
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · แฟนตาซี
308 Chs



When the little drops of condensed golden blood penetrated his left shoulder, an intense pain assaulted him, soo much pain that nothing he ever experienced before could compare. Oblivion was shocked.

Wasn't he invulnerable to elemental attacks? Unless...

And as his thoughts would reach further, the blood on his face began glowing. Right after, an even more intense pain assaulted his senses as it completely took his consciousness over. The skin on his face immediately turned to ashes as his blood, veins, muscles, and everything burned off until there remained only his skeleton.


Golden Serpent, seeing this, instantly dispersed her elemental state and returned to human form. She was still a fairly new Profound Immortal and that attack, which was higher than her actual level, had taken more than 70% of her energy.

Simply remaining in her elemental state would threaten to exhaust her body and give Oblivion a chance to escape if he was still alive. Seeing the kneeling figure of Oblivion who was in too much pain to even properly stand, the golden serpent smiled as her golden spear appeared in her hand.


The left arm which was barely hanging on after receiving the attack from the golden blood was instantly ripped apart by the golden serpent's sword.


The flailing arm fell to the ground as Oblivion's eye-less skull turned its empty eye sockets toward his left arm as his jaw split apart revealing his rows of teeth. It sent chattery sounds in the golden serpent's ears as the two holes in his skull darted toward Golden Serpent.

It was impossible to see his expression, but the golden serpent knew he was angry. Though Oblivion seemed to lack an aura or a presence, one could still understand that at this current moment, the skeleton, was utterly furious.

Golden Serpent on the other hand was more taken aback by Oblivion's blood or rather, the lack of it. As his white blood spurted out of his severed arm, it suddenly would disappear, as if it was never present in the first place.

Gritting his teeth soo tight that cracks formed on them, a one-armed Oblivion stood up to his feet while his cold hollow eye socket stared at the eyes of Golden Serpent. As if he could see to the very depths of her soul, her skin paled while she couldn't help a shiver running down her spine.

In the depths of those eye sockets, Golden Serpent could see it. The thing which brought about a primal fear that caused her to even lose the ability to manipulate her element. It was a constantly spiraling white and black circle.

At this moment, a sudden thought entered Golden Serpent's mind. It... He couldn't be a Human... No Human could look like that... Those eyes, as if existence itself could not be comparable to an ant. As if overwatching everything in the cosmos ready to wipe it out with but a mere thought!!

"You... Normally, I won't discriminate between races... At first, my goal was to slaughter everyone equally, but it seems that I'll have to change that!!" Oblivion's voice which didn't contain a speck of emotion and was utterly cold and aloof entered Golden Serpent's ears.

Even though she wasn't aware, she couldn't help but unconsciously take a couple of steps back. His hollow eye sockets seemed to draw in the surrounding light, yet this wasn't all as it also had the illusion of sucking in the darkness, leaving behind absolutely nothing. Dim. Blank. Golden Serpent's mind momentarily went blank!


Oblivion's figure disappeared as he charged toward Golden Serpent with a mystical and weird aura rushing out of his eyes. It seemed like it was his aura yet if one gazed at it for a moment, it seemingly disappeared. Golden Serpent could only get a glimpse of Oblivion's figure as he appeared behind her in an instant.

His jaws opened. If he had a face, Oblivion would have been smiling wickedly as he unhesitatingly slashed his sword toward Golden Serpent's neck with excitement budding in his heart. He wanted to see blood splatter into the beautiful skies. This bitch... He hated her after what she had done to him.

He was still caring enough to give all his targets quick deaths. Red Eye Berserker, though Oblivion destroyed his will to live, he still gave him a quick death by detaching his head, on the other hand, Golden Serpent wanted to give him immense pain before death...

This... The action seemed to have snapped something inside Oblivion's mind as his already weird and overbearing personality spiraled downward into something even more unholy... all because of the human bitch in front of him!


Slicing down into the neck of Golden Serpent, Oblivion's blade slashed through easily. As if slashing at nothing but air.


Oblivion snorted in annoyance as his opponent just barely dodged his sneak attack, causing him to cleanly slice her hair instead of her neck. Jumping some meters back and spinning around, Golden Serpent was just fast enough to see an incredibly powerful right arm approaching her!


Her face was the first to receive an attack by Oblivion's powerful limbs as soon after, he sent a kick with his left foot toward her rib cage.



Golden serpent spat out a mouthful of blood gold in color as she was sent flying. The area they were in was a space of twenty meters without any trees. But, because of the power from Oblivion's kick, Golden Serpent was instantly sent flying tens of meters away and past many trees before crashing into a randomly placed one.


Not even giving her any chance to regain her barring, Oblivion appeared once more appeared, this time over her body. He sent another kick toward her gut this time as she crashed into the ground.

The dirt under was destroyed and her body sank into a large crate because of the power from Oblivion's previous attack.


Another mouthful of blood escaped her mouth as she weakly tried to get up. Oblivion though, wouldn't give her the chance. Sitting on top of her beautiful body not caring, Oblivion then clenched his only hand into a fist before...





Repeatedly, Oblivion sent punch after punch toward the once beautiful face of Golden Serpent. The blood which splattered into Oblivion's face would make a sizzling noise before it would seemingly become steam... this steam would disappear as Oblivion thought.

'Even though my insights into this element are abysmally low and coating my hand with Annihilation energy is all I can do...'

While gazing at the disfigured face of Golden Serpent, he thought. 'This level is still enough to rid the world of this little insect!' His gaze, though not present since he had no eyes, sent shivers toward the golden serpent who could barely see as her eyes were covered by blood!



With a light grunt, Oblivion jumped away from his position as an incoming projectile not coated with any element suddenly sent alarm bells up Oblivion's mind. Suddenly, out of nowhere five figures who surrounded Golden Serpent's body appeared.

Each of them was radiating with immense energies and killing intent that aimed toward Oblivion.

Though they had serious faces because of the current situation, they were still somewhat relaxed since there were five of them present. Even Level 3 Profound Immortals needed to be cautious if soo many Pseudo Profound Immortals attacked them.

Bending over, one of the figures placed a green-colored pill in Golden Serpent's mouth, as an influx of energy suddenly churned in the surrounding area.

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