
I am Yhwach

A man was reincarnated as Yhwach with some op powers. _______________ NO HAREM, OPMC Worlds to visit: 1.Naruto verse 2.?????

eternal_angel12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 1


'To think'

(A:Author note)


"Old man, are you really not going to eat fish?" Naruto said with a smile as he happily ate the fish. Purring like a cat made the little boy look so cute.

"You eat. I am not hungry, Naruto..."

The owner of this voice was a man in his early 30s with a stoic expression, long black hair, and cold eyes. His cloak floated around like a living shadow, making the man look both scary and dangerous.

The man sighed and looked at the 4-5-year-old boy eating in front of him. He is not from this world; he is a reincarnation. Yes, from another world.

At first, when the man first opened his eyes, he found himself as Yhwach, who looked like he was in his early 30s.

After that, the man immediately adapted to his new name, and the first thing he did was to check where he was.

He found himself in a deserted area in the forest.

Yhwach emerged from the forest area and walked in a random direction. At first, Yhwach thought he was reincarnated in modern times.

But he soon realized that this idea was wrong. Since Yhwach had inherited all of the Original Yhwach's experience and some of his memories, he explored the surroundings with surprising speed and came across a village.

It was meaningless to call this settlement a village. This place was easily the size of a town.

After doing a little research, Yhwach realized which universe he was in when he saw the heads of the 4 Hokages clearly visible from a distance. This universe was the Naruto Universe.

Now that Yhwach knew where he was, he no longer felt the need to investigate and retreated into the forest. No matter how powerful Yhwach was, it was foolish to underestimate his opponents.

Kaguya is a good example of this.

However, as luck would have it, when he saw the blonde hair shining like the sun through the darkness while randomly wandering around, he immediately recognized this figure.

Yhwach saw Naruto eating fish with a hungry and slightly disgusted expression. But he didn't care and was about to leave when he saw Naruto coughing and throwing the fish away.

He looked at the fish that had fallen on the ground with curiosity and saw that it was half-cooked and half-raw.

Yhwach looked at Naruto, who was eating the half-cooked, half-raw fish, and felt sad.

When Yhwach first appeared in front of Naruto, he felt eyes coming his way. He immediately realized that these were Anbu protecting Naruto.

Under the Anbu's gaze, Yhwach stared expressionlessly at Naruto. "Kid, you didn't cook the fish completely. Fry the fish further."

Naruto jumped in fear and excitement when he encountered Yhwach. Naruto froze in place for a moment. He immediately came to his senses when Yhwach's voice echoed in his mind. "N-Who are you, Dattebayo?

"My name is Yhwach..."

"Yhwach? What kind of name is that Dattebayo!?" Naruto swallowed his fear and pointed at Yhwach with his index finger.

Yhwach looked at Naruto with a strange expression. He thought his new appearance was a little scary. But apparently, it's not that scary. Or maybe Naruto is just a very strange kid.

"Child, don't you know that it's dangerous to walk around alone at night?" Naruto was a little scared by Yhwach's deep voice, but he still gathered his courage and showed the fish he threw on the ground.

"I-I'm hungry. The sister from the orphanage sent me away, saying I was too old to stay in the orphanage anymore." Hearing Naruto, Yhwach narrowed his eyes. Even he didn't expect this. Did Hiruzen know that Naruto was expelled from the orphanage?

Naruto look it with a tearful expression fish, went toward the fish, and picked it up. He looked at the fish with disgust, but since he had no other choice, he opened his mouth to eat the fish.

"Leave it alone, Child. That fish is contaminated and inedible. This is bad for you," Yhwach said. He couldn't let a 4-year-old eat food that was half raw and dirty.

Yhwach looked at the hiding Anbu. Were these Anbu really protecting Naruto? Naruto's father and mother sacrificed their lives for the village. In return for such honorable behavior, his son endured public disdain and humiliation. This went on not just for days but for years.

Even Yhwach, who usually considered himself cold-blooded, took pity on this situation. If it weren't for Naruto's 9-Tails chakra and Uzumaki physique, Naruto would have committed suicide already.

