
I arrive at Black Clover

You are living your own life, facing the situations that arise in your life, but in a moment all that changes, you want to rest and for everything to end but you never expect that to happen, now you have to live in the unknown and see how to solve everything. "Gojo-sensei could you help me?" "I'm coming" "I'm craving for something sweet" As you can imagine I'm Gojo Satoru and I'm in a world different from mine where I don't know how I got there.

Lightstrick558 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 8

Deep in a forest not far from Satoru's home, a place where a variety of wild animals reside—some harmless, while others would attack you on sight—our dear Satoru was perched on a branch of one of the nearby trees, observing these animals feasting on another creature.

Satoru had come to this forest to continue practicing his Limitless technique. He already mastered the Neutral Limitless, which allows him to defend against anything, but he has to activate it manually. He knows how to use cursed energy to enhance his body, as well as the cursed technique Lapse: Blue. Now, teleportation is what he's aiming for.

In one of his previous attempts, he had nearly ended up at a neighbor's house. To avoid tragedies, like being mistaken for a thief or a pervert spying on people in the bathroom—which almost happened—he quickly escaped and covered his hair to avoid identification. After finding this forest not far from his home and the village, he came here to practice. However, today was his fifth day of practice, and he encountered these wild animals. Squatting and observing everything, Satoru decided to put his power into practice.

"Currently, I can only fight hand-to-hand and use Blue. It doesn't consume cursed energy, but it strains my brain. Let's see how it works."

Looking around, he spotted a rather large rock beside the animals. He raised his right hand, focusing cursed energy into it. Soon, the rock began to tremble, and Satoru smiled. He lifted his hand, and the rock lifted with it. He quickly moved his hand to the left, and the rock followed suit, flying rapidly to the left and striking some of the wild animals.

The animals, engrossed in their meal, were startled to see one of their own hit by a rock and crushed. They looked around for the threat but saw nothing.

An idea struck Satoru. Standing up and removing his sunglasses—placing them on his payera to avoid losing them—he cupped his hands, leaving a circular gap between them, and began concentrating cursed energy. A black sphere formed first, then turned blue. It began to grow gradually, and Satoru muttered some words.

[Cursed Technique Amplifier: Maximum Output Blue]

Raising his hand, the sphere rapidly expanded and started attracting everything around it—branches, leaves, rocks, pieces of wood. Seeing this, Satoru quickly launched it towards the animals. The sphere advanced rapidly, attracting and destroying everything in its path. The animals sensed the danger and started running, but some turned to look.

They didn't have time to react before being crushed by the Blue sphere. Those who ran earlier managed to escape, but those who stayed behind perished. Satoru watched from the tree as he surveyed the aftermath—several destroyed trees, some uprooted, a path several meters deep and five meters wide. It looked as though a giant, heavy sphere had passed through.

A few drops of blood on some distant trees and the stationary Blue sphere in the area. Satoru jumped down from the tree, and as he landed, the tree from which he had jumped broke and fell backward. He shrugged at the sight.

Approaching the sphere, he examined it curiously. He was surprised to see Blue manifested without consuming his cursed energy. Although using the technique didn't drain his energy, he was still surprised to see it—"Could it be because it consumed a living being, or is it because there's enough matter to correct the error caused by cursed energy, preventing the universe from attempting to fix the flaw by attracting everything around it?"

Finding this scene curious, Satoru was disheartened to see Blue disappear. He wanted to do it again, but consuming a life form was excessive. He decided to think of another way later and continued his teleportation training.

"Teleportation is like using Blue but with greater control. It's hard to explain, but in practice, it has to be something else. Come on, Satoru, you can do it."

Satoru began to relax before starting the practice. He breathed in and out, took a few small jumps, and moved each part of his body to relax and prepare for what was to come.

"Practice time. I don't want to die trying."

Satoru looked at a tree about 25 meters away and chose it as his destination to test teleportation. He began channeling cursed energy throughout his body and used the basic concepts of the Blue technique—to create a space rift to compress his atoms and travel the desired distance. This was his understanding, but he might be wrong—"Trial and error."

"Attempt number 1."




At this moment, Satoru was at a tree, but not the tree he aimed for. He was at a tree to his left, about 15 meters away. Not only did he teleport to the wrong location, but he also appeared between two branches, upside down.

"It's going to be a long day."


"Attempt number 2."

"Attempt number 3."

"Attempt number 8."

"Attempt number 12."

"Attempt number 25."

"Attempt number 32."

"Attempt number 39."




"Hahaha, finally!"

"This curse is broken. After 52 attempts, I can teleport at will."

On the ground, Satoru shouted at the top of his lungs to celebrate his teleportation success. It took him a while because he was conducting various teleportation experiments, but if he had focused solely on this, maybe he could've succeeded by the 8th attempt. But he was trying to combine teleportation with something else, which took more time.

"It's getting late, and it'll be dark soon. Time for some food, then back home."

He got up from the ground, shook off the dirt from his clothes, took off his sunglasses, put them on, and took a step but stopped. An idea struck him, and he smiled. He raised both hands, channeled cursed energy using his cursed technique, and disappeared from the forest, reappearing in the village park moments later.

"It's quite useful for traveling faster, but the downside is needing to know the destination. Luckily, the Six Eyes allow me to see places from a great distance."

"It has its advantages and disadvantages."

"Satoru, why are you so dirty?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Satoru turned around to find a young girl about 10 years old. She had brown hair in a ponytail with a pink ribbon, wore a simple white and green dress, black shoes, held a basket in her right hand, and had flowers in her left.

"Hey, Sofi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, but you, why is your clothes so dirty? Were the kids bothering you again?"

Satoru lowered his head, noticing his dirty pants with soil stains and his once-white shirt now looking gray or almost black, with a bit of mud on his face. He knew he had gotten dirty but had ignored it while focusing on his practice. Moreover, this was also his fault for using Blue with those wild animals and destroying the practice area.

"I'll clean my clothes later. To answer your question, no, the kids didn't bother me. They couldn't do anything to me; they're too weak."



*Sigh* "What am I going to do with you? You're as stubborn as ever."

"And you're as cute as ever." (:D)


"By the way, what are you doing now, Sofi?"

"I'm heading home after buying some things my mom asked for and a gift for a friend."

"Ooh, is that flower for me? You shouldn't have bothered, Sofi."

"No, it's not for you."


"Well, I have to go now. My mom is making dinner with this, goodbye Satoru, and try not to get your clothes dirty. My aunt will be mad if she sees you like this."

"You don't worry, and I'm nervous."

Watching Sofi run off towards her home, Satoru turned around and decided to head home too. He raised his hands again, channeled cursed energy, and disappeared, reappearing in his bedroom. He went straight to his closet, changed into clean clothes, put the dirty ones in the laundry basket, and left the room to get some water.

Arriving in the kitchen, he met his mother and greeted her. She left the kitchen and seemed to be heading to her room. Satoru didn't pay attention and grabbed a glass to pour himself some water. He drank the water and felt refreshed. Spotting an apple in the kitchen, he decided to eat it. But before he could grab the apple, a shout echoed throughout the house.


"Shit, I forgot she was doing laundry today."





<Author: 5 doing chapters is already too much for my mind I need a break, not only this but also the control engineering subject, young people do choose that subject headache>.