
I Am The Poltergeist Within

Harper Whitlock didn't have a nice life, hardly a life at all. Taken from her home at a young age, stolen, kidnapped, each phrase signifies the issue here. Yet, after escaping, ready to go off on her own, But because of her stupid-ass ability, she had accidentally trapped herself within the head of another victim of her kidnappers. In the place she can't leave just yet. But maybe will, eventually. (dramatic music~, lights fade~) (PLEASE TRUST THE PROCESS I DO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BEGINNING MAKE YOU WINCE AT AN EXCESSIVE EXTENT)

V1v1_3nn3 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The 'Dormitories'

In a land far, far away~

HJHAGJGAW kidding, yeah no, this isn't some bullshitted disney story, this is a hard-core fucked up kinda story that makes you go

'WHAT TF???!!!'



or utter my favourite

'Oh... ew.' (◕‿◕) •°○•°•♡

And I my friends, am about to tell you my tale, of how I LITERALLY HAD TO SPEND 7 YEARS IN TORTUTOUS MIND OF A GIRL,

A GIRL OBSESSED WITH BEING A 'hardcore female lead with a massive reverse harem. ♡'

I am not kidding, I've had to live with 7 years of that imagination. Still gives me shivers...ugh.

But, to get there, we need to start from the beginning.


A gorgeous greek god of a figure in the shape of a man with obsidian-like hair lay over a woman, leaving enough space for their breaths to intertwine, her breath smelt like the aftermath of a heavy rainfall. Absolutely divine.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Your father will be furious if he were to find out, my dear."

despite he warnings he wanted this much more than her, but restrained himself to make certain bulging areas almost pop from the force of it.

"My darling, there's nothing in the world I'd rather have right now." She nibbled upon his bottom lip and stared directly into those blood red iris' of his.

He groaned, and in a low baritone he spoke, "My dear, you do not know the extent of what you do to me, fuck." his restraint, gone almost as if it were never there at all, he lowered himself onto her and-


Maybe next time though..

How about we start 13 years afterwards.


"Ma, hurry up!"

A toddler giggled as she gazed back at an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Speeding past the trees, bushes, and almost infinite greenery.

"Slow down, little bird. We don't want you to fall down and hurt those knees of yours, now do we?" The woman giggled at the child's playfulness.

"Don't you trust me?!" The little girl pretended to take offence as she exited the wondrous forest.

It was full of life, greenery, and majestic beings, yet to be found by the crueling greed of humanity.

At the top of the hill, the small child plopped herself on the ground, gasping as she tried to swallow extra air into her lungs.

"Yes, yes. Very careful you are." Chuckled the lovely older woman as she caught up, her smile almost beamed out light as she teased the child.

"Yep! Of course I am!" The girl puffed her chest in pride with her hands on her hips. "I take it after you~"

"Aw, little bird -"

The alluring woman put her hand on her cheek as her cheeks filled with blood, giving them the tint of scarlet. Her hair was akin shimmering golden syrup as her eyes were as green as the most regal of parakeets.

She can not only be described as beautiful, but the human dialect, I fear, might not have enough words to express the woman's beauty.

"Not so much, Papa, though. He's too gruff to be considered careful, especially gentle. A real pain in the..." (* ^ ω ^)

The girl muttered the rest under her breath, making sure the other did not hear her words fearing the consequence of obligated maternal nagging.

Unfortunately, the older woman did not let these words slip past her and flicked the girl on her forehead.

"Where did you learn these words from? It's certainly not me. That man... He swears more than a sailor!!"

She picked the child up and rested her upon her hip.

"It seems when we return home, I must have a word with him."

"OH CRA-" Σ(°ロ°)

Her mother's eyebrow rose.

"I mean... Don't do that... I only picked it up because I spy on him when he's talking with Uncle Jerome."

The girl's features were as flawles as the grown woman who's carrying her. Under her eye was a visible beauty mark, a small piece of the many things to prove that this child will become a to-die-for beauty as she reaches adulthood

(not in the creepy peodophilic way (◕‿◕))

and most definitely will be so beyond that.