Reluctantly, Naruto put the fish back down. He couldn't even think straight because of hunger. He looked at Yhwach sadly. "B-but I don't have any other food, Dattebayo."

Yhwach looked at Naruto expressionlessly. "Say your name, Child."

"Naruto. My name is Naruto, sir," said Naruto. He looked at Yhwach hopefully. He believed that this man would help him. Even though he had just met Yhwach, this was the first time a human was worried about Naruto.

Yhwach looked at the lake. Yhwach checked for Reishi around him. He doesn't know if Reishi is a power from the Bleach universe, but he decides to try it anyway.

To Yhwach's surprise, he sensed something completely different, that there was no power belonging to either Reishi or Bleach.

Yhwach felt something different. He guessed it was natural energy.

Yhwach felt that he could instinctively control natural energy. But the fear of turning to stone made Yhwach uneasy for a second. Still, he decided to try his luck.

Yhwach decided to use the Quincy techniques he acquired from his body memories. Natural energy was drawn toward Yhwach as if it were a part of his body.

The Anbu tasked with protecting Naruto instinctively retreated. They looked at Yhwach in fear.

After a while, blue energy gathered in Yhwach's hand. It slowly transformed into a spear. Blue energy glowed with power, and intense winds blew around Yhwach.

Naruto looked at Yhwach with admiration. He moved with excitement when he saw that the old man was so strong.

After some time, Yhwach finally realized his ability. Yhwach's ability was adaptation and absolute ability to any form of energy.

This means that it gave Yhwach the ability to control many powers such as Mana, Spiritual power, Qi, etc., as an extension of him.

At one point, Yhwach decided to test the limits of his power. But his priority was Naruto.

Yhwach pointed the spear at the lake and threw it lightly. The spear made of blue energy fell into the lake and quickly went into the depths of the lake.

Naruto looked at the lake curiously. His curiosity instantly turned into fear when the earthquake suddenly occurred.

The earth shook as if an earthquake was happening, and the Anbu who were secretly watching retreated in fear and urgently.

"What the heck, Dattebayo!?" Naruto exclaimed excitedly. It was the first time he had seen something like this. Naruto had never heard of such cool things, not even in the stories he had secretly listened to at the orphanage.

Yhwach watched in surprise at how energetic Naruto was, even in his hungry and tired state. The Uzumaki lineage and the 9-Tails chakra were truly nothing to scoff at.

The lake became wildly active for a while longer, and intense waves threatened to flood the forest. After a while, fish started to wash ashore.

Naruto eagerly approached the fish and started collecting them. If you look closely, there are stars in his eyes. You can even see it.

Shortly after, under Yhwach's instructions, Naruto cleaned the fish and roasted it over the fire. Now Yhwach, once a random stranger in Naruto's eyes, had become his closest acquaintance.

for half an hour Yhwach had been admiring Naruto's stomach. It was as if there was a black hole in the child's stomach. In a way, Yhwach was also happy, but his stoic expression remained intact.

After a while, the arrival of the Hokage broke the quiet atmosphere. Yhwach looked at the Hokage with some uncertainty. If he were the Hiruzen from Chinese fan fiction, Yhwach would kill Hiruzen without even caring.

After all, he didn't care about anyone but Naruto.

Under Yhwach's judging eyes, Hiruzen gently approached Naruto. He looked at Naruto with a Grandpa smile on his face. "Naruto, can I join?"

"Who are you, Dattebayo?" Naruto tilted his head and asked sweetly.

Hiruzen wore an ordinary robe instead of his Hokage outfit and greeted Naruto. The smile on his face looked genuine. But Yhwach, no matter how much he disliked prejudice, still had to be careful around this man.

No, he wasn't worried about himself. If Yhwach found out that Hiruzen was evil, Naruto would definitely suffer.

Hiruzen was disturbed by Yhwach's sharp eyes, which were also evaluating him. Fortunately, they had signed an unspoken agreement. Don't get into this around Naruto.

Naruto and Hiruzen continued talking for a while. Naruto's smile seemed so contagious that even Hiruzen couldn't hide it.

'That's good,' Yhwach thought mentally. Even in his old life, he sometimes liked to do good. He especially wanted to change the fate of children like Naruto.

