
Arnold known and fear around the lower level

Arnold has returned back to the kingdom after spending a loving night at Celeste Dracul home.

That woman knows how to treat her guests knowing what they like and their taste as he got to enjoy a fun time with one of her male and female servants.

Once back, he walked down to lower levels of part of the city where it is an area for those who were not able to make a nice living among the upper parts.

It is also a place to breed those who will commit crimes for their own selfless benefits along with forming gangs among each other.

No one from the middle class or upper class are safe when coming around this part anyone could highly run into

Arnold had nothing to fear no one will dare be foolish enough to try anything against unless they wish death for themselves.

They fear him and the one Arnold is working with as that woman is also known well enough around.

He came upon a not so good working tavern known by the name The mad Goat, but it does its best to gain as much money as the place could get from whatever the people around it got.

Inside Arnold quickly picks a place to sit waiting for someone to come to this place as well.

While doing that he paid no mind to the people there looking at him, everyone wondering what a man like him got as a reason to be a shit place like this.

No one inside the Tavern wants anything to do with him suddenly because the waitress had no chance to make money even in this sad place.

She carefully walks up Arnold hoping to not say anything to offend the man.

"Lord Arnold…. How could I be of service to you." the waitress said, a little scared.

"Let me see my lovely dear, I would like you to bring two drink and plants of food as I will be having company soon."

Arnold tells the waitress as she takes note of it and was about to leave to bring in his order, but was stopped by him grabbing one of her arms.

The waitress began to fear for the worst when she was forced to look back at him.

"Just call me Arnold for now with no need for the Lord title my pretty."

He tells her then gives a nice lovely kiss on her back hand.

"Yes… Of course Arnold." She said blushing and leaving quickly.

Being half demon there is the hunger for killing, but for Arnold the greater hunger is pleasure for him.

Even having his share last night the man still seeks more.

Now waiting for two things Arnold didn't pay unknown notice to some woman looking at him.

He can tell them where whores freelance one's as they do not belong to a brothel.

When women who live in this area aren't the lucky ones to get a decent job or any job at all.

They have no choice, but sell off their own body day or night to make some money in order to live.

One of them made their way towards where he was sitting.

"Hello there handsome, I just couldn't hope to notice what a gentleman like yourself is doing here. I think it could be your like for a good nice time what do you say."

Arnold was impressed that one of them came up to him and thought they would be too afraid to do so.

He was about to say a word, but another person beat him to it.

"Get lost you used cumstain pussy whore the man already dated."

The two look to see who just said that to her.

"Who the hell do you think…." She stopped before saying anything else.

Looking clearly it was no else then beast humanoid Porter.

"Go on, finish what you're about to say to me, I would love to hear it sweetie."

"Forgive me! I had no idea if you Porter if I knew, I wouldn't dare say anything disrespectful towards you."

"Leave us."

"Right away sir." That whore quickly disappeared from their sight.

Arnold couldn't help to laugh at just what happened along with a few others inside.

"Honesty Porter with what just happened, I have to say you still hold some deep feelings for me."

"And if I do, will there be any chance for us to get back together like the good times we had."

"Gods fucking no what we had was long destroy my old friend. Now sit down, I order some drinks and food for the two of us."

Porter sat down at the same table as Arnold.

"I didn't plan or expected to stay in this shitty place for long, I just wanted to know what your mistress said."

Arnold let out a small cackle when he heard that from Porter.

"No Celeste Dracul has rejected what you and your master requested. You see Porter there nothing for the women to gain as you should know how she is doing something for nothing is not a thing Celeste does."

When it was said from Arnold's mouth the reaction he was waiting for was not the one it was supposed to be.

He saw that Porter was smiling instead of feeling disappointed about what he was told.

"I finger much that why, I decided to seek what to give her without both sides getting into argument over it."

"Oh how I love to hear about it tell me."

"I have a secret little spy in the Red light district and she told me something very big that may actually be a thing that will make thay woman really considered."


[A time before Porter came to the Tavern]

That woman who helped get the princess and her maid friend captured by the men she works with.

After that was taken care of there was another person she worked for one who was around the low level part of the city.

Someone like her must be careful to walk there easily for that woman to attract attention.

Careful walking she hoped that soon the meet would happen, but it was too late 4 no good men caught an eye on her.

They began to surround the women with the no desire to allow her to move on any further.

"Alright get out of my way or you will be facing trouble if you dare try anything with me."

"Big talk from coming for a nice looking girl of yourself." one of the men said walking closely up to her.

He stared her right in the eye.

"How about this, you don't hurt me and my friends unless you show us a good time, do you understand me?"

That woman was about to answer him, but instead smiled which was a weird expression to be showing in a situation like this.

Then suddenly an unexpected thing happened when that guy felt a cold steel chain wrapped around his neck.

It took a great hold on him and took him backward in a strong force by someone who controls this chain.

Before the guy had any chance to recover himself the next thing he felt two hands grab warped themselves around his head.

Where right at that moment his head was turned backward killing him in a quick way.

The one who did this was not alone as the rest of the men's friends were killed by others with no means to so mercy.

"Well my lovely Porter, I must thank you for helping me out with them." the woman said.

"Not a problem for me my dear Penny, you work for me so of course you are safe from any harm around here under my protection as long I am being fed with good stuff that could be useful."

"Of course and I do have something you will very much be pleased with to hear from me."

Porter's attention was caught with the way Penny was acting as she soon began to tell him everything to what had happened to her.

"Well this does please me very much Penny, you done good with coming to me with this it the thing that might be what I was looking for."

"I am glad to hear that Porter and I would like to hear more about getting a nice reward for this."

"Yes a reward you deserve for a job well done." Porter says right after snapping his fingers.

One of the men with him walks up behind him giving Porter a big punch where he digs inside it and takes out quite a few gold coins to give Penny.

"I am grateful for this reward." she said looking at the gold coin with a greedly smile.

Porter found it amusing with her expression while at the time another one of his men came up from behind me to whisper into his ear.

"I see he is here good timing then." he said in a low voice after it was done with him being informed.

Porter turns his attention back to Penny seeking to end their meeting quickly.

"My girl Penny it saddens me to end this get together so soon, but another matter has come up and I need to attend."

"I understand completely as I was about to do the same thing now that I got some money to spend."

Penny says her goodby to him and leaves Porter sight quickly.

"Now time to go see Arnold can't keep that guy waiting for long or he decided to do something else."


[back to the present at The Mad Goat]

After hearing what Porter had told Arnold put a hand against his chain creating no expression yet at what he heard from his old dear friend and once partner.

"Well my lovely Arnold, what do you say to what rarely holds surely this opportunity could bring both of our sides big benefits."

Please support me in anyway you can as you are the best.

Thank you and Enjoy

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