
I am the son of dragon

Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It can be seen as a predetermined future, a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed order of nature in the universe. Destiny can be seen as a specific sequence of events that are inevitable and immutable, or that individuals can choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their lives. life of an unemployed youth The first dragon reincarnation And getting someone into the game Same time, same place Is that ?

Gamal_3_3_ · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Transformation into a real Saiyan


I just sighed and went upstairs to my room and opened the door and then closed it behind me with a heavy blow

In my room, I changed into some lighter clothes so that I could finally begin my errand. It seems they shouldn't be told that I'm going to hunt some monsters in the woods. They'll make sure I'm not their son Isaac.

I'll start doing everything except running for today, and tomorrow morning I'll get up early and run after that

So without further ado, I started to push up and really started to feel tired 20 times, but I didn't stop, and by the painful end I was able to finish my 100 pushups

After that, I rested for about 15 minutes after doing push-ups because I already felt like my body was breaking

After 100 painful sit-ups, I started doing planks and squats...

And then I thought about the most important things to do from this moment on

Physical improvement with training The best thing is to kill monsters

. . . .

I woke up at 4 am and started doing a running errand, while still having some muscle aches since yesterday

Yesterday, I had a killing match, and then I did the rest of the errands which made me exhausted

After I went to bed, I immediately lost consciousness

After 3 hours


'Ahhhhhh! Damn it', my lungs feel like they're on fire

I just finished running, and I have to admit it was very painful

I was renting my legs in last five kilometers

But I finished the job and got paid.



[Mission completed]

[Rewards obtained: 200 coins, 100 experience, 15 base points]

[Upgrade! You are now level 2]

[First mission completed! Rewards: 100 coins, 50 experience]

[Name: Martinez Jamal (Isaac)]

[Military Rank: Unranked]

[Age: 15]

[Level 2]

[SP: 25]

[Coins: 400]

XP 95/200

[HP 15/15]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 10]

[Durability: 7]

[Vital: 10]


[the shop]

[Lottery: unlocked at level 5]

[Martial Arts: Taekwondo]


Finally reached the top level

400 coins will allow me to buy 2 random chests

I am so glad I got the award for completing the first mission

And my HP increased by 5, but maybe it can be increased with some store items in the near future, maybe.

First, I'll put down my stats.

I'll probably put it on agility and stamina

It takes some time to increase stamina so it is best to speed up the process

And while strength and vitality would be better for my iron technique, it would take a long time for me to be able to use it.

.After I finished placing my stat points, it looked like this

[Name: Martinez Jamal (Isaac)]

[Military Rank: Unranked]

[Age: 15]

[Level 2]

[SP: 0]

[Coins: 400]

XP 95/200

[HP 15/15]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 20]

[energy: 18]

[Vital: 10]


[the shop]

[Lottery: unlocked at level 5]

[Martial Arts: Taekwondo]

You put an exclusive 10 points on agility, 11 on stamina, and 4 points on strength

Immediately I felt a change and the fatigue decreased a bit from running

Now it's time for random boxes

[the shop]

[Basic Taekwondo Mastery: 150 Coins]

[Basic Karate Mastery: 150 coins]

[Basic Weapon Mastery: 160 coins]

Random box: 200 coins]

It was so confusing in this world that I thought when I saw martial arts I will make fire out of nowhere, spread ice out of nowhere, then fly with great wings, and marry 10 or 15 girls who love me very much. I have read this in the transmitted novels. But none of this has happened yet, maybe hmmm right yeah that's right

This is a poor city, after all. I read in the library yesterday that such things are found in abundance in the capital or in the secluded areas where they are taught, such as the dojo or sects Maybe I should get into one of them better than this simple school anyway

I clicked on a random box and immediately a 5x5 black box appeared with a question mark above it, I opened it and got a message from the system

[You have opened a random chest!]

[!x5 You have received Body Enhancement Pills]

This is not bad

I need a better body to unleash my style and I got 5 of these

Not sure how much it helps, but it's better than nothing

Then I clicked on the random box and opened another one

[You have opened a random chest!]

You have received [Build Tech x1 ]

'Hmm? What does it mean ?'

"The system, what is this?"

[It allows you to create any style you want and you will be able to use it without any backlash and you will learn it right away]

"Nice! That's perfect"

I'll be able to use it to practice one of my new style moves

But which one...

Movement technique would be wise…

But also one of the most powerful movements that affect the body will be good too

.Need to think about this through


After that, I went to have my breakfast while being interrogated by my father about my "girlfriend"

Which I don't have, so it wasn't a very enjoyable breakfast

After that, I went to put on my school clothes and went to school with my sister.

I got to class 5 minutes before class started, first I put back the game that I borrowed to Hamed

The school day passed quickly, although there was nothing new to learn.