But it looked like it would be difficult again. But still, he wanted to make sure that Naruto's happiness did not end. Yhwach looked at Naruto with some emotion.

He felt foolish. Even though he didn't know Naruto for even a day, he always wanted to help the boy.

'Get stronger, Naruto. This way, you can protect yourself and your loved ones.' Yhwach had already agreed to train Naruto. He would help this boy overcome his own destiny.


"Naruto, it looks like it's getting late now. You go back to the orphanage," Hiruzen looked up at the darkened sky. He had already delayed his work, but he saw Naruto's smile falter.

Hiruzen's face turned serious. He was a smart man and immediately realized what had happened. Someone at the orphanage was not obeying the ban and was excluding Naruto.

"Gramps, W-well, can't you stay a little longer?" Naruto looked at Hiruzen, his spirits at rock bottom.

"Grandma over there treats me badly. It's so boring there anyway! Why don't we live here forever!" Naruto said in disappointment.

It was the first time anyone was chatting with him. Even though the two of them were old men, it was still the first time that Naruto was truly happy. He didn't want this happiness to ever end.

Hiruzen pressed his old heart harder as he looked at the expression on Naruto's face. Minato would be disappointed if he found out Konoha did this to his son.

Hiruzen's expression softened. Then a heavy feeling of guilt weighed on his old heart. He had failed to keep his promise to both Minato and Kushina. Hiruzen put a hand over his heart. "Kushina, Minato. I really disappointed you."

The cheerful atmosphere became dull for a moment. The silence was broken by Yhwach's voice. "Naruto, you won't have to go to the orphanage anymore. Play with your guards for a while."

Naruto got excited when he heard about Yhwach. But when he heard the guards Yhwach mentioned, he got confused.

Unlike Naruto, Hiruzen realized that these guards were ANBU protecting Naruto. He looked at the hiding ANBU and gestured for them to come.

Yhwach looked at the newly arrived white-haired man. He immediately knew who it was from his hair. This ANBU was Kakashi.

Hiruzen looked at Kakashi and said, "Play with Naruto for a while."

Naruto looked at the new man in surprise. He immediately realized that this man was his secret bodyguard. Naruto's mind wandered into wild thoughts. "I knew it, Dattebayo!! I'm a secret Prince like in the books!"

While Naruto's mind created a thousand different fantasies, Yhwach and Hiruzen were left alone. Hiruzen decided to be the first to speak. "Who are you?"

Yhwach was taken aback for a moment. The kind old man who had been talking to Naruto was gone, replaced by Hokage Hiruzen.

"My name is Yhwach..." Hiruzen looked at this strangely named person in surprise. He was a man in his 30s with a slight beard.

Hiruzen's sixth sense, which he had acquired over many years, told him that this man was very dangerous. So Hiruzen decided to act in a deliberative manner.

"You must be the Hokage," Yhwach stated calmly. It looked as if he had known the Hokage for years. Yhwach waited for a moment before Hiruzen responded cautiously. "Yes, I am the Kage of this village."

"I'll be clear, Hokage. Do you know the prophecy Jiraiya was talking about?" Hiruzen's expression changed when he heard what Yhwach said. He immediately became suspicious. Then he got serious.

"The child in the prophecy, it can't be. Is this child Naruto?!" Hiruzen stated. he emotions were in confusion. He was also worried about what Naruto would face.

"I came here to guide Naruto. He is the one who will save this world," Yhwach's voice interrupted Hiruzen's thoughts. On the one hand, he hoped that Naruto wouldn't be the Hero of the Prophecy. Being a hero also meant sacrificing valuable things.

Hiruzen is sure of this. Heroism is not like in the stories. If it were so, there would be no wars and the world would be a paradise.

Heroism is something that brings suffering and war instead. You must be prepared to kill, steal and destroy to protect those you love. Being a hero is nothing but pain for some.

Hiruzen looked at the ground with emotion. It was already clear to Hiruzen what Yhwach wanted, Hiruzen having grown up in a place where there had been intrigues such as politics for a long time. "How can I Trust You? You can manipulate Naruto. I hope you can understand me. Naruto is the child entrusted to me by those I care about."

