
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · แฟนตาซี
308 Chs

Possessive Seth?

"Huh? Who are you?!" Seth asked in surprise. Seeing someone appear next to her without being able to sense it, she grew nervous for the first time in a long while.

"Haha, fret not Seth, this here is my wife. tens of thousands of years ago she decided that she'll enter the Sword Art Sect as one of their disciples. Slowly she then went on to work her way up the sect's higher archy while also gaining the trust of the once young and naive redheaded Sword Art Sect's one and only leader."

The demon king said with a wicked and evil smirk on his face. But, he then inquired to the fairy...

"Hmm, but was it not only after the war had started was it supposed to be the time for you to strike?" The demon king asked with slight confusion. Similar to Seth, he also only learned of the fairy recently.

"Well, that bastard has killed all of my disciples simply to do an assessment, so I got angry and in the process decided to strike at them. Though he is a lot more strong than you give him credit for, and he was able to survive my attacks, he is still seriously injured.

I presume that he'll need thousands of years to heal without the use of treasures." She said in a calm and sweet tone while calmly walking up the fleet of stairs before sitting on top of the king's lap. Seeing all of this was a dumbstruck Seth who did not know what to believe.

"It seems that the war will begin soon then." The king said, as soon after, his throne room doors were blasted open as many old men frantically ran in with papers and what seemed to be blueprints in their hands.

"Oh Great Demon King, we have a problem. The righteous faction has fused with the neutral faction to exterminate us!!" One of the old men shouted with cold sweat forming on his forehead. And even though he had seen the beauty sitting on the king's lap, he had no time to be confused or to admire the fairy-like appearance as his heart was drumming.

"Oh my, look at them. You people who do not know that this war is the reason why we'll be able to rule, you people who do not know that it is the people who participate in this war that will be used as a sacrifice to reawaken the great demon immortal. This war is needed, yet here you are frantically trying to find ways to stop it." The demon king said.




(15 Years Later)

War, blood, and death spread throughout the lands of this planet as the aura of death washed over the residents of this world. Million...no, billions died in a slightly more than a mere dozen years, and it did not seem to end anytime soon.

This world which was tens of times bigger than Saber's first world held many humans in it, and these humans found themselves living in absolute fear because of the massacres that took place every day.

The very atmosphere of the world was in a horrendous state as the skies were dark green and yellow lightning flashed down onto the earth many times. It seemed that the very planet itself was somehow showing fright as if something monstrous was threatening to awaken.




(Tens Of Years Later)

On a brownish rocky landscape that spanned indefinitely, if one was in the skies, they'll be able to see the sight of many, many humanoid figures. It was quite literally a sea of humans that stood on opposite sides from each other.

On one side, humans were floating in the skies while under them were an even larger amount of humans, while on the other side, these humans were adorned in red-colored armor as they all had wicked expressions on their faces, making it obvious that they were from the Demonic Cult.

Standing in front of the two sets of human armies, were the leaders of the Righteous and even Neutral Faction, whereas, in front of the Demonic Cult army, was the demon king himself, along with two other figures.

Not only was the fairy-like existence standing calmly next to the Demon King's side, but also, on the other side of the Demon King, was Seth who was adorned in all black clothing.

Surprisingly, around Seth's body, a dark aura leaked out which went on to cause even those who were tens of meters away from her, to take a few steps back! Gazing at the beings who were multiple kilometers away, Seth then went on to say.

"Why...why can I not find Saber?!" She said. Multiple years have gone by, and even though she had been looking for Saber, even sneaking into the Sword Art Sect, she has yet to find him. She did not want to believe it, but maybe, just maybe, he had been killed.


Instantly, as that idea appeared in her mind, Seth felt an incredible rage. Even though she kept telling herself that she wanted to be the one to kill him, deep down she could feel that she had another emotion when thinking about Saber..

She had yet to know that Saber was in fact, once a disciple of the demon king's wife, as in the century that has gone by, she was mostly focused on increasing her understanding of the element in which she had unlocked.

So, not only has she not even spoken to the fairy-like existence who is the wife of the demon king, but she had not even spoken much with her master the demon king.

"Who got you so angry?!" The demon king said when sensing the dark aura that blasted out of Seth's body.

He was truly interested in Seth since he had an amazing cultivation speed before entering the Spirit Insight realm, once entering, and awakening an element that even the demon king knew not much about, the strength and mysteriousness of Seth increased on multiple levels.

"Those bastards!... How dare they kill what is mine!" Seth said. She thought that those of the Sword Art Sect caught wind of Saber's multiple actions and somehow decided to execute Saber.

Surprisingly, when thinking of Saber's death, Seth grew enraged.

"What the hell are you even talking about?" A confused demon king asked as even his wife was beginning to be interested in Seth.

"My Saber, I am the only one allowed to kill him!" She said, thereafter, the dark aura that enveloped her began expanding. Soon, everyone on the battlefield watched with shocked faces as the aura went on to wash over the bodies of all of the Demon Cult humans.

"How much energy does he have?!" The demon king said out loud. Even for him, it'll take quite a bit to cover the bodies of millions of humans. Shockingly, in but a mere century, Seth had gone on to surpass him?!!


Seth grumbled under his breath as he felt his energy reserves were becoming thinner. It wasn't as if he still followed the path of the True Undying Body Art since when being reborn, she lost that body that underwent the ceremony of her previous master. Anyway, with a raise of her hand...


The sound of something being penetrated was then heard. The shocking thing was the fact that everyone was able to hear such a sound, as the demon king, and even his wife felt a bad feeling in their heart.

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