I walked out of class and headed to the club to do some exercises if anyone was there

I've thought about the step I'm going to recreate and I have 3 options right now

These are…

Counterattack - Allows a person to easily redirect a person's attack no matter what it is. In peak shape, it even allows a person to redirect bullets

Reader - allows a person to predict the directions of the attack, and helps to dodge any attacks easily - it allows a person to perform at huge speeds that make a person move quickly for short distances

Super Speed ​​- Allows a person to misdirect a person's field of view allowing the person to attack quickly from any blind spots making it one of the hardest attacks to defend

But even though I won't receive a backlash using those moves, the stamina cost will be huge

After walking for some time, I finally got to the club hall and there again I saw a few people arguing and I saw the tall guy who gave me the order paper

And I walked towards him to ask him to be my partner in the fight

"Hello, do you want to be my partner in combat?"

"Oh, that's you." The tall person raised an eyebrow in surprise

"are you sure? I'm in the apprentice stage! He told me shortly after and it shocked me a lot

He's the same age as me and he's 15 and he's already in the apprentice stage!

He is definitely a genius.

I told him with a smile: "Sure, I want to test where my strength reaches anyway…"

The tall person said with a sigh, then stood up with a dull look on his face:

"Okay, follow me."

He told me and I followed him to the center circuit

"Hey? Why is this new man challenging Captain Ibrahim? "I heard a club member say to his friend

"Another one of those arrogant little pokes," said one club member contemptuously. "

"Why does our club only get these idiots?" said one club member, looking at me with disdain.

I just ignored all those comments because I just have to show what I got

.Despite my physical weakness, I don't think I'm worse than a military soldier

But that's because I believe in my abilities, but not arrogance

We walked towards the tourism center in the middle and stopped 10 meters from each other

Then a club member walked towards the ring, raised his arm and started pointing at the ceiling

He asked, "Ready?"

We both said


"Start," he said, and then walked out of the arena to observe the fight

The captain of the martial arts club also known as Ibrahim rushed towards Isaac with long strides

Isaac was still looking calm and used a fighting stance that belonged to taekwondo

Ibrahim arrived within attacking distance and headed an unbelievably fast header!

"Fast, but not fast enough." Isaac thought to himself and avoided the attack by moving his head to the other side and then doing a kick kick to push Ibrahim away from him to get some space.

He managed to push Ibrahim back a little, But Ibrahim did not give Isaac any chance to gain some space and came close to Isaac at an offensive distance.

But this time, Isaac didn't let Abraham get the upper hand and did a front jump

* bam

The forehand jump managed to hit Ibrahim, but only on his hands

Ibrahim managed to block the kick easily with crossed arms.

"Is that all?" Abraham said and pushed Isaac back as soon as he pushed Isaac's leg away

Then Ibrahim went to the attack and fired a rain of punches!

These punches were faster than before

'Quick!' Isaac thought to himself, but continued to hold back because the power behind those punches was no joke.

Abraham then made a big step towards Isaac and was in physical contact with Isaac

Almost because his faces weren't even 15 cm between each other and Abraham started raining short punches toward Isaac's torso.

Isaac's face turned pale for a moment and decided to jump back to create some distance, but the arena was ending so there was nowhere for him to escape to anymore.

"It's over," said one club member.

".clear result"

Abraham was slowly approaching Isaac to surround him

Then he ordered the system to appear in front of him and decided to use the construction technique

[want to use build technique]

[I accept / decline]

Isaac clicked "Accept" without any hesitation

[Technical name!]

Dragon Ball Super Saiyan 1

Super Saiyan 1, the first to transform was Goku in his fight against Frieza and at this level his hair turns blonde. It rises to the top and the color of the eyes becomes green and the strength of the fighter is multiplied 50 times, and he can transform to this level: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Broly, Paradock (Goku's father) and Kabi

[Super Saiyan 1 has been created from your memories and any backlash that appears while doing this technique will be removed]

Abraham continued to approach Isaac and was already within attacking distance!

Ibrahim still had the same boring and nonchalant face then Ibrahim hit faster

Ibrahim only made simple movement techniques, he hardly even tried it

but now…

Ibrahim was completely shocked and widened his eyes in disbelief

Super Saiyan 1

Isaac redirected every jab with ease, no matter how fast the punches were, they were all easily flung to one side to miss Isaac's body completely

'What?!" Ibrahim thought to himself, with a shocked face

Abraham was so shocked that he lost focus for a moment, but that was all Isaac needed and he kicked Abraham's torso. Which made Ibrahim stagger backwards with a painful look on his face

'Damn you!!' Ibrahim thought to himself and quickly regained his nerve and decided to take this fight a little more seriously.

"What's going on?" said one of the club members in shock.

Ibrahim and Isaac were so focused on fighting that they didn't notice more and more people showed up to watch the match

They all had the same shocked look on their face

Captain Ibrahim He is the ultimate military leader

While Isaac is unclassified

But they seem equal!

And what happened with Isaac? Damn, how did his hair turn so yellow?

But this is not entirely true...