
I became a Cult's Goddess in a Villainess Novel

"Shiori-sama!" "We have found the perfect vessel for you!" "Who would be better than the Crown Princess!?" "Yeah! That's right!" "..." When did I become the Goddess of a Cult? Wasn't it supposed to be just a typical villainess novel? *** One fine day, I was stabbed on the street like a certain salaryman I know. And as one would expect, I had just read a villainess novel before dying. And knowing the similarity of death with that salaryman, I made some pretty good wishes in my last moments. And when I reincarnated, although I got what I wished, I became a spirit because I wished to be indestructible immortal who is not affected by heat and cold. And somehow, the villagers of the village I arrived after my Isekai were able to see me. They became nutcases and formed a cult with me as their Goddess, smug that only they could see me so they are my descendants or whatever. And somehow, I don't why, they have kidnapped the Crown Princess of the Empire, the Villainess and offered her to be my vessel. Well, it might not be that bad... I am bored anyway. No! I just want to support her by sharing my powers to her while being inside her body. Nothing more less. It is all just because of my goodness of heart!

PrincessThrone · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1



Ugggh! Why did that psycho stab a random person like me! *Huff* It looks like I am about to die. It's funny that I am dying the same way as that famous salaryman.

Oh I wish I could get a necromancy skill for my next life... And I would even refive myself as many times I wished...

<<Unique Skill: Necromancy Acquired>>

<<Unique Skill: Revival Acquired>>

Uggh! Don't spam these annoying messages in my head! It is hurting!

<<Extra Skill: Mental Resistance Acquired>>

Ah! The headache disappeared. Wait! It's happening like that! Yes! Make me an immortal goddess like being with so much magic power that even that blonde's chakra reserves will shy away!

<<Species Selected: Goddess>>

<<Ultimate Skill: Magic Reactor Acquired>>

<<Unique Skill: Immortality Acquired>>

Yes! Gimme all sorts of resistances! And sealing magic as well! You know what? I want Gluttony as well! And wouldn't it be good if I have some sort of mind control as well?

<<Heat Resistance Acquired>>

<<Cold Resistance Acquired>>

<<Evolving: Thermal Resistance Acquired>>

<<Water Resistance Acquired>>

<<Lightning Resistance Acquired>>

<<Wind Resistance Acquired>>

<<Earth Resistance Acquired>>

<<Extra Skill: Sealing Magic Acquired>>

<<Unique Skill: Gluttony Acquired>>

<<Unique Skill: Mind Control Acquired>>

Hmm, what more do I need? Maybe Spirit-


And before I could finish that thought, I died, leading to this error.

<<Spirit___ Instructions Unclear>>

<<Species change: Spirit Goddess>>

<<Reincarnation process initializing...>>


<<Reincarnation process completed>>

I opened my eyes. Only to find myself inside a temple.

"Goddess-sama has arrived!"

A monk shouted as soon as he saw me. He immediately approached me and bowed down to me completely.

Did I get reincarnated as a goddess, or is he just mistaking me for one?

I tried to touch his head to stop bowing to me, but my hand passed right through it.




"Shiori-sama! Please bless my child!"

"Ah? Ok! Become beautiful and super strong, okay?"


"Our crops are growing so good! But it was drought prone area from the last 50 years! Shiori-sama brought us rain!"


"Shiori-sama! Please give us strength to fight with the demonic beasts after our crops!"


"W-what is this incredible power I am getting!?"

"This is POWER!"




Ok, so hear me out. Some 6 months ago, I got stabbed, and got reincarnated in the last villainess novel I was reading. But neither as the heroine, villainess or even a side character.

I got reincarnated as a goddess with the wishes of power I got when I was dying. And before I could complete saying Spirit magic, I died. So whoever reincarnated me could only listen 'Spirit', and made me a Spirit Goddess.

So I can't eat, and even sleep now, because I don't need it. I can't even touch people! And moreover, nobody apart from this remote village can see me!

I am no better than a powerful ghost!

It is a good thing that people of this remote village can see me at the very least. Somehow, me being here meant large amount of mana, and that meant the living conditions of the people improving. The soil became nutritious, rain happened, and people firmly started believing that I am their savior.

And somehow, I am able to bless them with increase in power too. And that's why they sing my praises and pray to me everyday.

I guess I have got a cult now.

Well, today a weird thing happened. Somehow, they kidnapped the Empire's Crown Princess, the villainess of the novel, Evelyn, for me to possess her body.

She doesn't have any mana, so it will be much easier for me to possess her. I have tried possessing one of my devotees, but she died and U had to revive her with necromancy.

But the villainess did have this no mana condition just to screw over her. But if I possess her, she will instantly become powerful, and I will get to enjosy my new life while taking a backseat.

"And this way, we can expand the Temple's influence and establish the Holy Empire!"

... And do that too. Honestly, the cult's objective will keep me from getting bored. I will just go along with this. It won't be so bad to play god, will it?

As the villainess lay on the altar with magic circles that the cult's magic researcher has developed, I poured my immense mana into it so that it can be activated.

I spoke into her mind the most clichéd line one says before taking over their body.

