
I am the Goddess of Nightmares, Trials, Knowledge, and Souls

I was reincarnated as a Goddess which was the best day of my life, But when I looked at what I was, the goddess of I was the goddess of Nightmares, Knowledge and Souls!!! The only good thing is I could pick one more thing to be the goddess of and I picked Trails. Now watch as the plains and galaxies shake in excitement at my might, and Knowledge, and quiver in fear at my Nightmares!

hopefallsnow01 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

What's wrong with sun?

I was organizing my memories from my past life to pick what I look like, my body started to become more defined then just a vaguely female black blob. I started growing horns and wings, and I grew cat ears and tail. My skin became the White of my past life but it was without blemishes and my hair was a long silky black. After my body stopped changing I felt my soul divinity tell me that my soul had gotten stronger more complex, and complete.

After I had organized my memories I went back to my Divine Kingdom and started making a library in a random plot of land. It was easy to make at first but I was a bit of a perfectionist when it came to things I liked and I had to make it perfect and I don't know if I had enough power to make it as I wish right now.

I had just gotten the ground how I wanted it and I started on the walls when I all of a sudden felt something try and connect to me and I imiditly knew that it was divine power from Sun and I decided to accept it and then connect when I would get divine power to my divine kingdom so I don't accidentally become contaminated by it. That and that's what my instincts were telling me to do but as my first believer I decided that I would expect all his divine power as a sign of respect and a responsible that I know have to up hold.

I then decided that I would give Sun a present for being my first believer and it was something I knew that I could do as my divinity was telling me that I could do this so I gave Sun the ability to bring back and control the souls of the dead but the only ones that will be loyal to him are the ones that he raises or accept him as there King, kinda like the power Shadow Monarch from solo leveling but not. And a finally gift I gave Sun A small gift of the skill Appraisal that will add to my library with everything he learns. Every believer of mine will have a status screen and be ranked in various ways that I have not come up with yet. Just doing all of that used up all the divine energy I got from Sun. I don't know if I got a lot from it being my first believer or every believe will give me that much divine energy. But what ever the case I will do whatever I can to be as strong as I can and live my life as happy and free as I can.

~~ Sun Pov ~~

I woke up and I felt different like my head was to full. I had all this knowledge that I didn't have before like what knowledge is and what a chair is. But what scares me the most is not all the random knowledge and new words but that I had a Nightmare! No one has ever had a Nightmare before from what the new knowledge I have in my head tells me.

I then feel hands holding me down and I look around and see my family holding me down with tires in there eyes. We were in the bedroom that everyone slept in together in a big peace of fur in the middle of the room. "I'm fine everyone I just had a bad dream that I was on the run from Volfs" they don't need to know about the goddess I meet yet until I understand what is going on.

They let me go but still gave me looks but went back to sleep in a giant puddle of body's and I got up and started walking towards the out side and when I left the cave, thinking about what has happened to me last night and how I had the first nightmare of this world and how I know all this knowledge as it called it's self.

I figured that it must have been a side affect of meeting that mysterious women that called herself a Goddess. I have no idea what a goddess is but the knowledge in my head does and what it tells me is terrifying.