Hiruzen was almost embarrassed as he said this. It's already happened. The 4-year-old child grew up loveless and unhappy from the day he was born. 'Maybe Danzo is right. 'I've gone too soft.'

Yhwach looked at Hiruzen. He would have been suspicious if Hiruzen had helped him easily. "You will register me as Naruto's uncle and Minato's older brother. Then you will provide a house and a monthly salary sufficient to cover all our needs."

Yhwach paused for a moment. Then he continued. "In return, I will offer my protection to your village. This agreement will be valid until Naruto turns 12."

Hiruzen paused for a moment. He evaluated Yhwach's deal. Obviously this is most beneficial for Konoha anyway.

If Yhwach's strength is as expected, then Naruto will become both stronger and a hero. And Konoha would gain a powerful ally.

"Is your strength enough to protect Naruto?" Hiruzen asked cautiously. He secretly reached for his kunai in case Yhwach had an adverse reaction. Contrary to what Hiruzen expected, Yhwach maintained his stoic expression.

"Good," Yhwach raised his hand and tapped into the Senjutsu chakra around him. Then he started to form a ball in his hand. Yes, it was Rasengan.

Although Hiruzen did not learn Senjutsu chakra, his sensei was Hashirama. That's why he had a certain idea about Senjutsu chakra. Controlling senjutsu chakra was difficult even for Hashirama, the God of Shinobi.

Moreover, Hashirama developed it in the region of slugs, one of the 3 sacred regions. But this man named Yhwach could control his Senjutsu chakra as if it were a separate extension of himself.

Hiruzen was so shocked that he couldn't move and just stared in surprise. Fortunately, Yhwach dispersed the Rasengan without attracting the attention of the Anbu.

"Hokage, are you convinced?" Yhwach said calmly. Absolute control and absolute adaptability were very strong. Any form of energy seemed to obey Yhwach's command. Nothing energy-based could harm Yhwach.

This includes Excalibur, as well as level swords like EA. Only pure physical force could cause damage. This was at the level of Guy who opened the gate of death.

It also had some of the experiences and memories of Yhwach, the final boss of Bleach. He also had no weaknesses.

Witnessing Yhwach's power, Hiruzen sighed. Could even he really say no to Yhwach? Hiruzen would probably die.

After all, this was a world ruled by power. Unless you were Daimyo's relative, couldn't live comfortably in this world. The Naruto universe is reflected brilliantly simply because of the existence of Naruto.

There is no good in this world where little children kill people, little girls fall in love at the age of 7-8, and ordinary people are just sheep.

Naruto can even be called the angel of this universe. Everyone has a connection to darkness except Naruto. Someone is a tyrant, someone is a clan killer, someone is an avenger, someone is a lover of immortality.

Hiruzen nodded. All were acceptable. "But being Minato's older brother will attract some suspicion."

Yhwach didn't care. With his power, almost no one in this world could harm him. This may seem like arrogance, but it wasn't. This is confidence in your power. "Hokage, don't worry."

Hiruzen sighed. He's been feeling older lately. His student escaped. Already the man who came from a place he knew nothing about was becoming Naruto's new uncle.

Yhwach turned around. His cloak wrapped around him as if he were alive. He looked at Hiruzen with a cold expression. "Also, I want everything that Naruto inherited from his mother and father. Including the house, money, Fuinjutsu. I want everything that Naruto inherited."

Yhwach slightly released his killing intent. He wanted Hiruzen to restrain Danzo, even if he was sure Hiruzen wouldn't do anything. "Hokage, I hope you honor our agreement. Otherwise I'll have to remind you of this."

Hiruzen held his breath. Instinctively he took a fighting stance. If it were someone else instead of him, he would either run away in fear or start fighting.

Yhwach's killing intent should not be underestimated. Living for thousands of years, Yhwach's killing intent can even restrain psychopaths like Orochimaru.

Yhwach's cloak grew and covered his entire body. Yhwach then walked away using his "Shadow" ability and went to meet Naruto.

Watching the lake, hiruzen himself rubbing his tense shoulders. He cursed himself for not bringing his Pipe. He then went towards Naruto who was playing with Kakashi.