Her hair? It's almost akin to a shimmering piece of Obsidian.

Her eyes? They were a bewitching pair of heterochromia oceans, the left one a shimmering green, identically matching her mother's. Adventurers would be reminded of the grand woods, that they had their fair share of defeating the creatures and beasts that dared to release their cruel intent towards them, believing that the human would only cower in fear, only to end up as a carpet to lay their feet upon as they rest by the fireplace.

The right one is a radiant scarlet. It could remind soilders of the appalling pools of blood they had witnessed throughout their time of service, the blood of beasts they had slaughtered in their conquests.

Both eyes give off an unintentional imposing aura.

"GIRLS! LUNCH IS READY!" A burly voice proclaimed from the distance, despite its natural ferociousness, it was gentle as it called for them. This man was the child's father and husband to the woman.

His was tall, nearing 185cm and firmly jacked, perfect in all proportions, like a greek god.

Identical charcoal shimmering hair which is inherited by the child. And blood scarlet eyes the same as one of the iris possessed by the little girl.

"Ma, come on! Papa said lunch is ready!" She squealed as she jumped of from the hold of the woman and stood upon the lucious grasslands as she started to dart toward the direction of her father.

Laughter of an untainted by horrors of the world child spread throughout the forest and hills, causing a few common birds to fly from their nests in a startled daze.

A joyful setting, full of much familial love and happiness. Seemingly to last forever~°•○●°•♡♡ (´。• ω •。`) ♡

But that's until I woke up.

Once again.

I sat up to the ringing sound. it rang like a police siren, but it was louder, more painful to the human ear.

Yet, I did not wince, as I had done before.

I seemed peaceful on the outside as if I didn't even notice it, but I have, always have, always will.

I sluggishly sat up and looked towards the completely white ceiling, no cracks, no blemishes whatsoever. In fact, everything around me was white.

The ceiling, the walls, the floor, the doors, the clothes, the pens, the notebook, the chair, the bed, the pillows, the vents, and the clothes.

All classic alabaster white.

Nothing at all had colour, just white. Except for the shadows and ink in the pens. But black isn't a vibrant colour, or even a colour at all.

When... When was the last time I had ever seen one of those vibrant colours inside a building? Have I ever? I hardly remember it outside my dreams.

They said it was because we don't deserve it, that we don't need it, and that there is no purpose in the first place to even have it.

The responses were always similar depending on who I asked.

But why does none of them ever say something remotely nice?

Am I- Are we that much of a chore?

Can they ever say something that isn't about their strange fashion choice or that we're 'unworthy' of anything above... this?

It's obvious that the reason is that they're just too lazy to spend any expenses on us. Other than our 'equipment'

I stood up, walked towards the chest, and stopped in front of it.

This was white, too.

I opened the chest after dissembling the bomb. Yes, an actual bomb. It has our clothes inside, forcing us to dissemble the bomb, locking it, perversely strage, and peculiarly moronic? I know.

There are 2 options when you don't try to disemmble the bomb: 1. You try to disemmble it but fail. (summarised by well, death) 2. You try to hide in the bathroom as it blows up, but that destroys the uniform and the rest of the room. So it forces you to go through the day in your night clothes (Of course white, like everything else) but that provides becoming a social outcast and the rest of us wouldn't be willing to come near you. Reason being? Because, when you fail, disemmbling the bomb, for one, it ruins your room, making them need to fix it, wasting 'precious working time', and, well, money. And as punishment for this, they use you for more experiments, giving a 76% chance of death; normal tasks have a 53% chance. And when that happens, anyone who becomes involved with you, for the rest of the year, it gives a them high chance of getting punished as well. Why? Dunno. But no one wants more pain. Resulting in isolation and a sense of betrayal. Even with the people you're closest with, they would try to keep their distance, no matter how close or loved by the latter you are.

