
I am.....General Hux

A lone guy and his journey to fixing the Canon timeline whilst preserving it's main story to the best of his abilities

56Neutralists · ไซไฟ
18 Chs

Chapter N


Having decimated the republic, Supreme Leader snoke now deploys his army to size military control of the galaxy in a quest to restore the Empire.

Due to the Galaxy's tiredness of war, little resist the occupation in hopes that they could simply live through it though General Leia Organa's band of Resistance fighters refuse to let the FIRST Order have it's way, they search for Luke Skywalker in hopes that he can lead them for a better future and the fight against the First order.

After the destruction of Starkiller base due to the foolishness of...someone, the resistance returns to their base with the feeling of Victory however General Hux taxed with destroying the resistance have tracked their base and moves to crush them, these brave but naive heroes mount an escape in hopes of fighting another day.....one that would cost them