

The lycanthrope was completely torn to pieces, and only his ankles were left standing where he stood.


For some reason, Jeto swung the sword away from the blood and scattered his blood around.

The blood he shook off was certain to belong to the Lycanthrope.

ã…¡ Tak.

Zeto then leads the sword.

Amon stopped thinking about it because the events that happened in the moment were so complicated.

He is much stronger than he is.

That was the only thought in Amon's head.

Soon after, Jeto strides forward and shouts loudly.

"Amon! Are you still alive?!"

Jeto's nasty smile was still there.

I don't know about the other cadets, but at least I wasn't as mean as Amon.

'That dog ... If I deliberately cut it all ...'

Amon wanted to swear coolly, but he couldn't because he was paralyzed.

Anyway, that was the case with Amon.