It teaches us that no matter how you're connected to someone, never, ever, trust them fully. Or you'll eventually be betrayed. It greatly affects our morals and logical decisions.

They said that it encourages us to try to get up sooner or whatever. 'Be more productive!' they say. Fucking bullshit. It apparently filters out those who don't want to put in the effort.

They call us dex's, short for dexterous, because of what we can do. 10% of the population in the globe are dex's. They said we have these abilities because we're supposed to use it to 'discipline' the disloyal and 'monsterous' dex's.

We're only called this because the founding dex's had hand-controlled abilities. Despite many nowadays having abilities using anything but their hands, like hair, feathers or something

I didn't understand that at the time. Defeat the monsterous dex's? Why are they considered 'monsterous'? From what I've seen, normal humans can equally be as monsterous, too...

Picking out the trousers, button-up shirt, socks, and shoes, I put them all on. All pales as a sheet, of course.

No jumper, or jacket, coat, or sweater.

They said whining about the cold and heat is just weakness, they don't like weakness, we'll be taken by the cleaners if we're weak.

They don't care for gender the uniforms were made for practicality, not for society as if were even included in it. As such, all of the 'students' wear the exact same thing. No skirts. Ever.

The room was a weirdly shaped area.

If you stood in the middle of the room, facing the door, a closed up space in the side the wall on the right was pushed in, making an area you can't enter, cramping the space even more.

The entrance to the pushed in wall was in the neighbour's dorm, as all the dormitories had the same things inside. Leaving a supposedly narrow hallway to exit the dorm as the bathroom was on the left.

At the back right, fitted into the corner, is the singular bed with the chest in front, leaving an, again, narrow space between the pushed-in wall and chest.

In the back left, opposite of the bed, is a desk with a single notebook, pen, and chair.

At the very back, opposite the door is a window, small enough for a newborn baby to fit through. Small, but a 'brilliant' view of the physical training ground, giving first-class access to the grunting and groaning of the tortured children as they go through their physical education lessons, P.E. The treatment in P.E. is almost on par with military indurance training but lessened; it's for children after all.

There is a ventilation system right above the door to the bathroom, processing the air, just in case the window isn't open, we're they're 'precious' 'students', they can't have us suffocating on a little lack of air.

The bathroom was no different to the rest of the dorm, rectangularly shaped, facing the same direction as the main door there sat the bathtub with the engraved H and C in the tap signifying hot and cold water.

On the right was the toilet, in front of that was the sink on the left of the bathroom.

No mirror, they said that our own face would impact our 'development'.

I don't know the proper reason for that, but I heard a rumor throughout the 12th years, that when they still had mirrors, someone's ability allowed them to change the structure of their face, and they had decided that they wanted to practice their ability, to get ahead of their class, but they couldn't control it and they made a face so horrifying that they frightened themself so badly that it gave them a disastrous mental shock, I heard that because of their mental disability the face they made is now permanent, and anyone who sees it also becomes traumatised. They said that they curled up into a ball and had an intense panic attack that it was even hard to watch.

Someone else who saw it had a low mental fortitude and committed suicide because of the terror done to them. How tragic.

Eventually, that child was disposed of. It was no longer of any use for them, especially with its decrease in cooperation.

They had decided that they didn't want to deal with the after effects of that again and got rid of the mirrors. If you want to learn, do it in class. It was basically the moral of the story here.

That also taught us to pay attention harder if you don't want to fall behind.

Yes, I'm just living in a regular dormitory.

I walked towards the main door and twisted the door to release myself from the bore of the pure white room. Despite knowing the rest of the building won't be any different.

There in front, on my left and right, including past that was many, many different children with differiating features, lives, genders, pasts...

Yet, all wearing the exact same uniform.

Yes, these were the rest of us students.

The siren will only stop when all of the children have come out, at least all the living ones.

A loud bang resonated down the hall.

I feel like this is going to be darker than I originally thought it would be....


oh well~

V1v1_3nn3creators' thoughts