
Chapter 61 He never tells lies

Inside an abandoned subway.

There were shady activities going on here. many people was doing something to a very big machine while there was a very big man wearing blacksuit giving them instruction.

Among them there was a woman that stood out from the rest like the big man. She was a woman with brown curly hair. She was in a lab coat with a pair of goggles.

These two are Kingpin and Doctor Octopus.

"How is it going?"

Kinping asked Doctor Octopus while he was clicking a pen in his hand. He was asking her but his thought was somewhere else. No one knew what he was thinking.

Doctor Octopus or known as Oliva Octavis. She was one of the people Kingpin trusted. She knew what had been in his mind now.

It was the very reason why he paid for her to make this machine after all.

"Everything will be ready in half an hour."

She informed him with a smile. This time they will succeed.


Kingpin then closed his eyes. He was immersed in his own thoughts. He remembered Vanessa and Richard.

He still has nightmares until now but It will stop because He will bring them back from death. Even if it means he needs to sacrifice this entire city to do it.

"We will meet again"

He will not let anyone interfere in reviving them even if it means giving up on his life.

In the sky above New York City.

There were groups of people moving in the air with very high velocity.

These groups of people belong to Sullivan and Peter.

The Spider Group and Quirk Holder Group.

Peter talked to Sullivan while avoiding signs on the building

"Stay out of this little brother."

Sullivan didn't look at him before replying.

"I will not. big brother and that is my final decision."

Peter and Sullivan then glared at each other. While they were moving forward. Peter was webbing from building to building as Sullivan just flew with his spell.

Earlier Peter wanted to lead everyone to prevent Kingpin from using the Super-Collider device.

Everyone looked at Sullivan and they wanted to know about his thoughts in this.

Sullivan didn't know what to do. He decided to tag along and see what he could do from there.

Peter wanted to stop Sullivan from involving in this kind of superhero thing. 

This is his duty as spiderman and as a brother too.

He wanted to protect him, not drag him into his mess.

And because of the urgency of this matter. He could not delay anymore and could only speak to him while they were moving to the location.

Peter wasn't surprised that he had a superpower because He knew that Sullivan wasn't a normal human. But even so he still needed to tell him just for formality. He knew his brother the best. If he decides to do something. He will see it to the end.

Peter could only sigh before pulling out his card.

"Okay if you want to do it I will not stop you anymore. but remember if something very bad happens and you can't handle it, pull back instantly otherwise I am going to tell uncle that you eat so much unhealthy food lately."

Sullivan who heard the threat. He looked at Peter as if he was his enemy.

"You don't dare."

"Try me."

He looked at Peter a bit longer before knowing that he would not back down.

"Okay you win, if something I can't handle happens I will immediately pull back."

Peter believed in Sullivan's words. He never tells lies even if he wanted to because every time he lies. it always will be true.

After webbing and flying a bit.

The groups now had reached the location in which it was an abandoned subway.

On the entrance leading to the underground. Kingpin's goons were stationed there ready to put holes in anyone with their guns.

Sullivan didn't want to waste time with the mobs so he cast an Aoe non-lethal spell.

'Somnus Statim(Slumber)'

With a wave of his hand. Every mob that was ready to kill fell into slumber. Sullivan used more than enough magic to make sure they would sleep until everything was over.

They all were just muggles so they didn't have any resistance to magic.

But there were two people who were not affected by the spell.

They were Bullseye and Tombstone.

They were ready to fight the spider group but before they could do anything they were blasted away by Jean fire.

"Let me handle them Sol go and stop Kingpin"

Ororo will also help Jean. Sullivan nodded his head he trusted that Jean could beat them easily not to mention there Ororo helping her blasted them with thunder too.

"Okay but be careful even if they look weak but they still could hurt you."

"Umm I will listen to you"

Jean was so docile to Sullivan it made everyone jealous of him.

Sullivan after that went down the abandoned subway with the spider group. He needed to hurry because his sense was telling him that something very bad was going to happen.