"Do you want power?"

'Power? Like the magicians?', Evelyn's thought were like that. It looks like I will have to do some convincing.

"Kukuku, not like thise puny creatures. The are like ants in front of me."

Fear gripped her mind.

'Are you a demon? Why are you trying to possess me? Do you want to take over the Empire?'

"Huh? Demon? Who are you calling a demon!? I am a Goddess! I am Shiori, the name I gave myself! Not like your fake religion who believes White Magic to be the gift of god. I am a real goddess!"

Yes. I will brainwash you into believing in me completely and let crusades for spreading the true religion. It would be so much fun when everyone will worship me! Kuahaha!

'Then why do you want to possess me!'

"Umm, hehe~, you know, I am a spirit goddess and don't have a body. Only these people can see me. And I can't just possess anyone because I will just completely overtake them because of their puny mana. Though you are different. You have no mana, and I wouldn't have any problem in making you my vessel. But fear not! I won't take over your mind! I will just reside in your body, let you use my power, and you let me taste delicious food through your body! You will even get my cult who will follow your every order! They are very strong! I have blessed them myself, and each of them are stronger than the high ranking knights and magicians combined! It's not a bad deal, right? Just let me enter your body. Pretty please?"

'Is she telling the truth? Or is just tricking me?'

"Of course I am telling the truth!"

Even though I can just possess her and consume her small ego.

'I don't want to. I don't trust you.'

"Ugggh! I was asking because I wanted to get along, but I can always take over your body! I simply want you to be the main driver of the body because I am lazy. Hmm, lemme just enter you and have a test run of my power, then decide for yourself!"

The magic circle beneath her lit up, and the cheering of my cult became louder than ever. I started entering her body, surrounding her small soul with mine. I started creating mana channels that were not present in her, and assimilating myself into her brain, modifying it to be my slave. The slave magic the cult developed is very useful.

Kuku! She will slowly become my host, not being able to resist my orders, and I will control her body anytime I want!

She started experiencing the rush of my power. Kuku! Feel it! Feel proud that I am making you my vessel!

"Kukuku, liking it? You will easily become more powerful than even your dear Crown Prince. Wouldn't everything become easy if you have power? No one will question your engagement."

'She's right. Maybe I should just accept the situation... It's not like I can escape from her on my own...'

"Yeah. That's right. I will take care of you, and give you unimaginable power."

'That's right...'

"Don't worry about anything from now on, my dear Evelyn. Shiori-sama will take care of everything."


The power continued flowing into her, and I made her feel powerful for the first time in her life. I could feel her mana circuit being created, and immense amount of mana flowing through them.

'Maybe... I can finally use magic...?'

"Yes, you can now."

I took control over her body as she was feeling dizzy from the power rush. I got up from the altar, and walked towards a golden throne my cult has prepared for me.

Inside, Evelyn was panicking, but there is a price for power.

I slowly floated towards my throne, feeling powerful by having a physical body after so long.

I transformed my clothes to something befitting a goddess. Hot 'n sexy.

I sat on my throne, feeling physical matter after so long!

I whispered to Evelyn in my silky, seductive voice, promising untold power and glory. "Dear Evelyn, embrace me, accept the new yourself. You are my vessel now. You should feel proud of being the vessel of such powerful goddess as myself. No one will bully you from now on. Don't resist. Become the goddess for my people."

'I felt a strange combination of fascination and fear. This goddess, Shiori, had taken control of my body, and yet, there was an undeniable allure in her promises. I had never felt such power coursing through me before, and despite my reservations, it felt... good.

As I sat upon the throne, I realized I was no longer in control. Shiori guided my actions, my words, my very essence. It was as if she and I had become intertwined, sharing this vessel. I was a mere passenger, observing as Shiori commanded the attention and devotion of the cultists.'

Evelyn, for some reason started monologuing as if on drugs. Well, whatever.

"My children. I thank you for providing me such a great vessel. I bless you all great prosperity."




"You will call me Evelyn-sama from now on. And follow every order of this vessel from now on. She is my devotee who willing gave her body to me, so she will be your goddess as well from now on. She is me and I am her from now on."




The room erupted in a chorus of worship, the cultists chanting her name, referring to her as their goddess. It must be a surreal sight for her, their eyes filled with adoration and reverence. They saw us as the embodiment of their beliefs, a being beyond mortal comprehension

'The mouth and voice was hers, but the words were mine. Did she trick me into taking over my body?'

"No, my dear Evelyn. It just felt so good to move in a body. I am taking the backseat now, and this cult is all yours. Kukuku!"

I let her to be in control of her body again, but with a huge amount of mana. She never felt so powerful that it was almost intoxicating. She felt connected to all the members of the cult, as if she could control them as my pawns with mere mental commands.

As we sat upon that throne, my mind a swirl of conflicting emotions, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. I have become a cult goddess. I have possessed a body as well. And as the cultists continued to worship me, I knew that my life would never be the same again.

But... It is not so bad...

Afterall, I am now a goddess. And it's never too boring to conquer and expanding my own Holy Kingdom where everyone will worship me!

Kukuku! Not bad, Not bad at all!