
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
121 Chs

Chapter 29

The director gave the thumbs up, signalling the Emperor that he's now live on the state media's broadcast. The Emperor fixed his neck tie and faced the camera directly as he gave an amicable smile for everyone to see. He looked like a dictator with his aura and bearing.

"Good day citizens of the Imperium. At around 6 am TST today the Imperium received a bad news from our brothers and sisters on the planet of Naboo." the Emperor spoke the first words as he immediately gave the bad news to the Imperium citizen to set the mood.

"The planet of our brothers and sisters was deliberately and unjustly attacked by the First Galactic Empire. This attack is not an attack on a planet but an attack to our pride as humans." the Emperor continued with his speech as the people get angrier against the Empire each word the Emperor said.

"I'm saddened by this unlawful act of attacking our clearly harmless brothers and sisters on that planet who's been living peacefully." the Emperor had his eyes started to shine due to light as tears threatened to escape, showing how sad he is.

The guardsmen stationed on planets focused their eyes and ears on this announcement of the Emperor as they clutched their lasrifles tightly.

"We, humanity was challenged by someone once again on a fight! A fight against humanity, something preposterous." each word of the Emperor was like a hammer on the gongs on their heart as it resounded with their deepest emotions.

"I stand before you here today, as I proclaim the official start of the Great Crusade not in the grounds of unification but in the grounds of treachery! The Galactic Empire has been from this moment, excommunicated from the fold of humanity and shall never be called humans again!" his voice wa sheard by everyone's heart as they resonated with the feelings he's currently feeling.

"On to the flames of war! To the anvils of battle! We shall sally forth once more! " the Emperor stood up from his seat and looked at the camera directly which made everyone felt as if he's looking directly on their souls.

"Glory to Holy Terra! Glory to Humankind!"


The Emperor's army has seen an increase on all aspects after the proclamation. The armored vehicles, artilleries, fighter planes, starfighters, and many more has increased in total number by a large margin.

Imperial battleships has also been increased in number and variety. The battleships number increase made a great amount of promotions to be held as the Imperial Navy expanded its staff to man at least most of the ships and kept others as reserve.

The Adeptus Mechanicus on the planet of Mars tinkered with the ships of the pirate fleet the Imperium has created for piracy and reverse engineered the battleships on it. But they soon found out that they're pretty bad so instead, they studied the weak points of the ships and compiled it for a guide on destroying the enemy ships.

However, they managed to gain new insights and ideas on new weapons of war. They got the idea of building a spatial weapon. A weapon that can affact the topography of space and bend it creating a tear on sapce and sending the enemy ships there.

They got this when studying the hyperdrive modules on the ships. They haven't understood why no one in this galaxy weaponized this type of thing. It's literally overpowered as sending your enemies somewhere random on the hyperlanes will surely be a shock for them.

All in all, the Imperium has crank of its lever to that of a war economy once again and the army and navy has sallied out to ready for the commencing of the operation they humorously called "For the Emperor" The Emperor himself thought of the name and felt good about himself for creating double meaning jokes.


Capital of the Galactic Empire...

Sheev Palpatine was travelling the long grand corridor embroidered with gold as he's travelling to the studio where he will appear before the millions of worlds controlled by the his empire.

He feels great on himself for crowning himself an emperor. People might not know anything on one of the reasons why he chose the title emperor but he himself completely know why.

He wants to challenge the emperor of ths Imperium. It's an open challenge to him stating that there can only be one emperor.

Today, he'll proclaim himself as the one true emperor and anyone with the title of an emperor is a false one and should die.

As Palpatine walked and sat on the chair he looked at the camera and waited for the signal to speak.

The green light was seen on the camera as Palpatine started to speak and deliver the official proclamation with his cold low sinister voice.

"People of the Empire, the Imperium of Mankind lead by a false emperor has long since been a thorn on our side!" his voice resonated as the people from the opposition who's been awoken by his false promises was angered.

"Fuck you Palpatine! You took advantage of us!" shouted a rebel with the appearance of a bird in some planet as he raised his middle finger and pointed it at the screen.

They've been oppressed by this empire of Palpatine once it got founded. They originally believed all the propagandas and conspiracies they saw that was propagated by the government of Palpatine.

They're totally convinced as when you'll look at it made total sense. A nation that has the strength to pulverize the defenses of Coruscant within a day surely has the capabilities to orchestrate everything that happened on the galaxy with ease.

"Today, on behalf of the angry populace of the empire. I, Emperor Sheev Palpatine declare war on the Imperium! I promise to bring them down and end their wrongdoings for each one of you! As a proof, the planet of Naboo is currently under siege and will surely end in Empire's victory."

A certain someone saw this declaration as a certain woman saw this as an opportunity to raise the flag of rebellion against the Empire.


Battlefleet after battlefleet of the Imperium sallied out filled with billions upon billions upin billions of ordinary men and women that's part of the Imperial Guardsmen. They're not important as the lives of men are the lowest type of currency possible in the Imperium.

They're cramped up on transport spaceships like the fishes on sardines. It's tight but manageable. They only need to adjust a little bit and they're fine and can comfortably rest or sleep.

This scene can be seen on all the battlefleets en route on the fronts that the Imperium is about to open. They're going to hit the empire where they least expects it. Their military has been on a rather complacent state as they get ready for war against the Imperium.

Some planet with a military base of the Empire...

"Yeah let's fucking go!" shouted a soldier as he laid down his cards on the table. He laid down a red colored number 8 on the table which switched the current color from blue to red. The declaration of war by Palpatine was playing on the background as they left their television open.

"One!" shouted the soldier as he boasted the one card on his hand. The soldier who's up next cursed on his mind, he has 8 cards on his hand and al of those are either color green or yellow and no way to change the color.

He was forced to draw, and draw, and draw, as he finally drew a red card an explosion sounded and they're immediately alerted.

"Fuck! Are those from the artillery brigade pranking us again?" growled a soldier as he picked up his blaster rifle and stepped outside their housing cabin. The other soldiers didn't flinch but was only alerted as they know an artillery brigade was doing drills in a distance from them. They also occasionally play pranks against them such as shooting near their cabin every morning and thus waking them up and things like that.

He looked around and observed his surroundings. They're on the middle of a forest as they work on the observation facilities scattered all throughout the planet.

He walked around trying to find the crater where the artillery hit. As he walked outside, an eerie silence dawned upon him. There's no artillery sound from a distance, nor there are the sounds of AT AT doing drills.

As he looked around him in cautiousness, a large hole entered his peripheral vision. He immediately ran towards it to measure it. When he got up close and personal, he was shocked by the sheer size of the crater which he thought to be the crater of the artillery strike earlier.

"Do they test new artillery? This is bigger and deeper than I thought." said the soldier as he kneeled to touch the crater. But as he was kneeling, a shadow suddenly encompassed his position which made him shiver in fear as he slowly stood up and look at the sky.

"What...are those?"

Smol shork iz bess shork

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