
I am the Magicless Demon Lord

Henry Li, a prodigy military scholar, was serving as the Executive Officer on board a Formidable-Class Frigate when that eventful day came. When war comes to his homeland, a newly-promoted CPT Henry Li makes a daring manoeuvre that would have most certainly cost his life, had it not been for a very timely transmigration event. Transported to a new and foreign world filled with magic — by a desperate low-ranking demon lord — who summoned him to become her “hero”. The only problem is — he’s magicless. Armed with nothing but his trusty sidearm, his military know-how, and a new 'system', what awaits CPT Li in this new surreal world?

ThePanzerWaffle · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The Security of the Domain.

"Please... stay with me..."

Those pleading words resonated in Henry's mind, a reminder of the evening before. The source of these words was none other than the Demon Lord, Yang Meilin, the woman he had just been saved. Although she had been liberated from violation by the late hero of Eiru, Alexander Davis, she was now left with a shattered regime. Her advisors had left her, and her entire personal guard of 350, which was the only armed force she had, was wiped out, and her majestic palace was torn from the battle.

In her pitiful and reduced state, there was only one glimmer of hope before her—the magicless summoned hero she had initially thrown aside. With desperation in her heart and the crumbling state of her ambitions, she reached out and pleaded for him to stay by her side. Eventually, it was agreed that in exchange for food and lodging, Henry would stay with her as her advisor—her only advisor.

And now, the same Yang Meilin who was in tears and tattered robes the evening before had put on a fresh face of seriousness and business and was listening to Henry's explanation of what this 'Gun' was, as if she had become a different person overnight.

"The concept is quite simple, actually," Henry began, his finger deftly pointing out the various components of the disassembled Heckler & Koch P30 pistol on the table. "A round of ammunition consists of three main parts—the 'Bullet,' the 'Cartridge,' and the small area at the bottom called the 'Primer.'"

Looking down at the disassembled Heckler & Koch P30 pistol neatly placed on the table upon a towel, Meilin's thoughts swam in a mixture of astonishment, confusion, and admiration in her head as she tried to keep a composed demeanour.

'My god... this 'P-30'... I've never seen anything like it.' she thought, her eyes scanning over each part as Henry's explanation blurred out in her head.  'This craftsmanship... It's surreal! I've never seen anything like it! No blacksmith could forge something like this...' 

"And this is a standard weapon used by soldiers in your world?" she asked, looking up.

"Well... Not exactly. Professional soldiers use what we call 'Rifles'," Henry replied, gesturing to show the approximate size of a common assault rifle "Which is bigger and fires larger and more powerful rounds continuously."

Meilin's eyes widened  'Bigger? More Powerful?'

"And the largest of which are mounted on vehicles and warships," Henry added taking notice of her bewilderment.

At this point, Meilin couldn't believe it anymore and was pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Alright, alright. So these gun things... You say you can create them?" she asked, moving away from the topic.

Nodding, Henry replied confidently "Yes, that's right. I can manufacture a variety of guns of different types and calibre for a variety of situations."

Hearing this, Meilin had to ask: 


"Just how are you able to create these weapons on your own? You don't look to me to have the hands of a blacksmith or a craftsman. Just how are you going to build such intricate weapons?" she exclaimed, questioning him.

To this question, Henry had to think for a moment. Should he reveal his 'system' to her? Could he even trust her at the present moment? As Meilin stared at him, waiting for an answer 

After a moment of thinking, he opened his mouth and replied "It's my special skill."

Meilin looked at him blankly. "A Special Skill?" she asked "You don't have magic, how can you have a special skill?"

"I don't know how to explain it myself." Henry replied, reassembling the handgun in moments "All I can tell you is that it lets me make guns and other things."

Watching as Henry assembled the firearm, Meilin sighed. "Alright, I trust you. What are you going to do now?" she asked, with no direction in her current state.

Henry loaded the rounds he had removed back into the magazine, sliding it back into the P30 and placing it down on the table. "Well, first of all, we need protection for this place. A couple of palace servants and maids aren't going to do much if another guy like that came barging in here, or worse, a hostile army."


After he had killed Alexander Davis the evening before, he received a notification that he had received a whopping sum of 50,000 Credits for "Slaying an Overpowered Summoned Hero" and "Saving the Demon Lord". From the looks of it, he could receive Credits in the form of something similar to donations for completing 'achievements'. And now, he intended to put these Credits to use.

As an assistant to the Demon Lord of Shenwu Domain, he had called for the formation of a new armed force that was better armed and more capable than the band of a hundred or more terracotta warriors. For this, he had to design weapons and gear for the 'personnel' he was going to summon through the system.

First, he designed armaments. With the designing function of the system, it cost more to purchase modules and manufacture items and weapons that were more complex. Thus, he decided to build a reliable and easy-to-be-manufactured assault rifle that would keep the cost penalty at bay.

The assault rifle he had designed was based on the AKM, an assault rifle designed in the Soviet Union by the legendary small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1959 during the Cold War as a replacement for the AK-47. It was chambered in 7.62x39mm and could fire at a rate of 600 rounds per minute with an effective range of 350m. Alterations that Henry made were incorporating lighter but cheaper materials such as aluminium, and taking features from Western and more modern firearms. This assault rifle was named the Type-34 PAW (Personal Assault Weapon)

In addition, he also designed a light machine gun based on the RPK and the Ultimax 100, both of which were famous and effective weapons in Henry's old world. It was chambered the same calibre of ammunition as the Type-34 PAW, but used the "constant recoil" principle from the Ultimax 100, allowing for near recoilless fire. This LMG was named the Type-24 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon)

Other than these, he also designed firearms such as pistols, heavy machine guns, mortars, and even Rocket Propelled Grenades. Other than weapons, he also had gear such as uniforms, helmets, and body armour. Of course, all he had done was design them, but now he had to create them, and the men to wield them.


Standing in the large courtyard from before, Henry had the window for 'Personnel Creation' open and was currently preparing to generate his first personnel. After finalising the details, he pressed the 'Create' button and the courtyard glowed a yellow shine with humanoid silhouettes, before the light disappeared, revealing ranks of soldiers totalling up to 113, standing organised at attention wearing their combat uniforms and carrying their gear.

The soldiers were in two blocks with five columns of 11 ranks each. This was 110 troops split into platoons of 55, each led by an officer, with five squads of 11 each led by an NCO. Each squad had a Squad Automatic Weapon and each platoon had a Heavy Machine gun and two mortars.

The 110 troops and their NCOs and Officers were led by a Company Commander, who stood in front of them. A woman in a dress uniform with a sidearm in her holster stood at the front, at attention, with brown hair and a black cap.

"Alpha Company at your service sir!" she said, with a salute.


Far away, in the Kingdom of Eiru

"What do you mean the hero is missing?" the king of Eiru bellowed "Explain yourself!"\

The court magician, on one knee, tilted his head up to speak to the king. "We received a message from the two mages from the academy assigned to him. They claim they saw the hero Alexander murdered by an aide to the Demon Lord of the Shenwu Domain..."

The king's eyes widened. "You mean to tell me... That was the strongest hero we had... Was defeated by a third-rate demon lord from the middle of nowhere?"

The court magician nodded. "That seems to be the case."

With the veins in his eyes pumped with boiling blood, the king rose and gave his order.

"I want the army prepared to march on Shenwu Domain... Right now!"

Oof. I forgot to add an author's thought. Anyways, welcome to the end of Chapter 6. Thanks for staying till this point. Anyways, this chapter was a little shorter, so I apologise for that. Please add this story to your library if you enjoyed it and leave a comment!

ThePanzerWafflecreators' thoughts