
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1067 Chs


When Marshadow's black energy hands disappeared, the middle-aged man and Eusine both fell from the sky. The Rainbow Feather, now devoid of color, ended up in Marshadow's grasp.

Surrounding the Rainbow Feather in Marshadow's hand, dark wisps of mist began to coil, completely transforming its once sacred and radiant appearance.

As the middle-aged man and Eusine crashed to the ground from their fall, the impact was so severe that they both cried out in pain.

At this moment, Eusine's Alakazam had regained consciousness. It used Teleport to appear by Eusine's side, swiftly moving him away from the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, meanwhile, gritted his teeth, rose from the ground, and released his Weavile. He glared at Marshadow with resentment, realizing that his plan had been foiled.

"Weavile, get that feather back for me! Use Icy Wind!"

Weavile nodded at its trainer, gracefully leaped forward, and expelled a frigid gust of icy wind carrying snowflakes towards Marshadow.

Marshadow's eyes narrowed, and around it, faint blue Will-O-Wisps gathered, shielding it from the incoming Icy Wind. Then, it retaliated by hurling several Focus Blasts at Weavile.

Despite Weavile's speed, it couldn't evade the attacks from Marshadow, which was even faster. Weavile was hit by the consecutive Focus Blasts and fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man, who had been relentlessly pursuing the idea of capturing legendary Pokémon, only truly comprehended the terrifying nature of legendary Pokémon when he saw Weavile defeated.

"We need to get that Rainbow Feather back from Marshadow. Otherwise, things will only get worse," Yuga said to Sabrina and Gon.

"But didn't you say that Marshadow doesn't mean us harm?" Gon asked, puzzled.

"That was when the Rainbow Feather was normal. Now that it's tainted by Eusine and that Team Rocket member's evil intentions, Marshadow has started to remove those who have contaminated the feather. We will be affected as well," Yuga explained.

Gon replied, "But this has nothing to do with us!"

Yuga shook his head. "It does. You're the Rainbow Hero's trial taker, and protecting the Rainbow Feather is your responsibility." He then turned to Sabrina. "Sabrina, we're counting on you this time."

Sabrina didn't speak but nodded solemnly.

With that, Yuga, accompanied by Absol, and Gon with Kadabra, ran toward Marshadow. Meanwhile, Sabrina, with her Alakazam, provided cover to prevent the middle-aged man and Eusine from causing further trouble.

When they reached Marshadow, Gon said, "Marshadow, please return the Rainbow Feather to me!"

Marshadow remained silent, took a slight step back, and jumped onto a nearby rock. It glanced at Gon and then at Yuga, who was standing beside him.

Suddenly, Eusine and his Alakazam teleported right in front of Marshadow. Eusine reached out his hand towards the Rainbow Feather.


Marshadow let out a loud cry, dodging Eusine's reaching hand. It immediately released several Shadow Balls, hitting both Eusine and his Alakazam.

Eusine was sent flying and spat out a mouthful of blood upon landing. His Alakazam also looked weakened and defeated.

Yuga couldn't believe Eusine was still stubbornly pursuing the Rainbow Feather at this critical moment. He seemed oblivious to the potential dangers.

On the other side, Sabrina and Alakazam were held back by the middle-aged man and his Scizor, leaving them unprepared for Eusine's actions.


Marshadow shouted once more, launching numerous Shadow Balls at everyone present.

Yuga exclaimed, "Not good! Marshadow is now treating all of us as targets to eliminate!"

Gon's Kadabra use Light Screen to shield Yuga and himself from Marshadow's Shadow Balls. Meanwhile, Absol unleashed Dark Pulses to intercept any Shadow Balls that managed to breach the Light Screen.

Once all the Shadow Balls were repelled, Yuga's Absol leaped high into the air with incredible jumping power, and used the shadow claws to pounce towards Marshadow, attempting to reclaim the Rainbow Feather from Marshadow, who was perched on a rocky outcrop.

Seeing Absol approaching, Marshadow raised one arm and launched a Shadow Punch towards it.

The clash between the huge pitch-black claws and the dark fist was intense, and Absol, being overpowered, was sent flying and crashed hard onto the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

"Absol, are you okay?" Yuga anxiously called out.

Absol shook its head and, unsteadily, rose from the ground. It glared at Marshadow with determination.

"Absol, use Swords Dance!"

Knowing that Absol was no match for the mythical Pokémon Marshadow, Yuga decided to strengthen it. Absol lifted its head high, and several blue energy swords materialized around it. As these energy swords merged into Absol, its power and aura began to rise.

Marshadow continued to watch in silence as Absol underwent its power boost. It showed no signs of intervening and appeared indifferent to Absol's transformation until Absol completed two rounds of Swords Dance.

After completing the dance, Absol used Throat Chop and lunged at Marshadow. However, Marshadow effortlessly dodged the attack. Absol, missing its target, collided with the rocks behind Marshadow, shattering them.

Having evaded Absol's attack, Marshadow leaped into the air, and dark energy black mist emanated from its body, spreading in all directions. This black mist contaminated the nearby Pokémon, including those who had followed Yuga and the others up Mount Tensei.

The Pokémon, now with red eyes, turned to face Yuga's group with hostile intent.

Witnessing the surrounding Pokémon gradually encircling them, Gon nervously asked Yuga, "Yuga, what's happening to these Pokémon?"

Yuga responded, "Marshadow is controlling them, and now it intends to drive us away."

Not only Yuga and Gon but also Sabrina, the middle-aged man, and Eusine found themselves surrounded by the Pokémon under Marshadow's control.

Upon Marshadow's command, these Pokémon launched coordinated attacks against Yuga's group.

Several Samdslash, which had encircled Yuga and Gon, unleashed Rock Slides, controlling massive rocks to descend upon them.

Gon used Kadabra's Teleport to evade the Rock Slide's assault, while the rocks targeting Yuga were shattered into pieces by Absol's large Psycho Cut.