

Always bullied in his first life and becoming great in his second! READ NOW >>> Evander, a weak boy often bullied by his friends, discovers a mysterious ring. The beauty of the ring distracts Evander until he loses focus and is fatally hit by a car. However, Evander does not die and is reborn in the year 2453 as a young man destined to save the world. Evander is chosen as the war leader along with four other chosen ones, great powers are embedded in Evander and must be honed through levels and stages.

Wednesday_Adaire · ไซไฟ
12 Chs

Chapter 7

At exactly seven in the evening, I stepped out of the treatment room. Aramor supported my body. Honestly, it felt like if my butt wasn't filled with electrical nerves or whatever it was, it wouldn't hurt this much.

My butt felt like it was being gently electrified, twitching occasionally. Ugh, this was really annoying.

"How long will my butt be like this? I hate moving it, it hurts."

"Just hold on, you've heard what Professor Gerald said, you need to rest to recover your body," Aramor replied.

We then entered a white corridor, not too long. At the end of the corridor, there was a door that opened automatically as we approached.

"Fourth floor," Aramor exclaimed as we stepped into the door.

As it turned out, this was an elevator. But, when you entered it, it didn't look like an elevator.

There were many floating spheres circling the room; oh yeah, the room was semi-circular. Then, the back part changed too when the door closed. The walls, which were originally slightly bluish-gray, now turned into transparent glass.

"Sit down," Aramor called out.

I followed him towards the floating sphere. At first, I thought it was a stone, but when I sat down, it was very soft like a sofa.

"Is this an elevator? Why is it so slow?" I asked Aramor.

"Each room has its own elevator. This is the elevator from the treatment room, where people are likely to have just recovered from healing when using this elevator. So, high speeds are not recommended considering your bodies are already filled with electrical nerves. Unlike us warriors who have copper embedded in our bodies, fast or slow won't be a problem," Aramor explained.

"Huh? Filled with copper? Your body?" 

Aramor nodded and said, "Yes, we are warriors. We must be ready to face attacks on the front lines. Our strength now combines the strength of the past and the future. The Hailord has arranged it perfectly. We are destined for this, Evander."

Silence fell between us for a moment. The Hailord or whoever it was really made me curious. Can he be seen? Sometimes they all seem like fictional characters in a novel.

"You have arrived at your destination. Fourth floor," the AI announced.

Aramor immediately helped me get off the seat. Trust me, when you're about to stand up, it feels a thousand times more painful. Damn it.

"Wow, look, guys. There's a knight who wants to join us but lost on the first day. Are you willing for us to be enslaved by Garlen CXV because we couldn't save the earth? Or will we die in the first battle and make all the remaining people slaves too?" 

The annoying voice greeted me as I exited the elevator. Sena was standing there with two others, Timon and Carsten.

"Good evening, Lady Sena. It's time to rest, you should--."

"You're not my supervisor, Warrior Aramor! I've lost respect for you! You better pay attention to this idiot! You don't need to bother with training. In the first five minutes, you'll also surely die; luckily, Gelael has also trained and is ready to replace you," Sena cut off Aramor's sentence sarcastically.

"What do you mean, Lady Sena? Why should Master Gelael participate in training?" Aramor asked gently.

"Of course, to be a reserve in case he dies. Do you think the three of us will just sit idly by? The hopes of everyone remaining on this earth are on the knights of The Blue Of The World! We have trained to the maximum, it wouldn't be fair if we were with a stranger found on the beach! I, Sena, and Carsten are not just anyone chosen to join the fight against Garlen CXV!" 

From her words, it seemed that the brown curly-haired man with blue eyes was Timon.

"Okay, then, Master Evander and I should rest immediately. See you again tomorrow at the training ground," Aramor replied casually.

Aramor stepped forward again, supporting me. I could catch their sneering glances from the corner of my eye. Damn it, in the first and second lives, there was still someone who hated me. Even so, I should probably still be grateful because now I am a knight and have great power like them.


Once again, I was amazed.


The room in the corner near the elevator to the second floor was very nice! I don't know, even good words couldn't describe everything perfectly.

The bed, a very long pitch-black color, floated against the right wall. In the corner of the room, there was a very unique chair and table, not to mention the wardrobe and other neatly arranged items.

Looking at this, I remembered my grandmother. How was she? She must be very sad because of my death.

"This is your room, Evander. You just need to use the 'escort flat' to get to your bed. Or, if you have really mastered the power of your legs, you can use jumps to reach the bed. Sena and the others often use items in the room as their training tools," Aramor explained.

I turned to Aramor and said, "Yes, I'll do that later. By the way, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" 

"Wait, how do you call something that will take me to that bed? I can't stand this damn butt anymore, Aramor!"

Aramor chuckled, then shouted, "Escort flat, come here!"

Slowly, from above the wardrobe, a flat object appeared flying. From the front, it looked like it had a pair of green eyes. The object was purple, and it looked funny when it flew.

"That's how you call it, you can stand on it now," Aramor said.

The object floated right between my feet and Aramor's. When I moved my right foot, the flat object immediately followed my foot. It was a very smart object, even smarter than me, you could say.

I immediately stepped on this flat object; slowly, it began to float towards the bed.

"It's really interesting! Go pick up that guy!"

As per my command, it immediately floated towards Aramor. In just a moment, the man was sitting next to me.

"Am I bothering you? You need time to rest, right?" Aramor asked, his facial expression showing discomfort.

"Look at my position, I'm lying down perfectly. Your position is also perfect for talking to me. You're like a mother about to tell a story to her child."

Aramor chuckled, then asked, "What do you want to talk about? I feel like I've explained everything."

"It's not about me...."

"Then?" Aramor asked.

"It's about the most precious person in my life. I miss my grandmother, can't you bring her here? She must be sad and lonely because of my death."

Aramor smiled faintly, implying a sign.

"That's why you have to win and succeed, Evander. If you manage to save this earth as a leader, you will get what you want. You can bring your grandmother here," Aramor replied.